Author Topic: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)  (Read 14485 times)

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #30 on: August 19, 2014, 11:39:04 am »
Sorry about the controlling, I just wanted the pups to be born

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #31 on: August 19, 2014, 03:01:28 pm »
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #32 on: August 19, 2014, 05:01:30 pm »
Ok, could I just leave the part where you helped me birth pups and then I leave you two to be. I go back to my pack and it is just me and my two pups? I will modify it all. And if you don't want me to have you do any of that stuff I will modify me just running into you two.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 05:15:11 pm by maddie »

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #33 on: August 21, 2014, 12:48:07 pm »

"Don't ever give up perusing what's going to make you feel most alive"

It had taken minutes for Sienna to wolf down the two rabbit carcasses, her hunger was now satisfied but it would only be a matter of time until she would once again be hungry, but until then she could just have a wonder around or cause mischief like she always seemed to do. It had only been five minutes or so and she was rather surprised that during hlthe course of her meal time she wasn't disturbed by another predator hoping to steal and easy meal. Running her tongue across her blood stained lips Sienna lifted to her haunches and raised up her front paw - licking it to rid it of blood then doing the same with her other paw. Giving her head a brisk shake the female canine lifted to get paws and looked around the meadow for a split second. Like before everything seemed calm and quiet, few rabbits had now ventured out of their burrows but she had no intentions on hunting for the time being. Taking her attention away from the rodent like creatures Sienna snagged up one of the longer bones of the rabbit carcass.

Using this the chew on she turned and shot off back into the forest at an even pace, her broad paws patting against the ground and her tail swaying to and fro gently - triangular ears fully erect and her eyes surveying the area. As the day had went on more animals seemed to have ventured out into the open, in certain areas small wolf packs would be seen relaxing in the light heat, mountain leapords could be seen in the distance and the odd on resting in a tree, deer herds huddled together grazing on the luscious forest grass and the rodents seemed to hop around - surprisingly you would see the odd kangaroo around here since the joining states so dingoes had an even wider range of food.

Stopping the scent of dingo once again wasted into the females long snout, by the smell of things it was the two she had seen earlier by the river and the pregnant she that she had seen earlier in the meadow. Tilting her head her brows furrowed, it was unusual to see on dingo in a few days never mind seeing three twice in one day. Holding the bone tightly in her jaws Sienna once again leapt over a log and was now near the waters edge. Looking over she realized the male and female were now face to face at the other side of the river and the pregnant she seemed to be bolting off into the distance. Narrowing her eyes Sien dropped the bone by her side and lowered into a crouch position as she lapped at the water. Once done she picked up the bone and headed towards a fallen log that was just up the river bank, leaping onto it she began chewing in the bone.

[[Yes, power playing and controlling others characters will not be tolerated, but thank you for understanding and editing your post Maddie]]
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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #34 on: August 24, 2014, 12:22:23 pm »
I woke up from my nap and went to get food. I saw the Alpha out there with I small deer. He placed it in the center of camp mad called out to come eat. He ate first then I ate, it was so good. I could tell it was a red deer, one the way it looked, and two it had a much richer taste than normal deer. I was full and went back to feed my own pups.
(Sorry for boring post. I had nothing to do).

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2014, 05:30:17 am »

interacting with:
Verity : Sherlolly
"How about I do the hunting, and you do the sitting?"

   The dingo's confident expression still held. His gaze moved, running over the female up and down. My, she was well defined and quite pretty. He inhaled her warm scent, and figured that she was not mate to any male. His eyes locked on hers, unwavering. "Surely you have a mate?" he cooed, voice soothing and practiced, "Dearie, don't leave. I'll protect you from those scaaarry monsters." Sirak took a step toward the female, tail lowered so as to not to scare her. His head tilted into a 3/4s view, if one was looking head on, and his eyes narrowed. This was the charming look that - "had worked on your mother, Sirak," - his father had taught him.

    Despite his cool, calm tone, Sirak had never actually interacted with a female dingo besides his mother and two more. Most likely due to the decline in dingoes since they began to be hunted. He'd never had much success with either of the dingoes, but he was sure this one was charmed. It was subtle, but he noticed the tug of a smile was on her face.

    A smile graced his own neatly groomed muzzle. There's no harm in trying, right? he always told himself.

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #36 on: August 25, 2014, 11:35:48 am »
Spottedbears just one thing I modified my post so it isn't role-playing you two

Offline IndigoCloud

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #37 on: August 25, 2014, 03:33:51 pm »
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

Offline sparticles

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #38 on: August 26, 2014, 02:13:57 am »

"Don't ever give up perusing what's going to make you feel most alive"

The sound of crunches and cracks echoed across the small watering hole as the she dog continued to gnaw on the bone she had previously retrieved from the hunt she had made earlier against the two rabbits. Despite it only being a few minutes Sienna had already, easily devoured half of the bone. This was something the ginger dog enjoyed doing, many would often see her sitting a top a log, rock or near a waters edge chomping down on either a bone or some kind of food. It wasn't rare to see her doing this, nor was it rare to see her wondering around. Sienna was always one to be out causing mischief, eating or hunting something. She was a very, very active canine and many seemed to wonder how she managed to keep on the move for so long, many found it rather weird and unattractive but she liked the way she was. It was better than being a pot bellied pig who couldn't move out of a puddle of mud - the farmers hated her greatly, but what did she care? They were a bunch of jerks anyway's, it would only be a matter of time until she would be in their farm yards/ranches snagging up a few pieces of live stock for an easy meal and of course she couldn't resist to torment them. Chuckling to herself she loosened her jaws from around the bone and gave her head a brisk shake, then returning to comping on the item. It was rather frequent she would often go into day dreams which would sometime's get her into deep trouble, ever since her encounter a few months back she had been on guard a lot more. With her ears erect she remained laying comfortably on her stomach with her tail hanging off the log swaying to and fro and her paws wrapped around the bone to keep it up - ears also erect as she listened out for any sounds.

Sitting quietly by herself Sienna allowed her eyes to brush across the area from now and then, but her maw remained focused on the bone - sharp canines grinding down the white object causing chunks to flake off. Despite being occupied when the scent of the two dingoes from earlier wafted into her snout after lingering around for a few minutes their ginger figures soon came into view, then quiet voices began echoing into her triangular ears. Tearing her focus away from the bone for a few minutes her brown eyes locked upon the two canines across the river. Like earlier when she was here they seemed to be occupied enough with one another to notice anything was going on around them. Tilting her head she watched as the two continued to engage in conversation, totally oblivious to her sitting not to far away. Even though she could hear voices she couldn't make out what to two were talking about exactly, but from the odd words she had caught she realised they were on about packs, family and mates - an interesting conversation she thought to herself with a cackle. Giving her head a light shake she turned her attention onto the rippling water that was located in front of her, watching several dark shadows shoot through the fresh liquid she decided to hunt for the second time today - neither would be anything big, but the small meals seemed to fill you if you had the right amount, which makes it seem like she never stopped eating. Grabbing her bone she leapt off the log and trotted towards the rivers edge.

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Re: Dingo| Wild Dog At War (Open & Accepting)
« Reply #39 on: August 27, 2014, 11:09:04 am »
(This is the same as the other post, except I'm not power playing).

I was still hungry and I decided to go hunt for a rabbit or something. I traveled a good distance and fond a fine sized pond in a clearing. I was tired from my walk and needed water. 'im not usually this tired. The pups must be coming soon.' As I was drinking I smelled something. I looked up and saw to figures. The figures were familiar. Dingos. I trotted over to them and asked, "hello, sorry to interrupt but I was just wondering if you two would want to join our pack? We need more Dingos to join." Just that moment I felt a pain in my belly (I just want the pups to come). I knew what it was. "Ow, sorry but I have to leave now." I saw the confusion on their faces. I bolted off and found a decent sized den to have the pups. Finally after a long while of pain, two beautiful pups were born

Here are their apps:

Pic: (not as a newborn, when they are an older pup).
Name: Ace
Age: newborn
Gender: female
Personality: She is shy and in the future a strong fighter. Loves to play
History: find out later
Mate: too young
Pups: too young
Extra: She has bright sky blue eyes.

Pic: (same as ace).
Name: Blaze
Age: newborn
Gender: male
Personality: if is fun and outgoing. He loves to make new friends. Flirty in the future
History: find out later
Mate: too young
Pups: too young
Extra: he has bright emerald green eyes.

"So beautiful. I'm lucky to have been given these two gifts. I will name this red one Blaze, and this light Amber one Ace." They were hungry and they both started suckling milk. They finally had full little bellies and fell asleep. After awhile I got up and took Ace and Blaze. I finally got back to camp and the alpha came running out with his brother and daughter. He saw me with two new pups, I was also skinnier. "Oh my you had your pups." He looked at the two pups I was carrying. "Yes, I did. I ran into two Dingos and hadn't had any time to ask them if they wanted to join." He looked at them and could tell they were squirming for milk. "DeliLah, you may go back to the den and rest." His daughter took Blaze and we went to the den and I was feeding the pups and had a small mouse myself. Finally I was full and my pups were still feeding and I started taking a long nap.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2014, 11:11:47 am by maddie »