Author Topic: What do you think about TLK players?  (Read 10848 times)

Offline greenart6

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Re: What do you think about TLK players?
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2013, 04:08:39 pm »
I've roleplayed as TLK myself a couple times. :P
I don't think they're all that bad, or annoying, unless there's more than one of a certain character on at the same time. This is when the fighting and powerplaying starts.

Other that that, the only thing that bugs me is when they abuse the characters. For example, making a char named 'Kiara's bestfriend', or 'Kovu's sister'. Those characters weren't in the movies, or the books, and it just kills the roleplay for me. If the character was theorized to be in the movie (like Dotty and Spotty, or Kopa), that doesn't effect much, but taking a lion and adding all the tags just to be included in a TLK roleplay seems kind of ridiculous to me. .-.

Oh my god, the best friend stuff bugs me so much. I don't mind the daughter or son tag, but friend does bug me. Also how people say that they're "Kiaras daughter" but they have pink bodies and purple  upper eyelids and neon yellow tails o.o

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Re: What do you think about TLK players?
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2013, 04:12:31 pm »
And not a lot of the lions have marking either. Really only back stripes, ear rims, and scars. Yet, in Feralheart, there is indeed lions with swirl markings named "Scar's son"

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Re: What do you think about TLK players?
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2013, 08:50:50 pm »
I hate it when they claim to be the official characters and the ones in bonfire annoy me. They caps rage and their RP seems to spam out everyone elses. It wouldn't kill them to make a group! But other then that I don't care much, people can RP about whatever they want to.

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Re: What do you think about TLK players?
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2013, 09:30:13 pm »
They surly aren't bad or annoying people, but I for one do not like when people take characters from books, movies, or shows because in my opinion it shows no creative and unique interest. Sorry if this offends ANYONE!!! I promise I am only saying my opinion on it, I love lion players. I have my own (Ryo) so I am not saying I dislike lion players.

I know, right?

I mean I don't mind TLK stuff, as long as it's in the "future" of TLK. I mean I LOVED all three movies as a child, and I still kinda like the movies myself.
But I honestly hate it when it's either Mufasa, Nala, Sarabi, Simba, or Scar. I would accept a different Simba or Scar because Simba means lion, and someone might make up a different type of character named Simba, or an evil-like character or a character named after their scar I'm okay with, but if they are from the actual TLK, just no.
Creativity is what I like. Not characters from books or movies.
I honestly also hate when there's an abused or abandoned cub, or anything like that, or rule-breakers and all that shiz. A simple pride in bonfire would be good, though.
And if there's a TLK RP just for the lol's then it's fine with me, but I honestly dislike it when there is a Ahadi cub and a Kiara teen, because they lived in different times in TLK.
Though I honestly don't mind TLK RP's if nothing gets screwed, ruined or any arguments.
It's fine with me, if it's just for fun, or entertainment, or even just a simple RP really.

Offline moonshimmer100

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Re: What do you think about TLK players?
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2013, 09:34:56 pm »
I don't think they're that bad but it does get quite confusing for me when I go to bonfire and I see a bunch of Nalas, Simbas, Scars, kovus, etc.. and all of them claiming to be the official one seems a bit odd for me but I can't exactly say much as I've never rped with them before.
Hello random person! ^_^

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Re: What do you think about TLK players?
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2013, 11:49:25 pm »
Can't say I hate 'em.. or love them. -Eye twitch-
Anyway, I'm fine with TLK Roleplayers. If they're literate, it makes the roleplay 'okay'. I've roleplayed a TLK char before, and honestly, it always turns out bad. Why? They go hardcore with the fandom!
Now, there's a lot of reasons why I dislike TLK Roleplayers. For one, they treat the Outlander/Pridelander thing like religion.
Let's take an example:
Chaka (Supposedly Kiara and Kovu's 'son'.):"i'm haff outlander and haff pridelander."

What? No. Now, I won't believe these two have cubs until I hear it from the officials of Disney.. :l Anyway, this cub isn't half of both. Outlander and Pridelander is a name of where you live, not in what you believe. They happen to think that Outlanders/Pridelanders have beliefs and treat it as if it were a religion. This cub isn't half of both for the fact that being an Outlander/Pridelander isn't in your 'blood'.

The Wars:
I hate the wars. Mainly the fact that it lags Bonfire. Let's say you're Scar or Zira. All those 'Outlanders' will follow your Zira or Scar as if they were puppies, always following you around and asking, "r we going 2 atack da pridelanders???". Is that annoying? Incredibly!
The wars are just godmodding, powerplaying, and auto-hitting, which is annoying. With throwing posts like, "We're taking over the Pridelands, Simba!" When really they're just fighting for a rock..
In the end, the Outlanders lose because the Pridelanders call them cheaters and block them all, causing the Outlanders to retreat because what's the point of fighting someone blocked?

Outlander vs. Pridelander:
It's annoying. Yes, that's my catchphrase because I'm a broken record on it.
Let's say you're a Pridelander, wandering in the supposed 'Outlands'. Don't expect not to be tackled by five outlanders, shouting in caps, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE OUTLANDS?! Die, Pridelander!!!!111!" Same thing with Outlanders. If you're Simba or Nala, you're going to be insulted by some outlanders or some Scar or Zira, wanting to put up a fight!

VitanixKopa and NukaxSpotty:
Well. I don't want to talk about this, but I want to. I feel like I'm making a point.. -Scratches chin-
Anyway, these roleplayers make Kopa and Vitani be 'mates' and have their own cubs. Why?! Honestly, there's nothing that proves that they have a relationship and besides, Kopa probably would be way older than Vitani since he was born when Nuka was. (I assume he was.) Long story short, they're always put together, have cubs, and just.... be illiterate most of the time.. Now for Nuka and Spotty, it's the exact same thing. Nuka has kids with Spotty. (When really, he died before he could have any..) There's nothing that proves their relationship either..

The Many Family members:
Like someone said up there, the KiarasSister or ZiraDaughter is just a bunch of fake baloney. Why not go by the movie? I doubt Zira has a lot of more cubs. Her cubs are Vitani, Nuka, and Kovu. End of story. Same goes with the others. Simba has no brothers. Scar and Mufasa have no other siblings. That's all.

I understand. It's only 'roleplay'. Trust me, if you went there, then it'll be pointless. The thing is, some of these things, like the one above, make the user seem snobby, arrogant, and ignorant..

>mfw i see internet arguments

Offline greenart6

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Re: What do you think about TLK players?
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2013, 12:01:54 am »
Also, what's funny is when someone says they're "Simba's brother" but not "Mufasa's or Sarabi's son". And the NukaXDotty thing is everywhere. I've seen it on Deviantart, Wikias, etc. But what if Nuka did survive? You don't always have to go by the book. I like saying Scar doesn't die, or that Nuka had a little bit of strength to pull the logs off of him after the outsiders left. And another point, the official term is "Outsiders" not "Outlanders." Disney put Outlanders on the back of the TLK2 movie case as a mistake, and in no point during the movie do they say "Outlanders", yet, that's what everyone says it is.

And, I'm going to create a mapped TLK rp, it might help with some of those problems if I can find literate people who know their lion king. Eh, a bit off-topic but oh well XD


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Re: What do you think about TLK players?
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2013, 01:46:47 am »
I've never really had a problem with TLK players. Even in Bonfire, they seem to just roleplay with other TLK characters and stuff.
Never have I once seen them powerplay or map claim, which I can't say for other fandoms like Warrior Cats.
But anyway, I think the TLK players are very bearable, they might be a little funny with their "Official" tags but I guess that's a trend in that fandom. It's also a little amusing when a "Official Simba" character's mane is bright red and the coloring is all off. XD

Their roleplaying does spam Bonfire a lot, but that's mainly just because Bonfire is extremely small and there's barely any room in it.

Really, the TLK players aren't too bad. Because there's so many of them, sometimes when they fight it's horrible with the massive lagging and the chat zooming by. But that's basically the same as what Warrior Cats do and other fandoms probably do that because there's so many of them.
I think people degrade the TLk players a lot though. But then again the TLK players are only human, so of course they aren't all human.
I feel like I'm rambling now, so I'll just stop this comment thing.

Offline YouheiSunohara24

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Re: What do you think about TLK players?
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2013, 02:52:09 pm »
They surly aren't bad or annoying people, but I for one do not like when people take characters from books, movies, or shows because in my opinion it shows no creative and unique interest. Sorry if this offends ANYONE!!! I promise I am only saying my opinion on it, I love lion players. I have my own (Ryo) so I am not saying I dislike lion players.

O3O But... but I like playing as Mello from Death Note! ;^; He's epical..
For me, crazy is a loose term. Crazy is when you drive by in a car with a shotgun shooting a cops. Cuz... then you're gonna get in big trouble. Crazy is when you start screaming at the word "Shinigami". Crazy is when you support Kira. You're crazy if you touched my chocolate because that means you want to die. If you're crazy, put this in ur sig.XD

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Re: What do you think about TLK players?
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2013, 10:30:54 pm »
I myself do not mind TLK roleplayers. It's as valid as any other roleplay genre. However,  I've never run into any good ones yet -- they've all been illiterate or powerplayers. XP

They surly aren't bad or annoying people, but I for one do not like when people take characters from books, movies, or shows because in my opinion it shows no creative and unique interest. Sorry if this offends ANYONE!!! I promise I am only saying my opinion on it, I love lion players. I have my own (Ryo) so I am not saying I dislike lion players.

 I don't know, I personally believe it is an excellent writing exercise to play as an existing character from books/shows/movies, taken you're playing in the character's established universe and not migrating them into original roleplays. It's a good method for putting consistency and character interpretation skills into action -- valuable skills for writers. Plus, it's fun! :D And despite enjoying and participating in fandom roleplays, I still create characters of my own with their own unique stories. So... that's that! XP
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