Author Topic: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)  (Read 14153 times)

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2014, 11:30:16 am »

Of course you're accepted! We can start now, if you guys would like to that is?
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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2014, 11:58:30 am »
Sure I would like to start

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2014, 12:45:17 pm »

"Don't ever give up perusing what's going to make you feel most alive"

The sun continued to gleam in the sky as the day was slowly moving on, the land was now filled with light and the heat was starting to increase, although not to unbearable just a regular summers day. However, the clouds far off in the sky had shown a storm would soon be brewing, whether it was later on today or in a few days you couldn't tell but you knew it was coming. Few clouds lined the sky and from time to time would block out the sun, but it was soon revealed again. Animals had begun to wake and the movement throughout the brush had grew - branches of trees would sway and bushes would stir the grass would rustle and water was unsettled but thankfully there was no sign of the humans at this early hour, just the beauty and nature that filled this island. The birds had begun their morning dong and the herbivores begun their graze, predators seemed to be slumbering about waiting for a hunt to hopefully come.

Feeling the rays of heat hitting her back the female wild dog let out a sigh, she had been awake for at least ten minutes but she remained curled up in her sleeping position with her eyes closed - giving herself a small amount of time to wake. Letting out a huff the ginger coloured dog allowed her now light eye lids to lift revealing her beautiful brown coloured eye's to open. The instant brightness of the light caused Sienna to blink several times, almost as if she was allowing her eye's to adjust to the light. With her head still between her paws the medium sized dog rolled onto her side, the cool soil hitting her side causing her to sigh in relief. Sienna begun rolling around a little in the cool mud hoping to cool herself down, she had seen several animals doing this before and wondered if it worked - and thankfully it did. Now slightly cooled off the rusty coloured Dingo rolled back onto her stomach and parted her jaws widely in a yawn, whilst doing this she lazily got to her paws and shook off any of the remaining mud or stones that had gotten mangled in her short fur. Giving her head a brisk shake and leaning forward to stretch her limbs Sienna was now feeling a little more lively then she was earlier. The dog's long tail gently swayed behind her and she allowed her eyes to dart around her surroundings, this was like a routine she would do every time she woke.

Ever since being younger Sienna had left Australia, not once returning and now it seemed to come back and haunt her - it seemed to strange as to why this happened but what did she know? She had been living in America ever since leaving and has already been to Alaska several times. Oh how she loved bouncing around in the snow and mingling with the wildlife, but the town seemed rather deserted apart from a few houses, but even if she ventured near them they would probably blow her head off. Even venturing into the towns in the location she was in now went with great danger, as well as being in the wilderness. Those farmers hated the Dingo and tried everything in their power to wipe them out, but for now they have gone unsuccessful - Dingo's have even had to fight domestic dogs and even humans to try and survive, but the bigger game reserve and prey options seemed to have altered their size and strength a little more. It was like a war between Dingo and man, but as usual the humans had the upper hand with the range of weapons they could use and the numbers they could get which included hunting dogs, but this didn't seem to dampen the Dingo's spirits, they still seemed to strive. Shaking her head and escaping from her day dream Sienna glared around the area she had been sleeping in, everything seemed quiet although movement in the distance caught her attention. What is was could vary, she was now in the great wilderness of America and anything could be lurking - but as she looked deeper she noticed it was a small group of juvenile wolves - however, this didn't seem to bother her.

Shrugging the young pests off Sienna decided it was the right time to set off, whether that be to find food, do more exploring, make more havoc between her and the humans or meet a few 'friends' she didn't know. Letting out a type of low bark the female Dingo set off, white marked paws continuously thudding against the rough terrain as she mad she way through the short grass - her head held high and her tail wagging she travelled at an even pace - it wasn't a run but it wasn't a walk either. Maybe you could call it a light trot. However, even though it seemed very peaceful she still needed to stay on her guard and be careful what she was doing anything could pop out at any time whether that be a hunter or even a predator, or maybe she could stumble into a trap she wouldn't know. A light breeze blew through the Dingo's fur causing a calming feeling to overtake her as she trotted through the forest.
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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2014, 09:15:17 pm »
 This is DeliLah:
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 12:38:34 pm by maddie »

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2014, 05:14:59 pm »

interacting with:
"How about I do the hunting, and you do the sitting?"

   As the early sun beat down on the male dingo's back, he took to rolling in mud. One, it would prevent other creatures from detecting his scent, two, it would hopefully block out the sun when he rubbed it around his eyes. He made his way away from the mud pile, but soon it began to stick to his fur. Before the dingo got very far, the heat of the day started to dry the mud, and soon he was crackling and mud was hardening with every step. Growling in disgust, he shook it off and decided to search for a water hole. "Grrah," the orange-tinted canine growled to himself, "this will take ages to get off. And by then I won't be able to hunt.."

   By mid-morning the mud had mostly fallen off due to his movement; something the dingo hadn't counted on. Spotting some smelly plants, he padded over and decided to roll in them. Now, there were green stalks sticking up out of the dry mud, and he was quite the sight. However, there was no scent of dingo near him, so it wouldn't be that much of a wound to his super-high-dingo-ego. Finally, Sirak spotted a watering hole -or as they would say in the Americas, a pond. At the current moment, there was only a quoll lapping at its waters. Since his recent move to America, he'd still seen many Australian species hanging around. Narrowing his eyes, the dingo crouched down. His dark eyes scanned the cat-like creature for any weaknesses, and finally he pounced. Taking the thrashing body in his mouth, he shook back and forth like a domestic dog would a toy. The quoll died with only a few shakes, but he continued for the fun of it.

    When Sirak finished, he took the limp body to the waterside and began to chow down on it. Blood stained his reddish fur, around his mouth, neck, and paws. Once done, the dingo crawled down to the water and rolled around, ridding himself of the plant and mud. Stretching on his side in the shallow water, he soon began to doze off for a nap.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 05:16:42 pm by Spottedbears »

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2014, 07:54:58 pm »
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2014, 12:53:13 am »
I was searching all over for any prey mouse squirrel rabbit, just anything. But all I could catch were minos from a small stream. I only caught 4 minos, and trust me that's not a lot. When I swallowed them all my stomach was still grumbling. I had walked back to my pack and they saw me empty handed. "So you found nothing." The Alpha was looking at me with nothing in my mouth to feed the pack. "Sadly, yes, but if this is the way things keep going, I don't know if these little ones will survive." She was the only adult female in the pack and I was mentioning the pups I was soon giving birth to. The only other female is the Alpha's daughter, which she is only 1 year and 2 months. "Let's just hope there is any food we can find," then he walked away to his den.
(By the way I don't do long posts like you guys do)
« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 01:13:14 am by maddie »

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2014, 11:56:04 am »

"Don't ever give up perusing what's going to make you feel most alive"

As the ginger dog padded across the rough terrain her brown eyes locked upon yet another figure in the distance, narrowing her eyes the female dingo began examining this figure - hoping it would not be a threat at this time in the morning. Extending her neck Sienna tried to make it easier for her to see but the high rising bushes made this difficult, so to make things easier Sien scurried forward and hopped upon a small rock which lifted her a few more inches above the ground. The figure now in a more clear view appeared rather slender and its coat held several white spots and large ears - tilting her head she continued to watch the creature as it moved through the longish grass, constantly lowering its head to graze. It was when the creature came out fully from behind the tree she realised watch it was, it was a common Deer to these parts and something she seen on a daily basis. Despite feeling a little hungry Sienna wasn't looking to hunt such a big meal this early in the morning, it would only drain her more and possibly make a scene which would attract more predators possible - for now she would just hunt something small like a rabbit or something. Deciding to leave the mammal be and turned away leaping off of the rock and continuing on her way once again.

Large paws thudded at the rocks ground as Sienna hurried through the forest, her tail sweeping side to side and her ears remaining perked, many familiar sounds echoing into her ears causing her eyes to shoot in all directions. Small rays of light shone through the canopy of trees giving this slightly dark forest some light. But suddenly the dingo came to a sudden stop, the smell of fresh flowing water caused her to back up slowly and look to her left, tilting her head she noticed a watering hole. Smiling, Sienna turned her focus off of going hunting and decided to go and grab a drink, if she had any chance in keeping her energy up she needed to at least quench her thirst. Trotting down towards the water source Sienna carefully leapt over a fallen log - her paws hitting the ground with a thud. It took seconds for the dog to reach the waters edge. The scent of many different animals wafted into her snout, for a second she stood embracing the smells and trying to get the scents to see which animals had been here obviously there had been the occasional bear, deer, rabbits, mountain lions and the strong scent of wolf lingered around - but also another scent she didn't recognise to good. Narrowing her eyes Sienna began glancing around the area to see if the creature letting off the unknown scent were still around - and sure they were. Her eyes rested upon a canine looking creature laying on its side in the water which looked asleep, another not to far away hidden in the trees - then her eyes widened. These dogs looked just like herself, they were dingos. But for now Sienna was more focused on feeding herself than socialising right now.

Giving her head a brisk shake the female dingo looked down at the water and sighed, lowering herself into a crouching position and lowering her head down towards the water and allowing her tongue to slide out of her narrow jaw - the tip touching the water which was refreshing, Lowering her head a little more Sienna began lapping up the cool liquid, small spirals forming in the water as she continued to drink. Now feeling like her thirst was quenched Sienna lifted her head from the water and shook her head - ridding of the water that was dripping from her chin. Looking towards the two canines once again and nodded her head slightly. Turning around the dog whirled around and quickly whipped back into the brush, her tail continuing to wag. It was nice seeing others of her species but she didn't have time to socialise, surviving more more important right now. Slowly, she headed towards the meadow area where rabbits would more likely hide out making it easier for her to make a hunt.

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2014, 07:47:51 pm »

interacting with:
none so far
"How about I do the hunting, and you do the sitting?"

   The male dingo lifted his head out of the shallow water, body following after he took a look around. Shaking out his red-tinted pelt to rid it of loose water, Sirak began to bound around a small about 10-yard area, for the wind would quickly dry his thin fur. With a snort, the dingo returned to his previous meal's remains and began to gnaw on the bones, sucking out the marrow. Once done, he left the slobber-covered bones in a pile and staggered to his paws.

    "Mm," a heavy exhale. He yawned, then stopped dead when a scent caught his attention. Dingo. He hadn't seen another one since his recent move to the Americas, and if it was a hostile one he'd better be snapped to attention. Tail erect, the dingo stiffly attempted to locate the direction of the scent. However, Sirak was not one who was excellent in tracking, so he quickly dismissed the thought that he'd ever successfully track down where it was coming from. For all he knew, it could be his own scent. Letting the thought of tracking drift from his mind, the dingo stretched and lay by the pond.

    Despite his failure to figure out where the scent was coming from, Sirak was still on alert. His haunches were raised, and his back legs were tense. A leaf blew in the wind, landing on his muzzle. With a yelp and a growl, the male leaped to his paws and darted backward a few steps. Oh, he thought, maybe I was a little too alert. No matter. I can beat anyone. With a smug grin at the thought of winning a thousand battles, and becoming worshipped -ah, that would be amazing. Of course this dingo had high standards. Wagging his tail at the thought, he continued staring into the water. Wait, what was I thinking about?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 08:13:05 pm by Spottedbears »

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2014, 07:56:36 pm »
I was just standing there feeling the kicking of pups in my belly. There was a familiar scent in the air on th rocks, I turned around and saw an Amber tail dash into the forest so I jumped up and followed it smelling it was a female, female dingo. I had followed the female into a meadow, staying downwind from her. I watched her carefully seeing she was looking for something. I could tell the way she looked she was looking for a rabbit. While she was looking I went up to her and said "Hi I saw you looking for a rabbit. I don't smell any dingo on you, so you must be packless. If, if you want I could take you back to my pack and maybe you could join, if my alpha lets you?" She stood there thinking about her answer and I just waited for her.