Author Topic: What annoys you most about Feral heart?  (Read 13678 times)

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2013, 01:23:09 am »
I've noticed a slight rise in the amount of den claimers... I hate them. I hate them so much.
Back again, let's see how long I stick around this time.

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #31 on: December 12, 2013, 02:14:31 am »
Number One of the many things I will name that take place in this game is the out of character drama. I feel as though I am going back to middle school sometimes, after all it is a game. We all have our flaws, and we push each others buttons, however outright having a screaming cursing war in whisper/group/party, or trying to take down someones happiness for no outright reason is uncalled for. I have even seen a conflict of occ drama move to other websites such as deviantart, and while I find it quite amusing to watch them quarrel in a petty manor it is what I just stated petty. Some people need to grow up, and stop holding grudges. Keep the In - character drama, In - character. It makes life alot more difficult for people when they are having to deal with people fighting with them OCC everytime they come online. FH is a sanctuary for most, a place to get away, don't take that away from them.

Number Two is people whom think they are superior to others, and look down upon the 'lesser' in an awfully rude way. I don't care who you are, Unless someone is in need of punishment or they have been rude to you, outright rudeness is not called for. I've seen a lot of members do such, and it makes my blood boil. No one wants to be talked down to, made feel as though your not good enough, or worthless. It isn't fair. Would you want to be treated in that sort of way? Told you were not aloud to be in another presence because your nose color was too 'pink and ugly', or because your pelt was too 'bland'. I highly doubt it. Remember, even if the person doesn't have the prettiest character in the world, keep your mouth shut, it isn't your place to say anything. That person may be a kid who thinks his/her character is amazing.

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #32 on: December 12, 2013, 12:00:27 pm »

Offline Killian

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #33 on: December 12, 2013, 07:25:10 pm »
Zenithae, I agree 100%, real life and online gaming do not go hand in hand. I've seen a lot of things like this happen.

To your second statement I can not agree more, there is plenty of snobbery going around FH, people pretty much get shunned for not being like all the experienced Wolf Speaking role players, I've had it myself. People seem to have started like "policing" the game and judging people who are different (not as good as them, or at all like them). There needs to be more people with your opinion around.

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #34 on: December 12, 2013, 09:15:46 pm »

Number Two is people whom think they are superior to others, and look down upon the 'lesser' in an awfully rude way. I don't care who you are, Unless someone is in need of punishment or they have been rude to you, outright rudeness is not called for. I've seen a lot of members do such, and it makes my blood boil. No one wants to be talked down to, made feel as though your not good enough, or worthless. It isn't fair. Would you want to be treated in that sort of way? Told you were not aloud to be in another presence because your nose color was too 'pink and ugly', or because your pelt was too 'bland'. I highly doubt it. Remember, even if the person doesn't have the prettiest character in the world, keep your mouth shut, it isn't your place to say anything. That person may be a kid who thinks his/her character is amazing.

I think we can all agree on how irritating that is. These self-proclaimed "proffesional roleplayers" and "gods of literacy" are probably nobodies in real life. I bet you anything that the guy who puts someone down for being illiterate is probably some 30-year-old Joe Schmoe living in his mother's/father's basement, with no job, no real life, and living on the money his "gaurdian" makes. You never know.
The only reason some of these people say such awful things to others in this community is because they are insecure and trying to make themselves feel better about their miserable little existance. They may feel like somebody special and important in the virtual world of MMORPG... but they're probably total losers in reality. You never know. So don't let them get to you, because they are really nobody important.

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #35 on: December 13, 2013, 02:18:45 am »
The truth of both of your words is so real I could reach out and touch it. I personally haven't had such happen to me, yet simply observing it being done to others, and knowing there are some floofs that roam the lands of feral heart that get enough verbal-abuse at home rocks me to the core. I suppose that is what bothers me the most, and allows the issue to get beneath my skin the amount it does. I hope that one day those people whom show cruelty and hatred through words to others are shown a bit of what kindness and compassion is like. I don't want to see them 'taught a lesson' as most would say, I want them to care. Thats all I ask for, and yet despite how simple the request may seem, we all must know it isn't that simple. However yes, what you said, about not letting them get to me is very important, for letting them get to me is allowing them to have some amount of power over me, power they, people whom prey on the innocent to not deserve. If they want happiness they should make their own, not take other beings. So, Thankyou both, for your words, they are helpful and inspiring despite how simple they seemed, for I see this issue too often, and find myself wondering what to do.
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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #36 on: December 14, 2013, 06:56:00 am »
Mate-Beggers, Den-Claimers, Power-Players, and Wolfspeakers. 'nuff said. o3o

Offline Killian

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #37 on: December 14, 2013, 02:05:33 pm »
I thought this thread got locked? Lol.

I need to agree with someone who said the overuse of emoticons. I hate that, they can't type out one sentence without it being littered with smiley faces and winks. I also hate "lol" at the end of a sentence that isn't funny.


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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #38 on: December 14, 2013, 02:47:44 pm »
Well this will get interesting, I have some things I am disliking about Feral Heart, let see what the Yellow Brick Road takes us this time.

OK, before I start talking, some of my, rants of my dislikes of FH may get off hand, if it does, please let me know(Even if you is or is not a mod or a admin) and I will edit it to make it follow the rules more, both game and forum, thanks, and enjoy my dislikes of stuff on FH! -ZearTheAkumian

1 - The first one I dislike about FH, is two words, Mate Centers, surely Mate-begging is a annoyance on FH, but Mate Centers for me, is a annoyance far more worse then Mate-begging, they caps spam, not knowing the no spam the chat rule, you see, every time I see a Mate Center advertising some circle of lag for people in Bonfire, it boils my volcano, but before my hatred of Mate Centers can pop out, which can cause trouble, I block them for life, but, there may be another Mate Center, or what I like to call, a replacement Mate Center, it boils my soul more, letting out my inner demons, this all for Mate Centers.

2 - The second one, the childish behavior infecting the teens, as a 13 year old(I am turning 14 next month) it is indeed tough for me, stuff designed for children 12 and under is no longer my thing, yes, even Animal Jam, putting emotions such as smileys and frownys, and others such as -_-, while also putting such as lol, wtf, and such in it, I just boils me, what also annoys me of child like behavior, is those running memes of the internet, Harlem Shakes, Fox song, it boils me to so much anger, yes, the Harlem Shake died down, but the Fox song, is far more worse, it makes me say this, "Can we at least shut up about that stupid Fox song? Focus on like, Thriller or Gangnam Style, nobody cares what sound the Fox makes!" Yes your wondering, why does a teenager act like a adult? Well because since I turned 13, I focus on stuff for older kids, not kiddish stuff such as Animal Jam, this is all for the child-like behavior of FH.

3 - Last but not least, the loss of Roleplay on FeralHeart. since school started once more on late August, Roleplays I enjoy, such as Creepypasta in the tunnels, it decreased like crazy, not much to say here.

Do you guys have the same dislikes like me? your free to let me know.

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #39 on: July 14, 2014, 03:43:27 am »
What I really hate are trollers who walk up to you and start dancing over you, Spamming caps and basically harass you, I also hate it when people "Map Claim", I've had a problem with that in the past, I also hate it when someone tells you "Your dumb" or "Your not realistic enough" or "Your so immature" :I

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