Author Topic: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]  (Read 36439 times)

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #120 on: January 03, 2015, 01:57:17 pm »

Tomoko ?

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #121 on: January 03, 2015, 06:05:44 pm »

Coli Abell

Colin's eyes flew open and he grabbed her hands between his , squeezing them lightly. "You have to believe me. He shot himself! I didn't do it!" His eyes darted back and forth down the alley, and hysterical tears began to run down his cheeks. After a few moments his breathing finally returned back to normal and he furiously rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry you had to see that." He rasped with a sigh. Colin felt himself shudder slightly and he pushed off the ground. "I can take you home now. Or back to the school. Wherever you want to go really." He brushed some dirt off his bottom and looked anywhere but at Keena. "I'm really sorry."

"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #122 on: January 03, 2015, 08:21:12 pm »

Tomoko ?

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #123 on: January 03, 2015, 11:05:33 pm »

Charlotte Black

Stepping back from the black bag Charlotte leant against the wall as she watched the lad rummage through the bag with a tilted head, he did seem rather clueless and picking things for a lass to wear. Placing her left arm above her head her right hand was dangling loosely by her side, allowing her gaze to wonder out of the slightly hidden alley she watched as a number of people passed by, luckily they hadn't been noticed, even though it wasn't something new. In all the years she had used this place she had never once seen anyone coming in or coming out, which was splendid for her of course. It was like her own secret little area. The alley Keena was is couldn't be seen from here as it was a little further down the street, but the tattoo shop and a few others lines her eyes of sight, as well as several cars slowly making their way down the street. However, when Colin held up the piece of lineage she seemed to jump as he swung it around, raising her brows she gave him a questioning look too whether he was actually being serious or not. And it seemed he was. Giving her head a gentle shake she chuckled "They're actually comfy sometimes, maybe you should try one?" she mocked as a grin seemed to spread across the lasses face, an inappropriate comment would have usually been given, but she didn't think now was the right time since the lad was in a rush. Once the lad seemed to have got what he needed Char pushed herself from the wall and smiled "No problem, anything to help and of course at any time." she spoke in her slight raspy tone whilst dipping her head. Watching the bloke hurry off Charlotte wrapped the bag back up and shoved it in the wall, placing the bricks back over she then headed out.

Managing to squeeze out of the slightly tighter gap she managed to just catch Colin entering the alley in which she assumed Keena was in, not wanting to bother the two she decided she could just go on a wonder or something - there was no way she was heading back to school. Seeing an opening in the road she quickly ran across, missing a car within a few seconds which caused it to beep, but all she done in response was hold up her middle finger. Stopping beside her bike she smiled, running her fingers over the smooth texture "You're a beauty..." she smiled to herself. Lifting her left leg she placed it over the bike, then adjusting herself in the seat she grabbed the black helmet and placed it on her head - something she rarely done. Starting up the bike she instantly set off, driving across the path in order to turn the bike she seemed to rev it when passing the alley the duo was in. Tightening her grip on the handles she set off down the street,

@Concern - I also forgot to mention that it is ok if our characters are friends. 

What she's wearing but not the bag.
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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #124 on: January 04, 2015, 02:15:04 am »

Colin Abell

Drawing another large breath Colin ran a hand through his hair. He didn't want to have to tell Jack about the anxiety attack that he had experienced only minutes ago. His older brother would only start to watch him constantly, something that he didn't want. Jack needed to be able to live without worry. Well except for the fact that they could be shot down any day. Hearing Keena's reply, he nodded slowly "Alright. I'll take you home." he was pretty confident that he knew where the homeless center/orphanage was for he passed it almost everyday on the way to and from school. Picking up his jacket from the ground he pulled it on and shoved his hands in the front pocket of his jeans. Colin was sure to walk slightly slower than usual, his hands still trembling a little bit as he neared his bike.

Putting the gun back under the seat he also grabbed the helmet and extended it towards Keena. "Here." he then leaned on the bike, waiting for her to put it on. "Um, again I'm sorry about earlier." Colin said quietly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was just anxious, cold, and tired... Should have seen the attack coming before it happened. I didn't mean to get you involved in it."
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline RedRedRose

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #125 on: January 04, 2015, 10:30:54 am »
I know I've not been accepted, but it's been a few days since I posted my app and I even tried PMing Soulstar_the_Dark, so please just ignore my post if there's something wrong with my character :3

Rayna Branwell

The monotone drone of the teacher's voice would have sent most to sleep this early in the morning, in fact, it did. Rayna sat with her head resting on her crossed arms, chewing on a price of bubblegum and gazing out the open window. A sharp bang just inches away from her head caused her to sit up straight, flattening down her hair as she stared uncomprehendingly at the teacher in front of her. "Ms. Branwell. Perhaps you could tell us at least one thing you have learned today?" The redhead didn't even blink, "Of course, miss. In fact, would it be alright if I stood at the front of the classroom to...clarify it?" Before the teacher standing before her could reply, she was already up and sauntering toward the front of the classroom. It took her a few second to reach the chalkboard, but that was enough time to let snickers and giggles erupt around the room. For a worrying second, Rayna thought they were laughing at her and she faltered. "Keep going." A girl behind her hissed as she grinned.

The screech of the chalk on the chalkboard caused a few to flinch, but Rayna kept writing. Her looping, cursive writing clear as day to read. 'Today, Miss Collins has taught me that it is better for people to think you are an idiot rather than to open your mouth and prove it.' Standing back from her message on the board, she waited the few seconds it normally took for the class to react. It started with only a few nervous laughs until someone started to clap and it developed into an uproar. "Rayna Branwell. Get out of my sight this instant!" The teacher's face was bright red with fury and Rayna spluttered, reaching down and picking up her bag before making a hasty exit.

As she walked down the empty corridors, the redhead pulled out her phone. She knew Charlotte was bunking, so she made the decision to text her. 'Where are you? Miss C went ape-sh*t on me!' Pressing send, Rayna picked up her speed down the twisting corridors until she reached the main doors, miming a salute sign towards the secretary, she opened the doors and walking out into the sunlight. Closing her eyes for a second and leaning her head back, she breathed in the clean air. Glancing at her watch, one of her perfectly-kept eyebrows raised. She had lasted just about two hours. That was a record.

What she's wearing:
« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 10:34:33 am by Concern »

"Trust my rage."

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #126 on: January 04, 2015, 11:03:48 pm »

Charlotte Black

As the dark haired lass continued her way down the road she allowed her eyes to shift directions now and then to see what was happening around her, but nothing seemed interesting and in fact everything was rather boring, according to her obviously. Feeling rather irritated with nothing to do she decided it wouldn't hurt to take a quick ride along the near by motorway, besides she hadn't sped along there in ages. Rather surprising. Picking up the speed it was only a matter of minutes until Charlotte arrived on the long motorway which was lined with many different cars and other vehicles. A small smirk appeared on her face as she leant back on the bike and picked up the speed. As she sped along the long strip of road she began weaving in and out of the cars, her body was now pressed rather close into the bike - revving the engine now and then. Cars near by would beep their horns and shake a fist at the lass, but this only caused her to chuckle and urged her too do it even more, danger was something she loved. But now and then she would be sensible. After several minutes of speeding along the road she decided to pack it in now, she had been doing it long enough and besides, she had risked her life enough doing this, one wrong move and her life could possibly be over. Pulling off onto a small road which lead onto a round about she went straight over and ended up pulling over on the side of the two way street as she checked her phone after hearing the bleep. Pulling it out of her bra she checked. It was her friend, Rayna. Smiling she sped off towards the school.

Not to long after the pale building which was surrounded by black fences came into view, smiling she revved the engine several times, this would give her mate the idea she was close by. The lasses green eyes then locked onto the red head whom was standing outside of the school gates, she did appear rather clueless and lonely all by herself - and Char hadn't text back which probably caused her too wonder. Doing a wheelie on the bike then coming to a skidding halt in front of the familiar face she smiled, swiveling her legs over the bike she pulled off her helmet and placed it on the back of the seat. "Don't tell me, you done one of your dumb  ass stunts to humiliate her in front of the class?" she questioned with a soft laugh as she shook her head "Least you can be bothered, I couldn't be arsed with that plump bloke who I get for a subject I don't even like. So, basically a fked off!" she laughed giving her head a gentle nod. Charlotte was known for going off on a tangent and pretty much taking no crap from anyone and doing her own thing, unless her cousin Jake said otherwise of course. But she didn't even really fear him unless he was totally raged that it. Shooting a glance up towards the forest she then looked back at the well known lass. 

What she's wearing but not the bag.
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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #127 on: January 05, 2015, 02:18:13 pm »

Rayna Branwell

Rayna was beginning to wonder if she had been stood up when the distant sound of a motorcycle brought a smile to her face. Blowing a large bubble with her strawberry gum, the redhead stepped forward as the girl on the motorbike slowed to a stop. A sharp, familiar stab of jealousy pierced her but as she marvelled at the machine. Rayna had always wanted a motorbike, and now that her friend had one it just made them all the more enticing to her. "Don't tell me, you done one of your dumb-ass stunts to humiliate her in front of the class?" A few months ago, that comment would have hurt Rayna, but by now she was by far used to Charlotte's bluntness and grinned, a mischievous spark in her eyes. "Who can blame a girl?"

"I like that shirt."
She stated, eyeing the denim material. Lately, she had been the particularly attracted to the color blue and noted to herself that she needed to go shopping soon. Sub-consciously twirling a loose strand of hair around her fingers, she raised an eyebrow. "What'cha been up to then?" She muttered, following Char's gaze to the forest nearby. She understood the brunette's longing, to just shift and run free in the woods. As always, Rayna's bag contained a spare set of clothes. She looked down at it for a second before looking up at her friend, smirking. She was sure that Charlotte could guess what she was thinking, and she was even more sure that she would think it was a stupid, reckless idea.

"Trust my rage."

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #128 on: January 05, 2015, 07:15:47 pm »
I am really sorry! Your app is accepted!))

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Offline RedRedRose

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Re: School of Secrets [Human Shapeshifter Roleplay] [Open]
« Reply #129 on: January 05, 2015, 07:30:36 pm »
It's okay, I was just worried I had done something wrong :3]]

"Trust my rage."