Author Topic: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)  (Read 62933 times)

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #120 on: December 18, 2012, 02:45:04 am »
((Hopefully not. D: im still here though.))


Offline silverMarie

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #121 on: December 18, 2012, 02:50:42 am »
(I'm dying to post C:)

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Offline jesija

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #122 on: December 18, 2012, 03:59:08 am »
((I'm waiting for Azara~))
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline silverMarie

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #123 on: December 18, 2012, 04:00:27 am »
As I.)

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Offline kangaroux

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #124 on: December 18, 2012, 05:39:20 am »
(( I'm sorry guys :C I really haven't had the time to make a RP post lately; I've just been keeping up on my phone for the most part. Plus I opened up a new thread and I've been busy over there (I'm so sorry ;_;) But now school is done for me :D I can be more active now!
Here's a belated post <3 ))

K a z e      

"I'm going up," whispered Accalia. Kaze had caught her whisper, but was already out of sight and couldn't reply by physical means; it would be impractical to yell out that she had heard her and that she was fine with her decision. It was apparent that Kira had gone with her because there were no other foot steps behind her.
It didn't take the silver wolf long to reach the lowest floor. Once there, she opened the heavy door of the stairwell and stepped into an even mustier hall, more dingy and dimmer than the higher floors. The scent of cleaner was older and less fresh, too. A small cobweb flowed lazily at the joint of the gray wall and ceiling.
Ahead of her were more doors, black in color, and on the wall a few yards away there was another keypad, a red light blinking at her. The hard floor was cold to her pawpads though she appeared as her human form. Kaze walked forward cautiously, searching for a the nameplate that had the familiar characters that the humans used to communicate by that she had come to associate with circuit rooms, until she heard voices behind one of the doors. Her heart stopped a moment as a man stepped out - one of the guards. He was about to walk in the opposite direction, but had double glanced her way before doing so and had stopped in his tracks to eye her suspiciously. He noticed she had no identification badge on, and he didn't recognize her.
"Excuse me, ma'am. Do you have permission to be down here?"
A flash came to her amber eyes as she stared at him. What was she going to do? No excuse to answer him logically came to mind. She was already flustered about being so close to the flower maiden. Kaze couldn't smooth talk her way out of this one.
The man continued to gaze, but his stare was becoming a glare. "Well?"
Suddenly the wolf rushed forward, snatching a pocket knife from the inside of her boot, flipping the small blade out, and slicing at the man's hairy throat. He hadn't even the time to react; he fell to his death with a grunt and gurgle as his wound poured and spurted the red substance of life out of him. He squirmed in pain for a while but soon fell unconscious. Kaze gazed down at the mess with a slightly remorseful expression until she heard the second voice behind her.
It was another male guard. He gaped at the scene before him as Kaze looked back at him with a dangerous gleam in her eyes. He was frozen for a moment, but then stumbled over his own feet trying to reach the keypad before she caught him. Before his neck was sliced into, he had punched the side of his hand into the keypad, hitting all buttons at once. The rest had no effect as the red one was pressed, for in that instant a blaring siren burst throughout the building, drumming painfully into the silver wolf's ears. She grimaced, gritting her teeth at the sound; her true form uttered a pained growl and involuntarily lowered her ears. The wolf muttered a curse under her breath. Now their time was even more limited. Kaze sprinted foward, finding her initial destination at the very end of the long hall. Luckily she only had to slit the neck of one other guard before she reached it.
As the sirens continued to blast, Kaze burst into the breaker room, finding its walls to be lined with at least a dozen breakers. All of them looked the same - large, rounded machines, bluish-gray in color, attached to the walls via hefty bolts, all having long levers pointed toward the ceiling. She wasted no time gawking, hurrying forward to the first lever on the left and grabbing it in her hands to pull it down with all her might. It swung down mightily once she had pulled it past the midway mark, stopping with a loud thud against the end of its metal cavity. She paused a split second to think before she wrapped her fingers around the same lever and gave a strong pull. With a little more effort, the lever was torn free, leaving its cavity empty with wires sparking out at the wolf as she held it. Unfortunately, the force required would leave teeth dents in the metal, but she shook the thought away as the sirens blared and the flower scent drove her senses mad and the thought of the other wolves raced through her mind. Quickly she tossed it aside and moved on.
Kaze continued the process, throwing lever after heavy lever as quickly as she was capable. Above her, the electricity of each consecutive floor blacked out from the bottom up, leaving the workers of the building who were already thrown off by the blaring sirens in an even more intense state of confusion as they went temporarily blind. Finally, she reached the final lever and tore it free of its socket, sending the top floor into darkness as well.
The silver she-wolf raced out of the basement and back up the stairs, her heart racing and moving adrenaline through her veins. In no time she had reached the top floor, following the scent of the flower.
Blood was on this floor, wolf's blood. Kaze frowned, concerned, and followed it to the laboratory.
The doors burst open with such suddenness that their impact with the wall startled even the silver wolf who opened them. Her seemingly glowing amber eyes flicked from the bleeding Accalia, to Kira beside her, and finally to the flower maiden. The small girl had been confined inside a large glass container, which she rested on the bottom of in a shallow, greenish puddle of liquid. The room was dim, but light from somewhere near the maiden's container as well as the machines and keyboard tables before it glowed to give the room reddish light. Behind Kaze, the siren lights on the ceiling of the hallways flashed slowly on and off with the sound of the alarm. Guards would be there soon.

(( I'll let you guys determine a way to get Akarui out of her container :3
Again, sorry for the wait T_T ))
« Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 05:44:35 am by Azara »
"Somebody told me that my elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, but I don't even have an elevator."

"I heard that too! We should go and buy one!"
~America and Italy - Hetalia

Offline silverMarie

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #125 on: December 18, 2012, 05:36:10 pm »
Accalia was so concentrated on the maiden in front of her she no longer felt the pain in her left shoulder as she walked forward. Her left leg was leaving blood paw prints on the white tile floor as she slowly made her way to the glass container, in the back of her mind she could hear her name being called, Kira?, but she couldn't respond it was like the maiden had a spell on her. As she got closer the room suddenly got dark which made her concentration on the maiden break, "What?" she asked herself, she was deep in her own thoughts when she felt a heavy shoe hit her injured shoulder. She yelped and spun around and latched onto the attacker's lower leg and held on, she heard his pained scrams as he kicked her repeatedly on her head. She released his leg and jumped for his throat but was deflected by his fist, she shook her head and grabbed on his right arm. She pushed the man across the floor until she slammed his head into one of the machines, by now her wound was now losing blood more rapidly then before. Knocking the man unconscious she released him and spun around to look at the maiden, her container was still lite by an unknown source but Accalia thought nothing of it. She then realized that the sirens were blaring, she turned to Kira and Kaze then back to the maiden.
  She ran up to the container and put her bloody paws on it "We will get you out of here." she assured her, she pushed herself away from the glass and surveyed the dimly lite panels, she knew they would have to be quick. Seeing a big bright green button encased in locked glass "I think this is it!" she yelled, she bit down on the case until it shattered in her mouth, she spit out the shards of glass and looked back at Kaze, she wasn't sure if she should do this but she knew she had to try. She slammed her paw on the button and heard a hissing sound come from the container, her blue eyes darted up and saw the shackles on the maiden's wrist release, "It worked." she said to herself, she heard another hissing sound as the front of the container opened and released the smell of lunar flowers into the air. She was stared at the maiden for a moment before returning to reality "Okay let's get her out of her!" she called as she jumped up and gently grabbed the maiden and carried her over to Kaze and Kira. "I can carry her, but it won't be easy getting back down. I'm sure they are sending guards up this way as we speak." she knew that there might be fighting involved, she would protect the maiden with her life if she had to. She winced slightly when the pain in her shoulder became stronger, she looked at the others "I'm fine, let's just get out of here." She ignored the pain in her shoulder and made her way down the dark hallway.

(sorry that seemed too easy but I just wanted the wolves to get the maiden and escape o3o)

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Offline jesija

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #126 on: December 19, 2012, 12:09:37 am »
((I'm gonna say the scientists evacuated. Now all you have to worry about is the guards. Perhaps the wolf hunters will hear the sirens and rush there to stop the wolves?
Akarui is a different flower maiden from Cheza in a few ways. Cheza is blind and sees with 'invisible antennas', Akarui can see fullcolor and in the dark. Not trying to make her better, it's just that its easier for me to rp her without forgetting she's blind xD Juuust wanted to clarify))

Time passed, minutes that seemed as long as hours. Akarui's pupiless green gaze searched through every inch of the room, seeking out a door or a window and staying there once she found one. Her eyes narrowed, as she had heard over the dull roar of scientists chattering, something that sounded akin to the rumble that vibrates from a wolf's throat. The maiden shuffled forward on her knees and pressed her ear to the cool glass, her breath misting up a small spot on the container. Then...

The staccato of booms would have intrigued her, but the last bang made her whole body convulse. Her vision blurred slightly and she made a sound similar to a whimper, but much shorter. Through the dizziness the pain gave her, she could see that a group of scientists made their way out of the room to investigate the noise. Screams soon followed their departure along with footsteps rapidly fading away. She could literally feel the presence of the wolf now, from the persistent stinging in her shoulder she could tell that this wolf had injured itself trying to get to her. The thought in and of itself made her feel just a bit guilty.

Another wave of pain shot through her (another wolf getting shot, perhaps?), but all she did this time was wince and stare tearfully at the door.

The wolf, stark black compared to the dull colors painting the background she stood against, burst in through the double doors, shoulder leaking a maroon substance. Her piercing blue eyes simply stared at the flower maiden, as if entranced. Akarui stared evenly back into her eyes, her own green eyes wide.
"I found you," She whispered.
"Accalia!" Called a male voice. Another russet brown wolf entered with a slight limp in his back right leg, probably from a bullet wound. He seemed to pause in awe as well but broke out of it quickly when the room was consumed in darkness. Akarui looked up in confusion, blinking so her eyes adjusted to the light. Being a flower maiden, seeing in the dark was one of her abilities.

From her place inside the container, she saw Accalia fight off one of the scientists that hadn't evacuated, then rush up to the container and brace her front paws on the glass. Akarui reached up and place her hands where the wolf's paw pads were.
"We will get you out of here." Accalia said reassuringly. The maiden breathed a faint sigh and nodded, eyes following the wolf's every move. Around this time, a silver wolf entered, a haze of reddish light illuminating amber eyes.

Suddenly the glass made a hissing noise, rising up into the ceiling, releasing the overpowering scent of lunar flowers. Accalia dashed over and scooped her up. If she was to put up her illusion again, it would appear as if Accalia was giving Akarui a piggy-back ride of some kind, but as a wolf, the flower maiden was simply riding on the wolf's back. The small girl wrapped her arms gently around Accalia's neck, her cheek grazing the fur there. Even if the maiden wasn't very heavy at all, it must be troublesome to carry someone with a wound on your shoulder. For a moment, Akarui tuned out what the dark-furred she-wolf was saying.

The girl with greenish-black hair hummed a soft tune that sounded like a lullaby, her fingers brushing over Accalia's bullet wound.  

((Yus, as a flower maiden she has the power to heal :P))
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline kangaroux

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #127 on: December 19, 2012, 04:31:21 am »
(( I've joined in on the bouncy pokemon avvy trend xD
They're too cute! I've always loved Espeon. <3
Waiting for Arkanis, and hopefully everyone else is still interested in continuing.. :c ))
"Somebody told me that my elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, but I don't even have an elevator."

"I heard that too! We should go and buy one!"
~America and Italy - Hetalia

Offline silverMarie

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #128 on: December 19, 2012, 04:35:24 am »
Yay for bouncy Pokemon :D.)

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Offline Arkayy

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #129 on: December 20, 2012, 03:35:56 am »
    Kira stopped and looked up at the glass case ahead of him containing the maiden. His head tilted innocently to the side. This is what was drawing me here? Hmph... never thought a women would lure me like this... (XP) He shook his head and glanced around, just now realizing Kaze was at his side. "Great of you to finally join us. Have a nice time playing with the lights?" the wolf spoke teasingly as he grinned.

    Kira turned his attention back on Accalia as she approached,"I can carry her, but it won't be easy getting back down. I'm sure they are sending guards up this way as we speak." He took a second to examine the blood splotches on her pelt. "I'm fine, let's just get out of here." She made her way down the dark hallway. Kira's face displayed some worry still but he shook his head. There right... If we don't get out of here, guards may catch us. I don't think we need the violence.
    As he watched the she wolf take off into the hall, he tagged along after as fast as he could. His back leg ached as he ran and the sirens from the alarms above start to spurr up a headache in him. Kira attempted to throw away the pain for the moment because he knew it couldn't slow him down. Whether he liked it or not, he knew he threw himself into this whole mysterious maiden mess. Questions were bursting in his mind and he wanted to ask the others why he had this strange sensation, a connection the the maiden. The only way he knew he could find the answers is if the three escaped with the maiden.

((Sorry i didn't post sooner. I felt too sick last night to... I hate winter, i always get sick with something.))