Author Topic: Gay Marriage  (Read 9068 times)

Offline kahara

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Gay Marriage
« on: April 15, 2011, 03:09:10 pm »

Respectfully, I ask you all to be mature about this. I'm trust the community here as I trusted my own with this sort of topic. Many thanks! ~

"I respect religion, if religion respects me."

So, let me get this straight...Charlie Sheen can make a "porn family", Kelsey Grammar can end a 15 year marriage over the phone, Larry King can be on divorce #9, Britney Spears had a 55 hour marriage, Jesse James and Tiger Woods, while married, were having sex with EVERYONE. Yet, the idea of same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage? Really? Re-post if you are proud to support equal rights.

Gay right; I'm not just talking about marriage, I'm talking about everything, from hate crimes to adopting children to getting married. Sometimes two men can't rent an apartment together because it only has one bedroom, and how many times has a couple been turned down to adopt a child who needs parents who would care for and love them? And obviously, why not let them get married? We've proven that heterosexuals have ruined the sanctity of marriage, how could two people who love each other ruin it even more? I think it would just make it better.

And hate crimes, why? What did they do to you? I've heard of so many young men dying because they were gay. And not just by murder, but by suicide some young men and women for that matter, cannot get over the amount of abuse laid on them so they take their own life. A life that could be out doing good for the world, gone because of some idiotic people.

And in some countries, being a homosexual is illegal, yes illegal. In some countries it goes as far as the death sentence for homosexual acts, how is that justified?

I do not care if you're homophobic or if you're gay, I wish to hear your thoughts. If you wish to tell us you are, go ahead, please do not feel forced to admitting it. But please, do not use pejoratives or slanderous remarks such as fag or homo towards anyone. This isn't about who is gay and who isn't, it's about why they can't be like any other human being.

Are you for or against gay marriage?
Does it ruin the sanctity or marriage?
Should gay couples be able to raise children?
Should people committing hate crimes towards gay people get harsher punishments?
Should the U.S. military keep 'don't ask don't tell' ? - Note; 'Don't ask, don't tell' was repealed but laws can always be changed. Also, a lot of people in the military are still going by it out of fear. If you answer that question, take that into consideration.
And should being homosexual be illegal?


My reply;

Are you for or against gay marriage?

I'm all for it. I don't see why a homosexual couple should not be entitled to the same treatment when it comes to marriage as a heterosexual couple. I also see absolutely no reason as to why it shouldn't also be called a marriage. Why the big fuss? It should not matter what it is called. Anyone willing to throw up a fit about that kind of thing is.. well.. being childish.

A 'civil union' is what a homosexual 'marriage' is called, apparently, and I find that.. well, wrong honestly. What ever happened to (attempting) fair treatment of all human beings, hmm? / sigh

Does it ruin the sanctity or marriage?

Absolutely not! I find such a thought absolutely ridiculous. ;/

Should gay couples be able to raise children?[/color]

Hmm, well, as long as they are caring, loving, and capable of doing so, I see no reason not to. Although I've mixed feelings about this. Homosexual couples who intend on forcing homosexuality onto their children isn't exactly fitting. Just as a heterosexual couple forcing heterosexuality onto their children is not fitting either.

So, in the end, I really say why not? They, too, can love, care, and provide for a child just as a heterosexual person may.

Should people committing hate crimes towards gay people get harsher punishments?

I'm not clear with what the current punishments really are, to be honest. However, I think that whatever the punishment is for a hate crime committed against a heterosexual person is, should be the same if done to a homosexual person.

Should the U.S. military keep 'don't ask don't tell' ?

This was, as said, repealed. Which I fully support and it should stay as such.

And should being homosexual be illegal?

Absolutely not.

Now.. respectfully, I myself am bisexual. I'm very opened minded about things, which is probably why I'm so lose about such topics. Well, lose from a open minded point of view anyway. ~ :3
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Offline Kamaete

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Re: Gay Marriage
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2011, 03:49:53 pm »
My reply;

Are you for or against gay marriage?
For.  100% for.  I'm not one for marriage in general, but if two people want to tie their lives "forever" like that than who am I to say it's wrong?  

Does it ruin the sanctity of marriage?
There is no sanctity in marriage. How can a homosexual marriage ruin that?

Should gay couples be able to raise children?
Yes.  There might be some problems, but there are problems in any family.  Of course, there are people of every sexuality, religion, nationality and etc who shouldn't be able to adopt children because of certain qualities they posess (psychopath, sociopath, extremely irresponsible, etc, etc) but in general terms everyone should be able to adopt and raise a child.

Should people committing hate crimes towards gay people get harsher punishments?
People committing hate crimes all need equal punishments.  Someone committing a hate crime because of sexuality, race, religion and/or gender should all be punished the same.

Should the U.S. military keep 'don't ask don't tell' ?
I don't even know what this is. D:

And should being homosexual be illegal?


The form, so people don't have to go through what I just did and quote it all.

Code: [Select]
[quote]Are you for or against gay marriage?[/quote]

[quote]Does it ruin the sanctity or marriage?[/quote]

[quote]Should gay couples be able to raise children?[/quote]

[quote]Should people committing hate crimes towards gay people get harsher punishments?[/quote]

[quote]Should the U.S. military keep 'don't ask don't tell' ?[/quote]

[quote]And should being homosexual be illegal?[/quote]
...In my pants.

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Re: Gay Marriage
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2011, 03:51:50 pm »
Since this concerned me directly:

1. Well sure let them marriage, why not, wheres the Problem? They love each other, nothing else matters.

2. Ruin? Why? They can hold their marriage like everyone else, honor it like everyone else.

3. If they are good Parents, yes, why not. I know someone who got raised by two Fathers. And hes not gay if you ask this! Gay peeps can be as lovegiving parents as anyone else.

4. I see this as racist-crime. They should get the same punishment as others too. Hate against gays is nothing else than as example hate against other minorities or foreeigners (racists basicly). (Sorry for bad english)

5. Dont really understand this. In Germany you can be in the millitary and be gay, that wont change anything.

6. Illegal? xDDD Oh my why should that be illegal? Love is Love, no matter what gender the other one has you love!

So far my statement :)
Im not going to discuss any of my statements!
« Last Edit: April 15, 2011, 03:53:35 pm by Tigg »

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Re: Gay Marriage
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2011, 03:53:47 pm »
Are you for or against gay marriage?
 Of course I am all for gay marriage. I see no reason at all why one loving couple can get married and the other can't. It shouldn't matter that one couple is same sex and the other isn't, in my eyes that is just prejudiced.

Does it ruin the sanctity of marriage?
 We have ruined it enough as it is, so I think this question isn't really on that should be here, because these days there is no sanctity anymore.

Should gay couples be able to raise children?

If a single mother can raise five children perfectly fine on here own, then I see no reason why a couple can not raise children. As said above, does it really matter if they are same sex or not? I don't think so, all couples are couples in my eyes.

Should people committing hate crimes towards gay people get harsher punishments?

Now, I don't think that hate crimes towards gay's has a softer punishment than hate towards any one else, after all, isn't this all about equality? Everyone needs to be treated the same.

Should the U.S. military keep 'don't ask don't tell' ? - Note; 'Don't ask, don't tell' was repealed but laws can always be changed. Also, a lot of people in the military are still going by it out of fear. If you answer that question, take that into consideration.

Well, I have no idea what this don't ask don't tell policy thing is, so I can't put any input about it...

And should being homosexual be illegal?

NO! That's like saying it is illegal to be asian, or african, or jewish, or short! You can not make being gay illegal, it is just wrong to say that those who are gay are commiting an illegal act justt by being themself!

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Re: Gay Marriage
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2011, 04:10:45 pm »
Are you for or against gay marriage?

Why the hell not? lol. I'm not straight myself, if I end up with a girl or stick with the one i'm with, i'm gonna wanna ask her to marry me one day.
Like the lady did on the news, "I wanna ask my girlfriend to marry me, not civil union me" xD

Does it ruin the sanctity or marriage?

No way lol

Should gay couples be able to raise children?

I dislike children.. But that's not the reason i'm not all for it lol.
It'd be okay if the child was adopted and was asked "Would you like to have two mothers or two fathers and not one of both?"
But other than that, i'm not very fond of this idea lol.

Should people committing hate crimes towards gay people get harsher punishments?

Same amount as if they were throwing hate at a hetrosexual.

Should the U.S. military keep 'don't ask don't tell' ?


And should being homosexual be illegal?

NU ;w;


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Re: Gay Marriage
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2011, 04:23:53 pm »
Are you for or against gay marriage?

For, absolutely. Like everyone else said, they love each other and they're happy, no problemo.

Does it ruin the sanctity or marriage?

No. Don't really know what sanctity is. But if they're happy then should be no problems in the marriage xD

Should gay couples be able to raise children?

Of course! Gay couples should be able to adopt/raise children,
they're capable and are no different when it comes being wonderful parents as every other.

Should people committing hate crimes towards gay people get harsher punishments?

Erm, not really, no. It'll be like, "You killed a man, 10 years! He was also a homosexual, ANOTHER 3 YEARS, RAWR!"

Should the U.S. military keep 'don't ask don't tell' ?

Derno what that is D:

And should being homosexual be illegal?

Totally agreeing with Kyu, cause i'm asian ^^
but yeah, no it should not be illegal!
they probably get enough crap as it is,
So no.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2011, 04:26:02 pm by Jae Farkas »


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Re: Gay Marriage
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2011, 04:25:26 pm »
Are you for or against gay marriage?

Well. I'm 100% for gay marriage, true I'm not homosexual or bisexual myself. But why shouldn't two men or woman get married? Nothings wrong with it, all that matters is they love eachother and they want to have an commited relationship.

Does it ruin the sanctity or marriage?

Of course not! They arent any sanctity in marriages anyway. So why would a homosexual couple ruin that?.

Should gay couples be able to raise children?

Yes, of course. As long as they're good parents, why shouldn't they?.

Should people committing hate crimes towards gay people get harsher punishments?

Same as people get comitting a hate crime towards a hetrosexual.

Should the U.S. military keep 'don't ask don't tell' ?

Wait, what? owo

And should being homosexual be illegal?


Offline Kamaete

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Re: Gay Marriage
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2011, 04:28:36 pm »
Should people committing hate crimes towards gay people get harsher punishments?

Erm, not really, no. It'll be like, "You killed a man, 10 years! He was also a homosexual, ANOTHER 3 YEARS, RAWR!"

^This.  Exactly what I was getting at in my post.  Plus an extra lol, even though it's dark humor.
...In my pants.

Offline kahara

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Re: Gay Marriage
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2011, 04:36:37 pm »
Don't Ask, Don't Tell Information

However as stated, it has been repealed, which means the law was changed.
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Re: Gay Marriage
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2011, 05:33:43 pm »
Hate criime laws aren't about giving people harsher sentences for hurting homosexuals. They are about punishing people who are intentionally terrorizing a vulnerable community. Attacking heterosexuals because they are heterosexual is almost unheard of, but people are attacked for being or seeming to be gay. Attacking a gay person for their homosexuality is a hate crime; doing so to mug them is run of the mill assault.