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Messages - Jackalfur

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Blackiiiiii~ Thank you for making this thread owo

I have to admit, I haven't been in Ascension Island for a little while-- I usually just derp around by myself in custom maps or Lonely Cave, sometimes hopping onto a canon character from Hetalia or Pandora Hearts, though sometimes I just like to watch the other people of AI. I also haven't been in-game for a few days since I had to back-up my files and do a system restore due to a blue screen that I have no idea how I even got it, and I've been lazy because I lost all the mandatory files (such as the rendering system files and stuff like that) and had to re-download-- I'll be more active soon, but--

But to be honest, I think I sort of liked the past AI better; there was barely any profanity spills (unless someone were to fall from the climbing platforms >w>) and the community resting there seemed to be a lot less 'rude', but maybe that's just me... 'xD But I still like AI-- it's just not really what it used to be. I remember back in really early 2012 (in early January), when I came back from taking a long break from FeralHeart, I climbed the motherload of stone platforms in AI, and there wasn't /any/ arguing whatsoever. I remember roleplaying in Sky's Rim with fellow Vocaloid fans back then, and there wasn't any fighting either-- everyone was just cracking jokes and having a great time, nothing less.

I don't have any problems with Ascension or its fandoms-- actually, that's where I roleplay and derp around most of the time, apart from Ficho --but I have to disagree with their behavior. I'd say the flame-wars and profanity is getting a little out of hand, but then again, that's just me, hehe >w>;

My thoughts on AI's community? Honestly, I say it's pretty decent, but people should always show respect to one another, no matter what fandom they like or dislike, no matter how much they want to justify their opinions and lay them on someone else, no matter how much they love to troll and stoke the fire to start up these ridiculous arguments that don't even have a point to them. Sure, sometimes there are people who just appear to start up conflicts just to be an obnoxious pain in the neck-- I've run into quite a few of them myself -- and then there are people who seem to dislike a certain fandom and then bash others of said fandom for liking it, but overall I think everyone needs to get along. I rarely have any people on my block list, as I try to calm the fight before they explode into a full-front war, but the block button does come in handy when everything gets out of hand.

This is only my opinion, though. I just think everyone needs to learn how to get along. ^^

((Just gonna make a new post because I'm lazy. =w=;
I feel so bad for keeping you all waiting. I'm sorry ;A;))

As the Mewtwo spoke again, the only reaction Polarus made was a brief twitch of the ears. "I guess that's reasonable," she mumbled, her voice a little hard to decipher due to the fact it was practically said under her breath. She felt a little outsmarted; she wasn't exactly all brains, and was considered more of a bluffer than a thinker. "Not all Pokemon are harmless in their entirety, so I guess that makes sense. But meh~" she added, sticking her tongue out in a slightly stubborn way. The Zangoose made a mental shrug, having had sort of contradicted herself from the start-- but eh, what else was she capable of doing when she was tired?
Upon arrival toward the end of the crossways and ever so near to Triason Village, Polarus let out a chuff of what seemed to be triumph. "Well, here we are~" She'd never really explored further than the very outskirts of the village and beyond there, so she just couldn't suppress a twinge of awe stirring in the pit of her stomach. One would've thought she was experienced in the life of a Pokemon, but she was a human at first, and thus she wasn't very skilled in anything but training in the woods and venturing out for food; not spending her life near fellow Pokemon as if they were humans as well. Really, she didn't understand how any Pokemon could create such architecture, let alone build a house, though she couldn't really say anything.

((*flailflail* My gosh I'm so sorry guys! ;A; I've been really distracted and I haven't been feeling well.
On my iPod at the moment, but as soon as I can get to my laptop I'll post. Again, I'm so sorry. ;n; /sitsincornerofshame))

Leaving / Re: im out
« on: February 13, 2013, 09:31:31 pm »
LordSuragaha really couldn't have said better. While I'm incredibly shocked and saddened to see you go, I'll respect your decision no matter what, and I'll miss that fluffy mane of yours in-game when I sneak through the Forbidden Lands. You're one of my friends, and I hate to see you go-- honestly, I hope you change your mind about this, but as I said, I respect your decision to leave. (_;w;)_

But nonetheless, I wish you good luck. Don't be afraid to stop by every now and then, mkay? We'll miss you. ;A;

((sddsdk Sorry for taking so long! I've been busy and hadn't really had the chance to post. ;A;
Will edit this soon, gathering a little inspiration~))

((Again, sorry for my absence ;w; I've been a bit side-tracked lately, and I haven't really had any idea of what to post...
Just gonna apply one cat for now, the other is still a bit in-progress owo;

21 moons
Wrenflight isn't exactly the hardest to talk to-- actually, she probably would take up the chances of even talking to complete strangers if she felt like it. She's one you could call "the-extremely-oblivious-excuse-for-a-cat", and despite being a warrior, she is more or less incapable of being serious until she gets yelled at. This cat acts more like a kit than a full-fledged warrior, and earning her the nickname some close friends give her, she's like a kit in warrior's disguise. Even then, she is surprisingly understanding when it comes to someone's problems, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have any flaws. She has a terrible fear of storms, to the point where she'll literally try to shelter herself with another cat if she hears thunder, and she doesn't seem to excell very well in climbing trees.
Yet, Wrenflight can be very stubborn and impulsive when it comes to fighting her battles, as of which she thinks she has quite enough confidence to take care of everything herself, even if she doesn't. She's more or less naive and headstrong when it comes to tough situations and while she is rash at making decisions, she's a positive, easy-going cat in general.
History: Wrenflight first started her outside life as a loner who lived around the Twolegplace and got her food by meowing and almost pleading to be fed by the numerous Twolegs who lived there as well. Of course, she'd avoided being taken in by any of them, and instead of targeting only one house she just went to one, then another, and the process continued for a few moons until she got somewhat bored of staying in one place all the time. This was when she set out to explore, but after a little while she accidentally crossed a boundary and ended up in StormClan's territory, and from there she took up an offer to join them. She was around 11 moons at that point, and she's been with the Clan ever since.
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A

*crawlsincorner* I'm sorry, I'm not good at histories ;w;" I hope this is alright.))

Ask Me / Re: Ask ?lacki?
« on: February 04, 2013, 04:13:09 am »
Why are you posting hearts all of a sudden? :U /shot

What's your favorite anime(s)~? >w<

((I'd say go for it, Moo! owo I would join if you did~

Sorry for not posting lately, guys oAo I just thought I should wait for the others to post if they intend to at the moment, but I'll post soon if not. >w<;))

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Blacki's bio~?
« on: February 03, 2013, 11:47:05 pm »
Blackiiii~ *glomp* =w=
Great bio~ I love it! owo It's not a fail at all~
That reminds me, I need to go search for my bio and update it... or make a new one because I'm lazy xD
I shall give yew floof. ?w? *givesfloof*

((Urf, sorry I've been absent, guys oAo; I've been distracted with stuff... I'll be adding two new characters soon, though~.
Okami, I love your artwork~! owo))

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