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Messages - RedWine

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Game Help / Re: Black World of Warcraft Ported Object: Please Help!
« on: April 13, 2014, 07:55:48 pm »
Try cutting out the lines ambient, diffuse, specular, and emissive in your material file. Cut them rather than just deleting them so you can put back if it doesn't help. Although, I'm almost positive that's the problem. From what I understand, ambient, diffuse, specular, and emissive are how the object receives light. It seems like it is reading the texture, or else it would appear white instead of black, it's just the lighting coding in the material that's making it black. Taking ambient, diffuse, specular, and emissive out of your material will cause the object's lighting become default like all the other objects in FH.

If your object appears white AFTER removing ambient, diffuse, specular, and emissive, try renaming your texture and take out the "." inside forsakenbanner.alpha.

Game Help / Re: Inserting meshes into Feral Heart?
« on: April 12, 2014, 04:00:04 am »
Disfigured? That's sounds strange. I've never had that happen before. o:

Game Discussion / Re: Needing a Small Favor
« on: April 11, 2014, 08:09:40 pm »
Thank you very much for the responses everyone! :D I just recently found someone ingame who was able to send me a friend request. The notification bubble is right where it needs to be. And thank you very much for letting me know what you think. I'll definitely try to finish this, and especially take my time to make sure it looks nice and works properly.

Game Help / Re: Inserting meshes into Feral Heart?
« on: April 11, 2014, 06:52:49 am »
What program are you using? I'm able to assist you if you're using Blender, possibly version 2.49b which has working scripts and converters installed.

I've actually been using the newest version of Blender, which is 2.70. :D The blender2ogre plugin works, but it only exports your mesh as a .xml file. Though, I found Ogre Command Line Tools which allows you to convert .xml to .mesh and back. It works like a charm and imports into FH perfectly.

Emubird, if you don't have any of this stuff I mentioned, I'm willing to help you get it set up so you can start making your own meshes. I'm actually willing to help anyone, really.

Game Help / Re: Random Item on Other Players
« on: April 11, 2014, 06:05:21 am »
Well there is a simple reason for this, They have a different item pack to what you do.

You see in their items.cgf they will have a differnt order to their item coding, but FH don't recognize an item by what it's called or what files it has it looks at the order of YOUR Items.cgf and uses your order for every player's items.

This will mean you see random Items on players

Ah, yeah. I kind of figured. x-x I hope they can change it to be a little more efficient. It's too much of a hassle and kind of pointless to have items if it ends up going all weird like it is.

Game Discussion / Needing a Small Favor
« on: April 11, 2014, 06:00:00 am »
I've been working on a gui layout and need to see if the small reminder thing that appear above the Friends or Party (saying you have a request) is in alignment.

I tried going to several areas ingame where people were talking ooc and simply saying I needed a favor for testing my gui every now and then to see if someone would reply. Like usual, I was completely ignored... Guess I just have bad luck. So, I gave up on trying to seek help ingame and decided I should just ask on the forum for anything I need.

Here's a little sneak peek of my gui (I'll be releasing it when it's finished):

What I need is for someone to send me a friend request. I would ask for party request too, but we'd both have to be online for that, I'm guessing. I'll try to see if someone would be willing to help me with that one while ingame... Anyway. My ingame username is killerlepord. I'll decline the friend request if you say to.

A helping hand would be greatly appreciated.

Also, please let me know what you think of my gui so far. I want to make sure people would even like it enough to download and use it. Otherwise, it would kind of be useless to put it up...

Game Help / Re: Inserting meshes into Feral Heart?
« on: April 11, 2014, 02:56:43 am »
Is the object your talking about something you've made by scratch already? If it is, what program are you using to make it? Did you rename this file to make it into a .mesh or did you use a converter?

Game Help / Random Item on Other Players
« on: April 11, 2014, 02:05:35 am »
Maybe it is an issue, maybe it isn't. What I'm mostly curious about is how seeing other people's equipped items works. If someone knows the exact details, do tell.

Okay. So what's going on is that I'm seeing one of my items on another player that I haven't released yet. Nobody has this mesh but me. I whispered this person asking them if they had any equipped items. Turns out that they have two items equipped on their character, but none of them shared the same information in the items.cfg. There was one thing that came close but not quite, unless one of us miscounted. One of their items were at 15 in line inside their list, while the item I see on them is 16 for mine. I went into my items.cfg and swapped the 16th item with another one that I have. I logged back in and the item I swapped it with is now the item I see on their character.

Here's an image to help explain:

Personally, I have come to the conclusion that items aren't shown on the character by matching the information (such as the item name between [ and ] or the mesh file name), but rather shown by where the item is in the list. This kind of sucks, in my opinion. I wont be able to see what other people have on their characters unless I place the item exactly in the same spot as they did inside my items.cfg file.

If what I just explained is how this thing works, then maybe consider changing it? Perhaps the thought of custom items weren't in mind when coding this? Either way, it would be great to get this fixed.

Game Discussion / Re: Feeling a Little Out of Place Here
« on: April 08, 2014, 02:03:03 am »
Thanks for the reply, FoxPhilosopher.

From the other perspective, people who come online and role-play like to escape reality, for some, it's their only means of escape. Often times, they would find it either bothersome or rude to be reminded of Out-Of-Character subjects like items, objects, family, etc. Some people, that's all they do in a day is work on meshes and other in-game media. The occasional break from all of it is healthy.
I see what you're saying. I wasn't trying to be rude, though. I traveled to a few areas inside the game where a lot of people were and made one or two lines, then waited to see if anyone would reply.

As far as feeling like the only one who likes to just chat or have a conversation, there always people who would love to simply talk, if you approach them the right way. As you referred to yourself as being shy, you can just gradually practice in being social with others. There were many days where I would sit in the middle of a map, just watch people role-play and talk. If I was just going to sit there, I might as well not be online, lol. Join in, have a time, it's as simple as saying, "Hello" and work your way from there. Even if the conversation is short, it's a start.
Most of the time when I'm ingame, I have a hard time finding people who just want to chat in the first place. At lease I finally found a place where some people go to talk, thanks to the help of Opticker. I have been trying to say hello in that area every now and then. The conversations are very short, but it's better than nothing, I suppose.

Game Help / Re: Material Coding Help
« on: April 07, 2014, 04:43:29 am »
Hmmm... Idk if this will help, but try looking to this thread.
If nothing works, then contact a staff member for you to help. ;)

Good luck! ^.^
The tutorial only tells me how to make an item... I need help with the fact that the eye is going completely see through when I try to make the texture I have transparent. You can see the transparent texture on it, actually. If you look closely, it's the reflection of the sky and pine trees. I can't see the eye underneath it. The transparency code I am using is making the eye show through all the way to the land mesh and the sky. That's what I'm having issues with. I've tried a few other transparency codes, but they wouldn't make the .png texture see through like you see it now.

I'm also not trying to put two textures on one surface of the mesh, if anyone is getting confused. They are on two different spheres. The eye sphere is inside the eye shine sphere.

maybe its a glitch in your'e soft ware or it might be the crow jaw throwing the texture off. how many charaters do u have made? if its a lot that might be throwing it off too.  ???

try asking the staff with a personal message if u cant find a soultion.  ;D
I don't know if that's the issue. I'm not having problems with the texture, and I don't have too many characters (not quite sure what you meant by that though. I'm in the preset maker, not online). What I meant by texture layering was something about what layer the textures are being rendered on. I'm not a game coder and what I'm talking about might be completely wrong. Idk. I would think that it works like that.

You didn't put the texture's name in there. Make sure it's a .png file.
The texture for the eye underneath is in a separate material file.

Here's what it looks like when I make the eye shine material completely invisible:

Here's the eye shine without "scene_blend alpha_blend" in the material:

I figured out what the problem was. I had to add the code "depth_write off" in my material. Now it's working perfectly! Thanks to everyone who tried to help me. Sorry if my situation seemed really confusing... I tried my best to explain it.

Here's what it looks like now, which is what I wanted:

And here's the material for the eye reflection/shine:
Code: [Select]
material eyes2Mat
    receive_shadows off

        pass eyes2Mat
            ambient 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.30000001192092896
            diffuse 0.6400000190734865 0.6400000190734865 0.6400000190734865 0.5
            specular 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.30000001192092896 12.5
            emissive 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.30000001192092896

            scene_blend alpha_blend
            depth_write off

                texture Reflection.png
                tex_address_mode wrap
                scale 1.0 1.0
                env_map spherical
                tex_coord_set 0
                colour_op modulate

I think maybe I should make a tutorial on how to create a reflective material for objects (or at least the illusion of it being reflective). That would be fun. : D I was trying to figure this out for days.

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