Author Topic: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open | Applications CLOSED  (Read 22634 times)

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #60 on: July 30, 2014, 10:35:51 pm »


With a scientist at his side helping him to walk, Turtle was forced to walk a few doors down into yet another room, a bit bigger and cleaner than the last one, but besides that looked almost identical to the one he had been in previously.

"Now, we just need to give you once more needle," said a scientist, looking through different drawers until he had found a smaller needle with dark red liquid flowing through it. "This one will temporarily make you pretty weak, as well as make you deaf for about an hour or so. Depends on how loud everyone around you is, the louder, the longer."

With worry, Turtle nodded. This scientist seemed a bit more friendly than the last ones to him, hopefully he wouldn't trick him like last time by walking slow then jabbing the needle right into his freakin' arm!

The scientist quickly put the needle into his neck, and the pain wasn't overwhelming this time, but soon Turtle was wrong. After a few seconds, the pain came in.

The needle was removed quickly, but pain shot up to his head and he could see the room spinning. He coughed a few times before falling to the floor, to which the two scientists in the room sighed.

"Where should we take him?" asked the younger one.

"He'll wake up very soon. He can be with the others, but watch him through the security camera to make sure he doesn't, you know, cough up blood on the furniture or anything like that," the older one responded, and together they took the unconscious Turtle to the room where the other people who had been activated were.

They sat him down on the couch away from the others and quickly exited the room.

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #61 on: July 30, 2014, 11:33:47 pm »

Simone Howey

As the young woman entered the room it seemed as the conversations had soon faded and there would be the odd one going on - but this didn't come as a surprise. Simone was unsure whether anyone in here actually liked her or if all hated her, she had only been here a few days and already she would have her 'powers' activated - but she had hardly had any conversation with the other people here. Sure she had one or two arguments along with a few small conversations but that was it really, but what did she care if they liked her or not - when getting out of here she wouldn't probably see any of these guys anyway's unless coming across them in the streets or something, but it wouldn't hurt to try and at least make a conversation with someone. But when going to do so it appeared people were beginning to be called out and took away for the activation to begin. But they were 5 minutes early? What was the big rush? Any how she guessed it was better now than never. "Good luck..." she mumbled to a young blonde girl who was called out.

Simone remained sat in the corner of the sofa with her legs curled up and also on the cushioned surface, her eyes darting around the room as she let out a sigh - looking at the clock she watched as it slowly ticked around and seconds later the next person was called in, but for some reason they didn't return. Maybe the scientists had decided to put them in a different room so the beings who hadn't had their powers activated wouldn't see the effects or the powers. With the conversation now dead and several people leaving the room with more to follow the young woman lay down now having a sofa to herself and closed her eyes - she would be woke when it was her turn. But as soon as the woman had begun to drift off her name was called out Simone Howey, its your turn..." the woman scientist spoke with a rather raspy and irritated tone. Sighing she sat up and slammed her feet against the floor and slowly got up.

Looking at the woman she narrowed her eyes "No don't throw another one of your tantrums-" but the blonde woman was soon cut off "I'll throw something else instead." she growled "Oh and whats that? "You!!" Simone snapped as she shoved past the woman and headed up the corridor - but as soon as she exited the room she was greeted by two large bulky men who escorted her towards the lab where several others were standing ready for their next victim. As the brunette entered the room a cold feeling took over her and a shiver ran down her spine. Everyone seemed to be sterring at her.

The large doors slammed shut behind the four beings - the two bulky men by the door and the woman scientist heading towards a bench that held several different syringes with different colour liquids in, squinting her eyes she tried to make out what they were - but the woman scientist stood in front and quietly mumbled to herself. Rolling her eyes Sim turned as if she was going to walk out but the two men only closed the gap between them causing her to growl and turn. "You going to make this easy for us?" a middle aged man called out as he looked at her with a raised brow, a smirk grew across her face as she let out a sigh "In your dreams!" she growled putting her hands in her pockets and sterring narrow eyed at the many people in white coats. Shaking his head the man turned to face the woman scientist who had three needles in her hand - one a blue liquid, one black and another red. "Would you like to take a seat?" "I'd rather stand..." she spoke coldly as she watched the woman place the needles onto a separate table. "I think it would be better if..." "If you shut up?" she butted in, this causing a few of the scientists to let out a smug laugh.

Shaking her head Simone placed her hands by her side as she watched a tall, male scientist to head over with the blue liquid first - his eyes narrowed as he approached the challenging girl. Standing still she watched as the man pulled up her hand ready to stab her with the needle, but as he was going to do so she clenched her fist and launched it forward managing to knock the man's stomach causing him to cough - but that stupid move had gotten her restrained. The two large men grabbed the woman and pinned her on the bed to keep her still - but she made many efforts to kick around. Quickly the scientists injected her - blue liquid into her hand, black into her thigh and the red in her waist. Simone wasn't at all afraid of needles she just loved making their lives challenging. Once beig released she kicked the needle out of the man's hand causing it to smash on the floor. "Take this fool away.." a grey haired bloke spoke, but before she was able to speak the two large men grabbed her and took her out.

Quickly the men carried her down the corridor as she continued the squirm and wriggle, but they arrived at the room before she could do any damage what so ever. The door was open and she was thrown in "Waste of time." the woman spoke coldly. Growling Simone launched her foot in the woman's direction but the door was closed and all she done was but a small hole in it, slamming her hands onto the door with a growl she turned around. It appeared most of the others were already here and sitting down calmly. Her face was red with anger but also embarrassment that she had just caused a hectic scene, smiling at the few people and nodding her head Simone sat herself in the corner of the room - effects would soon be taking place.

What she's wearing:

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #62 on: July 31, 2014, 12:42:51 am »

Marcus Cullenway

Marcus had been quiet throughout the wait. Eyes flicking over all the bodies in the room. Occasionally pausing on one, smirking and nodding to himself. His hands were bound with rope, to prevent him from attacking any of the girls in the room. Every so often he'd pull at the restraint, trying to break the bond. It wasn't exactly what you call comfortable, and the red marks that were growing on his wrists from his tugging. He could see the chatter that was commencing between them all, no attention being paid to him. Marc pulled harder at the rope, delight spreading across his face as it slightly started to fray slightly.

"Marcus Cullenway."

Damn. Marcus stood, turning his eyes to the others in the room one last time before walking to the scientist that had called his name. He hadn't felt nervous at all, confident he would be fine. But suddenly his stomach was filled with killer butterflies. Still, he shook his head, and continued to the scientist. "Any chance you know what I'm gonna get?" He asked as he passed, even though he knew she wouldn't respond.

The lady led him down the corridor, pausing once or twice to check something on her clipboard. "Ah, here we go. In you go!" She chirped, ushering him into a room. Marcus was unnerved by her cheery tone, rather, he fake cheery tone. Still, he didn't complain as he was pushed into the room. "The doctor will be with you in one moment." What, was he at the dentist's? He snorted, eliciting a sharp glare from the lady before she slammed the door shut.

He made himself walk to the chair in the middle of the room, listening to the slap of his feet against the floor. Marcus hadn't been able to sit, when the door that had just previously been slammed swung open. "Hello! Hello!" The "doctor" called. He wasn't a doctor, a doctor treats people. He is a scientist, a mad one. "So," He paused to look at his clipboard. "Marcus! How are you today? Nervous? Don't be, you'll like your powers I guarantee it." He wouldn't give Marcus the time to answer any of the questions he was asked.

The "doctor" picked up a shot filled with a deep, dark red. Maroon, if Marcus remembered his colors correctly. "Ah, red, the color of love. The "doctor" said, shooting a wink at Marc. "Now, you're about to be in a lot of pain. Your powers, well, one of them, won't work if we give you pain killers. But, you're a big boy, you can handle it, right?" Marcus gulped, looking up at the doctor with fearful eyes. He just smiled at Marcus, before pushing a button on the table, and three male nurses came into the room. "If you try to resist, we have these three gentlemen here to restrain you."

Marcus held sill, as the needle was brought closer to him. He was frozen by fear, and soon to be pain. The needle was forced into him, aimed at his chest. Pain exploded all over him, a line of swears exiting his mouth. He could only hope that he would faint, so he wouldn't have to suffer through the rest of this. But to no avail. The doctor waited for him to stop writhing around, before jamming another needle filled with a dark green liquid into his arm. More pain shooting all across his body, and a very urgent burning in his lungs. The more air he tried to breathe in the more it burned.

See, not that bad." The doctor said, as if he couldn't see the boy that was moving wildly around on the table. "Take him to the activated room. Oh, and make sure his hands are bound tightly. The rope seems a bit loose." Two of the nurses picked up his fidgeting body, while another replaced the damaged rope with a new one. They took him to the room filled with the other activated subjects, and sat him in a chair near the front, before leaving without a word.

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #63 on: July 31, 2014, 12:47:19 am »
So sorry for not posting! Was really busy. Back from absence and active))

She noticed the scientists were early to start, and called many. She waited...and waited. "Azalea." A chill ran down her back as she shot her head up from watching her feet. A petite scientist with a clipboard and glasses watched her from across the room. Azalea swallowed, standing up. She felt Aspen pat her arm as she walked away. She swallowed, following the scientist to a room. There were several scientists in the room, all seeming to be busy doing something. The one that called her grabbed a needle, filled with clear liquid, "Pain killer." She said before taking her wrist and sticking it into her veins. A bareable cold shot through her veins, but she felt no different. The girl walked away and a large male scientist approached her, with a much larger needle. "Activation." He said with a small chuckle. "Hey wait-" but before she could protest the strange liquid was shot into her neck, and burned like fire under her skin. She but her lip to not scream bloody murder. After what seemed like an eternity, the needle slid out, but the pain did not end. "Now Azalea, you do not know your powers. Don't feel to heavily for a little while. And sit down if you feel dizzy." Azalea's head was spinning, and it looked like the whole room was doing a barrel roll. The pain in her neck felt like she was being electrocuted, but eventually it died down enough for her to move. A scientist directed her to the room where everyone else was waiting. Once left Azalea leaned her hand on a desk. She cursed under her breath, a hand on her forehead.


She felt so alone in the room now, knocking her knees together silently. A slim blonde female slipped into the room, "Aspen." She smiled tightly, standing up and following the female willingly. She directed her into a room with a table of syringes. "Alright. I want to warn you that your do have very strong powers. You might react more heavily to the activation." Aspen swallowed, blinking as she tried to comprehend this. A large scientist male shot her with a pain killer, which she didn't really care for. Then he got a much larger needle and moved her hair over behind her neck. Taking a deep breath, Aspen felt a fiery pain explode inside her body. The pain rippled from her neck up into her brain, and caused a splitting headache. She yelped, falling on the ground and covering her head with her hands. She felt a hand on her shoulder but the pain was ripping inside her. It found her every fiber and twisted it. She tensed and tensed until she could no longer hold onto this pain, and passed out. A scientist picked her up and carried her to the room where everyone waited. He layed on a vacant couch, then turned and left.

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #64 on: July 31, 2014, 01:11:42 am »

The room very quickly was cleared out. She awaited Turtle's return but he never came. Suddenly, a male scientist entered the room. "Duni."

A small smirk appeared on her face as she walked towards him. "Where are we going to?" she asked.

"The room over there," he responded in a rather annoyed tone. Duni pushed open the door where two scientists waited, quickly grabbing her by the arms.

"Wait, what?!" she exclaimed, pulling back. "What are you doing? Let me go!" The scientists had a tight grip on her and forced her down onto the table so that she was laying on her stomach. Duni tried to escape, but it was of no use.

Another scientist entered the room, and tied her hands together as if she were being arrested. "We have to make sure she doesn't move... your powers are quite strong, just take deep breaths and don't move or try to fight us. Alright?"

Growling, Duni gave a faint nod. She heard the sound of a drawer closing and opening, and suddenly a sharp pain shot through her arm. She screamed in pain, rolling over and managing to kick a scientist lightly, but not enough to hurt him. Some blood trickled out of where the needle was put in, but she just kept screaming and screaming at the scientists.

The scientists did nothing besides step back. They just watched her carefully before injecting another needle into her shoulder while another pushed her down to keep her from moving. Duni took a few deep breaths before glaring at the three men in tears.

Once she finally calmed down, they took a wet paper towel and cleaned where they poked the needle in. By then, she had become dizzy and felt very weak in her arms. A scientist handed her a tissue while another untied her, then pushed her onto her feet. She used the tissue to wipe her eyes and a bit of the blood that had just trickled out, then was sent to the room where the others were, her face red and her arms numb.

She sat on the couch with her arms just comfortably resting on her legs. "Well, wasn't that just... a bucket of fun," she said sarcastically to the others.

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #65 on: July 31, 2014, 01:58:12 am »

Torin Kazuki
Status: In the waiting room with the others
Health: 12/20 Acquired several scars from being defiant with the scientists, the most prominent one near the base of his neck. Body is completely sore due to the liquid given to him.

By the time he had woken up from his drowsy state, several more people had entered the room. His clouded golden eyes were weary and still pain stricken. He didn't dare move from his laying position the nurses has placed him in on the couch as every inch of his body had an icy sharpness. Any movement he made felt as if he was stabbing that part of his body in a row of up pointed needles. His body still had its uncontrollable tremors and still felt quite nauseous, but not nearly on the hellish level he had endured in the lab room. Several coughs were mustered from his dry throat, still having the distinct taste of traces of blood in his mouth. "Well, wasn't that just... a bucket of fun," he heard the familiar voice of a girl utter sarcastically. He replied with the same negative attitude towards the events, "Oh, quite delightful... Especially since I'm so ecstatic about being probed with needles..." Torn huffed a sigh, leading him into another string of hoarse coughs. He closed his eyes, trying to take this time to recover from what happened. The only good thing about this is that I have an excuse to sleep, he thought in a grumble.

Although he tried, he couldn't drift to sleep though. This was unusual since he could normally fall asleep without any effort. He assumed it was the stinging pain all over his being making it impossible. A low sigh left his lips as he reopened his eyes and forced his aching self to raise his hand, staring at his wrist. On it, the normal blue veins were now appearing almost black in tone, looking quite apparent to the human eye. Torin grimaced like this murmuring under his breath, "Great... I look like some sort of freak." A sharp pang of pain came to the side of his neck as he grunted gripping the spot that was bandaged up on his neck, cursing under his breath sighing. With his other trembling arm, he reached in his pocket for his music player and plugged it in, hoping it would at least distract him from the pain for a little while.


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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #66 on: July 31, 2014, 02:34:42 am »

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #67 on: July 31, 2014, 02:44:13 am »


Finn clung to the arm of a chair pitifully, just faintly aware that Teddy was now in the room as well, snapping his fingers in front of his brother's face with a confused but pained expression on his face. The fire that had started in his chest was now spreading, it's cruel tentacles reaching out through his blood and grabbing onto anything it found. At one point he was ready to die, awaiting the darkness that was gathering at the edge of his vision, but then suddenly it was gone, and the fire that had once ravaged his body was now replaced by ice and chills. Finn's teeth chattered as the pain finally began to fade away, but he still hung onto the chair, trying to make sense of what had happened.
The room felt freezing now and the breathes that he exhaled swirled away in clouds of fog. What the hell? Trying to focus his vision, he could see his little brother curled up in a ball on the floor near him, also shivering, but obviously in extreme pain. Finn clenched his teeth and tried to reach out and failed when he found his strength completely gone, and now the air around him seemed to be getting colder and colder.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 03:27:50 am by The_Bubble_Ninja »
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline greenart6

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #68 on: July 31, 2014, 04:47:21 am »

"Feel my powers yet? No, right now I feel like I just took a tour through Hell," she answered, the pain slowly coming back and making her clench her teeth together. She didn't want to scream in front of them right now, but the pain was pretty strong right now. It faded out quickly, and she looked quite confused.

She glanced to her side where Turtle was sleeping, his chest raising and lowering slowly. She took a deep breath then turned to look at Azalea, and she tilted her head quite confused. "Am I supposed to be seeing.. w-what?"

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #69 on: July 31, 2014, 07:46:34 am »

Adrin Mullen

All she could feel was pain. From the tip of her tongue to her fingers, every single cell in her body was screaming in a hellish fire. Instead of screaming a writhing like most normal people would do, she tucked her legs up and rested her head between them, screwing her eyes shut. Not even a moan managed to escape her lips. As more subjects were thrown in, some stupid part of her wanted to laugh about how some of them were getting excited about this nightmare. There were still another two days of this?!

Adrin's firsts were clenched so tight, her nails pierced the skin on her palms, drawing blood. But the blood wasn't red. No, it was purple. Letting out a soft moan, Adrin finally gathered up enough strength to raise her head. The strangest sensation came over her. Everyone else in the room was glowing in her eyes. Everytime her eyes skipped past someone, her mind started to reach for them. Momentarily confused, Adrin rested her pained gaze on the closest subject to her, Finn and her mind reached and grabbed him. He didn't seem to notice what she was doing, and neither did she, so she continued. And then an icy coldness washed over her; first cooling her burning body and then burning it again in a completely different way. She wrenched her eyes away from Finn and almost immediately she began to heat up once more; her body now beginning to burn in the more familiar way.

Adrin buried her head back into her knees, a single hidden tear slipping down her cheek. She was not going to die here. No way. That wouldn't be fair. She could hear the faint drone of voices conversing, but she ignored them and focused on the pain in her palms as her nails cut into them again. She saw it as a distraction, something to relieve her mind of the pain.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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