Author Topic: Something that is bothering me..  (Read 9709 times)


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Re: Something that is bothering me..
« Reply #20 on: April 22, 2011, 07:37:02 am »
Argh, all these stories.. brings back memories.
I'm sorry to hear that story Sylph, it sucks to
loose a friend, yes indeedy.

I had a best friend. We went to the same school, saw each other everyday. But we talked more
online. Why? Because she was the "it" gurl and apparently it was embarrassing to talk to normal
girls, like myself. But at that time, i didn't care about it. We were really close, we'd talk
everyday after school, online. It was really fun, we talked about the most random things ever. At
school we wouldn't hang out as much,  but i was always there for her. Always.

One day, she completely ignored me. When she went online, she wouldn't talk to me. I talked to her,
but she wouldn't reply. It went on for a week. I confronted her about it. But she wouldn't say or do
anything, she just fell silent. Like i wasn't even there. I walked off feeling like the biggest idiot out. After that day i had gone completely insane, i wouldn't talk to anyone, i'd beat someone up. Maybe it was puberty hitting me like a ton of bricks, who knows.

I did a lot of horrible things to her as well. Verbally. I called her a lot of things, names and all. Then we
just hated each other for a long long time. I began to miss her. I spent my nights crying about her and staring at the phone, wondering if i should call her and say i was sorry. But i didn't, i was too afraid, she probably hates me like hell, i thought. Eventually, i realized how awful i've been to others. I apologized to everyone that i've hurt, besides her. I moved on and made some other friends, but i still thought about her every now and then, still cry myself to sleep every now and then.

At the beginning of the year she talked to me online. She apologized. That was totally unexpected. I was so happy. She told me that she missed me and that she was sorry for ignoring me. I was so friggin happy. She called me and we started screaming over the phone, telling each other we're sorry and stuff, crying haha Dx

So now, we're okay. But we'll never be the same again, we'll never be best friends again. And it just kills. I can't talk to her in real life, at all. I try, but words never come out, i just feel this sickening guilt twisting about in my stomach. Brings me back to when we hated each other. Even now i STILL cry about her. Sigh. But yes, friends come and go, all the time. It's sad, but we learn to move on.

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Re: Something that is bothering me..
« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2011, 08:50:03 am »
D: I wonder why she ignored you though...

Thats terrible, it aweful how fast things could change, like how you were both the bestest friends, and then it suddenly just came crashing down.

I know what its like losing a friend, sadly its happened to me repeatedly, in real life and online V.V
This story involves the same friend though that I hadn't seen for so long.
Again, its crazy how fast things change. I remember how fun it use to be to get online and see my friend, they were just always there to talk to and hang out with. I would talk with them along with a few other friends, and for a time it was great. When suddenly it all came crashing down. My friend started coming on less and less, and they were having issues in real life that I did my best to help cheer them up and make them feel better (hard to do when its only online), which worked for a time, I had lost another friend, the others were fighting with each other and getting moody, and way to personal with the game...
It was so hectic and crazy, that was when I started coming on less.
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"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

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Re: Something that is bothering me..
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2011, 01:45:02 pm »
One day, she completely ignored me. When she went online, she wouldn't talk to me. I talked to her,
but she wouldn't reply.
If there's something I absolutely hate in this world, it's when people do this.
I hate it even more if people just flat out for no reason stop talking to you and you have absolutely no clue in why they do that.

That happened to me and my very first friend on DA and quite possibly she was my very first online "best friend". We would chat about a whole lot of things like friends would do and such. It even got up to the point where we'd talk about the day if we ever would actually meet up in real life since she lived in the UK.
Then one day we slowly began to drift, she began to change and I never knew why at the time. Ultimately she ended up blocking me. I discovered this through another friend (who's ironically an ex-friend now PFF. Let's call them 'Person B' ) because she also had her on msn.
I was angry and hurt because she'd been one of my closest friends and she then goes and does something like that, there wasn't much I could do as even when I'd tried emailing her she'd ignore my emails. In the end I told myself "If she's going to be this way, it's not worth it." and I gradually got over it.
Until one day another one of her friends (Let's call them 'Person C' ) begins to have difficulties with her, I was also an aquaintance of Person C and we'd then rant to one another about her. It was here when I discovered why my "friend" had blocked me. It was all because she did not like my drawing style when I drew one of her species she'd made up (which she let me draw of course).
Yeeeep, ditching me all because of a drawing style.

In a way, I was kind of glad that we'd parted ways, since she somehow changed so drastically from when I first met her. And anyway...who would want to be friends with someone who will block you because they hate how you draw?

Ironically and sadly the ex-friend I talk of here is best friends with Persons B and C to this very day. Although how they are, I have absolutely no idea since they used to dislike her. But anyway...

Another thing that really bothers me, is when people don't want to be friends/flat out stop talking to you because of OCs. Not real life things. Fictional Character things. In most of the times that's happened to me, I've never seen it coming. You'd never know that these people would suddenly pull a stunt like that :\

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Re: Something that is bothering me..
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2011, 06:57:38 am »
This is one of the reasons why I hate people with a passion. I like very few people, and sometimes those people annoy me...

I know how you feel. This other friend I know, who is like my bestie online friend, had been going through some kind of phase sometime ago. This person I met through the same game I had been talking about my other friend, the one who suddenly disappeared.
When we first met, everything was great, we hung out and such, yada yada yada...
However, they soon began to change. They had very strange mood swings, getting angry out of no where. They took the game to personally, getting to stressed over it and I kept telling them to just take a break, it was just a game and not going anywhere. Take a day off or two until you feel better...
Apparently, that advice was ignored. When they were going through these strange mood swings, I did my best to help cheer them up, being happy and helping them move along. They would sometimes calm down and feel a little better, though still slightly irritated, and what they were getting upset about was always something different, either a real life issue, some online friend, or the game. Though everytime there was something wrong they sort of sounded small and not really somethi
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...


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Re: Something that is bothering me..
« Reply #24 on: April 23, 2011, 11:40:24 am »
Yeah, mood swings suck --

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Re: Something that is bothering me..
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2011, 02:30:18 pm »
However, they soon began to change. They had very strange mood swings, getting angry out of no where...
Apparently, that advice was ignored. When they were going through these strange mood swings, I did my best to help cheer them up, being happy and helping them move along.

I've experienced this too but with different people, I won't really get into detail about it but ugh you try and help them and they get all irrational/angry at you even though you've done nothing wrong or just brush off your help over and over. You just don't know what to do anymore and it just falls apart...

I hate it how I keep thinking that people's old selves will come back even when I know they won't. It happens every time :\

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Re: Something that is bothering me..
« Reply #26 on: April 23, 2011, 04:36:32 pm »
Ack, that can be the worst. When friends change. :/ They aren't even themselves anymore, which is upsetting.

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Something that is bothering me..
« Reply #27 on: April 23, 2011, 11:47:41 pm »
I know, right? Its frustrating and soon I just run out of patience and get irritated.
((Oh no, part of my rant was cut off Dx Oh well.))

However, during one of my friend's mood swings, I finally had enough and told them straight off exactly what I thought of them. I told them I was sick and tired of the mood swings and to get over themsevles, yada yada yada. It was basically a "had enough" moment I had.
It seemed to work, for my friend was sort of shocked and surprised, and the mood swings ceased and they became nicer and had more control of themselves. Now we're the bestest friends again :p
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

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Re: Something that is bothering me..
« Reply #28 on: April 24, 2011, 02:01:54 am »
O: Lucky, when we tried that it didn't go so well, they were in such a huge denial and didn't know why we were irritated :\

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Something that is bothering me..
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2011, 12:09:03 am »
Yeah, unfortunately that tends to happen most of the time xP

People just hate to admit that they were in the wrong, they're even going so far as losing a good friendship.

I'm just glad my friend wasn't that way. Before they had been acting immature, irritated, emotional, ect, but they took a huge leap forward by doing what they just did. When I gave it to them straight, they knew their wrongs and worked at them, becoming a better person and getting less angry with their friends. We get along now.
Hope that didn't sound like I was rubbing it in haha.
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...