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Messages - Deino909

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Name: Ran'ash Sunfang
Age: 14 seasons
Gender: Male (do not know what the counterpart of 'fae' would be LOL)
Rank: Burnu
Totem: Fire
Tribe: Goula Mashar
Looks: Ran'ash's dense pelt is a handsome fox-gold color, with a fawn underbelly and dark tipping on his tail, muzzle, and ear rims. He has small white markings on his paws and chest. His bushy tail is curled stiffly over his back. Ran'ash has broad, pointed ears and a strong-looking muzzle, with well-built limbs. His eyes are a warm copper.
Personality: Loud, reckless, brash, and showy. Ran'ash loves attention and he's not afraid to do whatever possible to get it. He makes a hobby of taking stupid risks for the sake of adventure, fame, or simple dumb fun. Ran'ash especially loves to show off for his friends, ladies, or really--anybody else who's bothering to pay attention to him. While he might be a pompous glory hound, Ran'ash does look out for the ones he cares about, and will stubbornly defend his family or friends' honor or lives no matter what they do.
Crush/Mate: Still single. ;)
Pups: None, see above~
Rp Sample: A punishing Cobar afternoon was barely a hindrance to the games of the young Burnu on the rocks. A strong ruddy-colored fellow by the name of Ran'ash stood tall at the top of the crumbling pile of old cliff and rock, and tossed his head audaciously at the three other male Burnu below as they struggled to clamber up the shifting hillside.
"Come now, is that the best my tribe can offer? Show me how REAL Goula Mashar can climb, you little botflies!" Ran'ash chuckled as a cream-colored little Burnu slid from a boulder and landed on his rump in the pebbles below. A dusky yellow male, bigger than Ran'ash, glared up at the rusty-golden dingo.
"You might be king of the hill for now, Ran'ash, but when you're busy laughing at my brother I'll be clawing my up there to teach you a lesson!" The dusky Burnu gave a growl of punctuation. Ran'ash cocked his head as if listening, and then gave a cavalier yawn.
"Sorry, Vog'ano, you'll have to speak up, I can't hear you over the sound of this DELIGHTFUL breeze up here..." Ran'ash flashed a toothy grin downwards, and Vog'ano snarled thunderously.
The scrubland echoed with the music of Ran'ash Sunfang's uproarious laughter.
Other:  He despises insects, and is especially terrified of spiders and dragonflies. Ran'ash seems partial to water and won't mind taking at least an accidental dip, considering how how Cobar is. He also fancies races--particularly dangerous breakneck races up the sides of crumbling hills and ledges. Ran'ash finds it difficult to back down from challenges.

I'm working on a preset for him right now. c: I'll link here when I finish it.

@Deino909 Nice! Accepted! I love the preset too. Theres a board on the forum to post your preset so that others can view it in-game. I believe its in the downloads board.

Thanks! I'll go register on the website now.

Hello c:

Heather has a preset, which can be downloaded here:


Characters name: Heatherstripe
Your Ingame user: Deino909
Gender: Female
Species: European Shorthair
Age: 28 moons
Rank: Warrior
Clan: BrightClan
Mate (Optional): None
Kits/Family: Divingbird (mother); Haretooth (father)
Personality: She's quiet, but not shy, and sports a reasonable amount of confidence in herself with a bit of a daredevil streak. Heatherstripe is inquisitive, and can often obsess herself with things.
History: Heatherstripe's story is rather mundane. She never was much of a troublemaker or an adventurer as a kit or an apprentice, although she became notorious for getting stuck on top of boulders during training--Heatherstripe is deathly afraid of heights, and one time she accidentally shoved her mentor into an enormous mud puddle in her first newleaf as an apprentice. The only horrible things to happen were her mother passing away from greencough one harsh leaf-bare, and her father running away out of grief the following moon.

Roleplay Sample:
It was almost too dark to be called sunset, though the hour was right. Heatherstripe fluffed out her short pelt against the chilly leaf-bare breeze, and cast a withering look at her two Clanmates behind her to hurry up with their scent-marking. It was too cold for a dusk patrol. Too dark. Something didn't feel right... the crickets were not chirping.
     Finally, her companions finished up and nodded curtly to continue. No cat felt like speaking, it was a waste of warm breath. Heatherstripe sighed and trudged along with her Clanmates over the dead, hollow grass. Two more markers to go, she told herself, just two more. She blinked rapidly against the chill as another cruel zephyr blew over them, and her companions flattened their ears in distaste. The wind, however, made Heatherstripe's nose twitch. Something was on the air...
     "Wait, wait, wait," Heatherstripe stopped, holding up her tail. She sniffed the air again, just as the breeze changed. No other scent. Funny, it had almost smelled like...
     "Cat!" Her burly ginger Clanmate beside her hissed under his breath. "Can't you smell it?" He snapped at his squash-faced friend. The ragged black tom blinked.
     "No," he sneezed, rubbing at his pug-nose with a paw. Heatherstripe sighed. She padded a ways away, sniffing at the brakes of heather and gorse clumped around the marker. Sure, there was cat scent, all right. BrightClan scent. She hissed and sucked in a breath of exasperation when out of nowhere it struck her again--a thick, heady reek of enemy cat.
    And it was right in front of her nose.
    Heatherstripe's eyes widened as she backed up rapidly, but not fast enough to avoid being bowled into by the four dark, spitting shapes that lunged out of the brake. As she hit the ground reeling and trying to swipe out with her paw at her assailant, she managed to yowl out,



The map looks gorgeous and this RP seems pretty professional 8D I'll probably join once I finish my character's preset.

Malcolm babyyyyyyy ;u;

okay now I HAVE to make one


i'm so happy to see some Malcolmness again X'''3

Oh, well... great. XD Just wondering. I should never have fallen inactive myself. I think it might've even screwed up my game, as I said before.

And also, a MalSura cubble wouldn't be a bad idea, actually. :D
Though I do remember you saying something about Malcolm and Surakai's bonding to not last all that long, and ended on a tragic note, or something? I've been curious about that. And I'd want the cub to fit whatever correctly happened.

-flails happily at the 99 posts thing-

I honestly do not remember what I meant by that at ALL lmao

but I think I meant he would perish at some point.

and while I'm handing out bits of Mal's story I may as well add these for any who care/know what I'm talking about...

- The girl cheetah cub that Malcolm played with as a kiddo was Lilith, Vinny's sister
- Yes, the hyenas who raised him were catching her as prey and ate her soon after Mal ran away
- The sexy lives on because NOW HE HAS GRANDKIDDIES YAY

make one Cady. MAKE ONE. c':

-le pounce on everybody-

I'm stalking you all now btw <3

Yes Cady, I fell into inactivity, for which I do apologize ;-; though I am back, and watching. Always watching. Aaaaalwaaayss.

also, I can has MalSura cubble? -shot-

Yeah, the wolf pack. XD

-shudder- the version swap was... ugh. Frustratioooooon.

Good to know I'm welcome <3


Just Deino checking in. What a surprise to wake up to! XD I just heard about CM from Kelsie posting Amadeus's preset on dA.

Kerrigan, the place looks great. I wish I'd known you were doing this sooner. I see elements taken from VC, and some of your own. Thanks for taking it on yourself to do this. I feel almost flattered that the group was loved so much for its veteran members to want to revive  and remake it. And also, a bit guilty for letting it die. It was my fault, to a high degree, and I really truly hope you can do better to keep it running. You've got administration experience, and now you have a pretty appetizing group (if I do say so myself) to work with.

Perhaps I'll put a character in, a grandchild of Vinny and Aazzi or something. Maybe even Malcolm.. ohohoh....

But for now I'll just watch and listen. Good luck, Kerri <3

i might download the map and creep around a little on Saturdays... dun' tell nobody.... -creeps away-

I googled Natoru |D Lol, funny kitty.

Ebil can be cute! c:<

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