Author Topic: Disabilities?  (Read 6348 times)


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Re: Disabilities?
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2015, 06:55:33 pm »
I having learning disability. I mean, it's no takes time for me understand the material of the lesson and I would need someone to break it down; not right away would i have an answer to give but...I need extra help and teachers who can break it down. This is why I cry as center times because it either a teacher who would pick at me and embarrass me, or me just feeling left out.

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Re: Disabilities?
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2015, 08:10:00 pm »
I wouldn't say these are disabilities in my opinion but I suffer from Anxiety, PTSD, and Genophobia.

Not a lot of people know I have them and some people find it hard to understand them. I have never been "bullied" about them, but I have had people make jokes about my Genophobia, though it doesn't bother me.

If you don't know, Genophobia is the fear of sexual contact and sexual intercourse and I have been asked a lot how I could fear stuff like that. Honestly, it doesn't really effect my normal life but these are things I have to live with. I don't necessarily enjoy being asked questions that I can't fully answer.

As for disabled people in general, I think instead of people making fun of people who have them or asking insane questions that might make a person uncomfortable, they should just accept those people. I mean, we're all human, no matter what we're born with. I like this topic, it was a great one to bring up and kudos to you for thinking of it.

For anyone with disabilities, don't ever let anyone put you down for not being "normal". The word normal as always confused me because what is classified as "normal" anyway? We're all different so how can normal even be relevant to human beings? It can't because we are all different and no two humans are exactly alike.

Accept everyone as they are and don't bully people for being different, we're all different. <3

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Re: Disabilities?
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2015, 12:11:28 am »
I'm not sure what the name for this is or if it counts as a disability, however I think it's called 'ankle pronation' where my ankles lean inwards.

As a young child I managed to sprain both my ankles a number of times and I believe that has affected my ankles. It might not seem like a big issue but because my ankles lean in it will affect my knees and hips badly in the long run. Now, I love running, I can run fast. However, my ankles cause me pain if I just decide: "Hey I think I'll ditch walking and decide to run to that spot over there!" If I try to run all of a sudden, sometimes my ankles will just give way and I'll fall to the ground.

Also because of my 'ankle pronation' I have bad circulation in my feet, and so I'm prone to chilblains in the winter which is both irritating and sometimes painful.

While mine isn't some life-altering thing, I have TMJ (Lockjaw).
Got it after faceplanting like a boss on the cement almost 10 years ago.
Basically, my jaw is all jacked up. I can't open it all the way and it causes me to get chronic headaches.
I can't eat anything even remotely chewy or my jaw will tense up and eventually lock completely to where I can't open it.
So. Gum. Steak. Chewy candy. Large burgers. Nope. Can't do it. The struggle.
I had TMJ/TMD at some point.

Before it happened I experienced a "cracking" and popping noise every time I opened my mouth. Later on down the road my jaw would lock temporarily and I would have to unlock it by; I don't know how to describe it but I kinda just pretend to bite or chew... yeah? Then one morning I woke up and my jaw was locked, I couldn't open it any more than 1 cm -which made eating a challenge. It was a VERY slow process but over time I was able to open my mouth a little wider over weeks and months. I too avoided chewy foods, which sucked -.-

It went away around 9 months later. No idea how or why it happened but it did.
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Re: Disabilities?
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2015, 12:46:03 am »
stinky dog coming through, don't mind me!

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Re: Disabilities?
« Reply #24 on: June 15, 2015, 08:45:06 am »
Well I am deaf and I use glasses...

Eh, my deafness can be corrected with hearing aids. Although it's kinda expensive >_>

Eh, they seem to affect me a lil bit. I really don't like being deaf, but it has one advantage: I can just shut off the hearing aids if I don't want someone annoying me :P

Some "friends" just don't talk with me or tell news to me just because I am deaf and I still can't understand when people talk too fast. For example I can't watch a film in my native language (Portuguese) because it will be nonsense to me since I really can't understand anything. I always need subtitles.

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Re: Disabilities?
« Reply #25 on: June 16, 2015, 10:03:02 pm »
To add to what I had said in my previous post, I've been recently diagnosed with Misophonia.

So pretty much, certain trigger noises (for me it's loud eating or gum chewing) can cause extreme aggression or panic. Also known as why I can't have nice things.
The only way it really affects me (other than those emotional bums) is I have to carry earbuds/earphones wherever I go incase someone's eating or gum chewing around me. It also means I can't go to restaurants or just crowded public places in general as much as I'd like (I still get out enough though).

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Re: Disabilities?
« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2015, 11:33:24 pm »
Now, I don't really have any disabilities, other than strange hormone issues, so I will have to get blood draws regularly (and to go along with that, I have an extreme fear of needles. I break down in tears, and when they poke me, I feel like throwing up, and I almost passed out once. My mom has to get the doctors to give me a medicine that puts me in almost a relaxed drunken state when I go to the hospital next. I hate going to the doctors now. The sight of a hospital makes me nauseous.) I also have very mild ADHD, so my attention span isn't the greatest, and to cope with this, I draw. It's one of the only things I can keep my attention on.

Now, for family members, my brother and cousin have ADHD and Aspergers (my cousin outgrew his a little), and my sister does as well. My step-grandparents are deaf, but my mom wont teach me ASL, so  I can't talk to them. It's really sad.

My mom works as a school psychologist, so I hear tales of kids with disabilities all the time. She even dealt with a student who was hallucinogenic (I forgot what she had). She would see and hear people who weren't there, and it was driving her crazy.

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Re: Disabilities?
« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2015, 01:32:51 am »
Hoo, boy. Genetics were not kind to me, and as such I have quite a few disabilities. For physical disabilities, I've only got Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (i'm not exactly sure if i have it or not, but my doctor believes so and it seems very likely) and cataracts as far as I remember. I've got dyspraxia, a learning disability, too. I'm also mentally ill- not the same thing, but they're sort of related.  I've got autism, ADD, depression, anxiety, gender dysphoria, and borderline personality disorder. This all makes social interaction pretty weird to me, and also carries the bonus of making me dissociate pretty frequently. To cope with everything I've got, I roleplay and draw. Blogging also helps.
i'm nonbinary. ve/vir/vis/vis/verself pronouns, please and thank you.

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Re: Disabilities?
« Reply #28 on: July 25, 2015, 06:14:31 pm »
Physically, I don't have any problems :/ But I have a hereditary serotonin imbalance (chemical depression and anxiety), which I am properly medicated for. Since being on the medication, I can live my life normally. When I was off them, the smallest things (like my bf at the time not seeing me before class one day) can send me into a spiral of scenarios in my head, bring me to the most terrible conclusions and make me fall into pieces. Tiny little things. But now, I am fine, and I happen to be one of the happiest and most optimistic people I know ^_^

That wasn't the worst of my problems. I also have Asperger's, and it affected me terribly throughout elementary school and high school. I didn't understand the necessary social concepts, like when it is okay or not okay to wear a certain outfit, or do a certain thing. I wore very unusual clothing and was very particular about it. I couldn't understand the social cues of people that I was interacting with, so I would talk about the same subject for a very long time, not see that the others are getting super bored and trying to politely end the conversation. Well, since they weren't coming straight out and telling me that they wanted to move on, I thought it was fine and would keep going. I had to actually learn what different facial expressions and body postures meant in a social setting, that they were important too. Even still, many things that people do don't make sense to me, and sometimes minor social cues still fly over my head.
Honestly, I have come such a long way. I was diagnosed with Asperger's when I was about 12, and since then, my family and a few family friends have helped me work through it. Now, many people would think that I am completely normal, until they really get to know me. I can pull off normal pretty well now, but there are some little things that I do occasionally that, after getting to know me, people might see and think are unusual.
The bullying was the hardest thing to deal with. I knew that I was such an awesome person, and only tried my best to be good and kind, yet people would be so mean to me, and I couldn't understand. Eventually I felt like I was a freak, a mistake in nature, flawed beyond repair, an alien in a sea of people, and I felt so alone and hurt. It didn't feel fair. All I wanted was to be accepted for being the great person I was, but a lot of people didn't see past my strange ways. And I hated myself for being different. I wanted to be normal, and it tore me apart because there was nothing I could do.
Eventually, I learned that my strange looks was part of the problem. The way I dressed. So I secretly observed what the other girls were wearing and tried to conform a little more. An alien can hide better if it dresses like a person, right? After changing that a little, I made friends a little easier, and through them, I was about to begin figuring myself out. Learning how to like myself again, and live in my own skin.

Today, I am perfectly happy to be who I am, and, even though I still struggle with interactions sometimes, and need lots of hermit-time after conforming around people for a while (socializing is exhausting -.-), I am so much better ^_^ I still have my loving family, my best friend in the world, and a wonderful boyfriend who loves me even though I'm a little strange. I've become his little alien now <3 The little alien that belongs. Plus! My condition usually involves a special, intense interest in something, and then we become experts on the subject. My special interest is animals, and I have a near encyclopedic memory of the things that I have learned about animals. And it got me into University, taking zoology, doing what I love. 

YAY HAPPY ENDINGS!!! :3 The end <3
« Last Edit: July 25, 2015, 06:19:09 pm by Argwen »

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Re: Disabilities?
« Reply #29 on: August 18, 2015, 05:28:58 am »

I suppose I do, though I never though of having a Social Anxiety Disorder, Cynophobia ( Fear of dogs), or an Attention Deficit Disorder as being disabilities. I never allowed them to unable me from doing what I love.
I've always had ADD, but the others derived from traumatic experiences I've lived though.
When I was young I was attacked by a dog, it lashed out because it had a terrible ear infection that I was aware of, I got away with a minor injury to my hand. However the next week my younger sister went over to pay with the same dog, worried I got mom to come with me to take her away only to arrive to see her on the ground with the dog's jaw around her next and blood everywhere. She was raced to the hospital and underwent surgery, lucky the dog's fangs missed any vital veins. Thus my fear of dogs, my sister developed a fear of doctors.
The social anxiety came from a bad experience at school that caused me to become insecure about myself and who I was.
All of these I had the power to conquer and so I did, it took a long time and a lot of work but I am no longer anxious about how other people see me, or that the neighbor's dog, who is nine pounds, is going to brutally slay me. <3
. Nidhogel

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