Author Topic: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting  (Read 51172 times)

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #220 on: January 17, 2014, 01:47:10 am »

Lynx watched as he circled her "Fine." She growled as she glared at him. She couldn't smell the pup yet so she is safe for now, but what would Lynx do? She would just have to hope they would get distracted, giving her a chance to grab the pup and run. "I'll search around the building, why don't you get upstairs." she looked at the others "There are four floors in this hotel, it would be better if we split up, we can cover more ground." She brushed passed Molek and the others and trotted into the alleyway. She tried to look as calm as possible when she saw the white dog standing there. She nodded to him before jumping onto the dumpster and peering in "Excuse you." she growled "This is where I keep my food, will you please leave." she glowered down at him, her lips curled into a snarl. She jumped down and covered where the pup was hiding, she sat down before sticking her nose into the trash. She nosed around for a minute before pulling out a rat "Here." she said as she held the squirming rodent in her jaws "Is this what you were looking for?"

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #221 on: January 17, 2014, 01:53:20 am »


Cisnero silently glared at the canine as the female trotted into the alley, before heading into the dumpster. Moments later, she reappeared with a rodent in her jaws. He slightly brightened up at the sight of it, before nodding towards it. "Thanks." He muttered, swiftly taking the rodent from her jaws. He hadn't eaten in a while, so he was a little grateful for that. Fixing his hard gaze on the female for a moment, Cisnero shook his head and leaped down, a little wary of the canine still. Whatever Molek had said to her might have made her change her mind, however he still had a suspicious feeling of the female. Clutching the prey in his jaws, he set it aside for a moment, fixing his attention onto finding the stupid pup and snapped its neck into little pieces.

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #222 on: January 17, 2014, 03:39:32 am »


The scrawny wolf-dog raised an eyebrow at Lynx and snickered. "Hmm, indeed. The idea of splitting up does seem as it would work best. But, I don't want you to get... sidetracked." Molek remarked slyly, throwing a glance at Jarvis and Cisnero. "You two, get over here." He barked, flicking his patchy tail. "Cisnero, accompany our little female, here. Take the first floor and work your way up. And, make sure you keep her on track. If you see the pup, let her do the honors. I know how she loves killing off those mongrels, so it would only be fair, hmm?" Molek stared over at Lynx; a dark, sly smirk creeping onto his maw before he threw a more serious glance over at Jarvis. "Jarvis- you're with me. We'll weed out the little rodent working from the top floor down. We'll be seeing you soon." He instructed, finishing off his sentence with another smirking glare directed at Lynx before he gestured for them to begin their search for the poor pup. He had for now, shrugged off his unfinished business with Akil, whom he hadn't seen since they went off after the two escaping canines. Though, he had full intentions of finishing the job once this mess was straightened out.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 03:41:16 am by JimMoriarty »
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Offline silverMarie

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #223 on: January 17, 2014, 03:55:52 am »

Jarvis nodded at Molek before following him to the set of stairs "Wouldn't it be better if we recruited the pup? If it's even here.." he shrugged "If we did it would surely be a very nice asset to the group if we raised it to hunt down the uninfected dogs." he didn't expect much from Molek, it was just a suggestion. They continued their way up until they were on the 4th floor. Many of the doors were locked and inaccessible, making their search a little easier "What if we don't find it?" Jarvis searched the floor carefully, smelling nothing, with a huff he carried on the the third floor. Third floor- nothing. On the second floor Jarvis found a beagle, his first kill as one of them. When he got back to the first floor he sighed "Nothing upstairs. Anything around here?" he asked.

Lynx watched as the dog left the dumpster, she took in a breath of relief "Just a little longer." she whispered. She licked the pup's body again, masking her scent then covering her with the trash so that she was hidden "I'll be back soon." Lynx jumped out dumpster and listened to Molek's plan "Alright." she barked as she turned to Cisnero "Come on." she growled as she began sniffing around, not looking for anything. She went through the process rather quickly, but not too quickly, she didn't want to draw any suspicion. She looked at the canine "How long have you this.." she asked as she peered at him, she showed the scar on her right hind leg "I've been like this for a few months now." she yawned as she went up the stairs to the second floor. She could hear Jarvis and Molek above them, but they weren't going to find what they were looking for.

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #224 on: January 17, 2014, 04:17:06 am »
((since I have the feeling Akil is going to die pretty soon, I will go ahead and post this-

Shea (Akil's sister)
Female; 3 years old
Norwegian Lundehund
You'll find out the rest in the rp!!!

As she bounded through the streets, Akil felt her pawpads begin to bleed. She finally reached the corner of Gloria Rd and Main St, she plopped down next to the rusty stop sign and waited. Not long after she had arrived, another lundehund appeared from the shadows of a nearby building, her sister Shea. "Is the pup safe?" Shea nodded, "Hidden quite well." Akil licked her sisters cheek "I'm sorry that I'm leaving you like this..." the two sat in silence for a minute and then Shea looked up at Akil "Hey sis?" she asked quietly "Are they really going to kill you?"
Akil nodded slowly "Yeah, Molek has been planning it for a while now, and well Jarvis wants to because he doesn't know the full story... But I hate that he won't ever know the truth."

After minutes of final goodbyes, the two went their seperate ways, Akil heading to meet her fate and Shea looking like she was heading back to the forest. When Akil arrived back at the hotel, she sat in the middle of the street and waited.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."


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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #225 on: January 17, 2014, 02:45:37 pm »


The small pup looked around and flinched as the trash can was knocked over a small whine escaping her maw as suddenly a voice said I'll be back soon, she knew it was herbmotherbsp she relaxed a bit.

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #226 on: January 17, 2014, 04:43:12 pm »

The Husky mixes' jaws parted as a yawn escaped past her lips, nodding her head at Moleks command Indie hurried off-her claws clicking against the concrete as her tail hung loosely above her back. Lowering her snout to the ground the muscular infected began sniffing around to find a scent, and soon enough she did. Lifting her snout from the ground a crazed grin grew across her face as she let out a cackle and hurried after the scent. As she marched down the empty streets a sound was heard, the howl of Jarvis. But, as stubborn as she was Indie decided to go her own way incase she found something. Looking down a corner something stood there, its figure dark, but medium sized. Her tail wagged as she watched slyly as the canine shuffled around. "Oh, I'm on a killing spree today!" she smirked to herself letting out a quiet but crazed laugh as she cr1led behind a bin, then shooting back and forth. "W..Who's there?" the voice said a little shakey. Smirking she stepped out "You need to know?" she cackled with her back arched and blood stained saliva dripping from her maw, snapping her teeth together causing it to splat onto the dumpster. "RUN!" she shouted as she let out a howl and chuckled. Lunging forward Indie began charging after the Beagle.

With every stride her head lunged forward as scary sounds of laughter continued bellowing out her mouth-but slightly muffled by the continuous growls that erupted from deep in her throat. The faes eyes narrowed as they locked onto the smaller dog, eventhough this wasn't the 'escaper' could she really resist killing something? Turning sharply down a corner she continued chasing after the canine as it looked back in panic. Letting out yet another howl she leapt over a toppled over trash can. The scent of her pack coming closer, but she strived to kill. Skidding past the others she noticed they had caught the 'escaper'. Grinning she lunged at the brown patched canine and took it to the ground with a thud. Rolling herself back out she began ripping at the canines flesh causing it to let out many, echoing yels and her deep growls. "Molek?...What's happening now?" she questioned her muzzle full of flood and splatters all over her pelt and across the walls and the floor, the still limp body of the Beagle along side her.

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #227 on: January 17, 2014, 08:17:47 pm »
(Use Taisha as a helper you will be surprised how tough she is. XD )


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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #228 on: January 18, 2014, 04:03:13 am »
((Who's post turn is it?))

Offline sparticles

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #229 on: January 18, 2014, 12:38:03 pm »
((I'm just waiting for Jim, so I believe its anyones?))
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