Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => In-Game Based Roleplay => In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement => Topic started by: Wildcat26 on September 08, 2011, 07:56:46 pm

Title: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 08, 2011, 07:56:46 pm
?Welcome to AP Valley?
?Introduction?Rules?Current Plot?Annoucements?
AP Valley is a multi-species semi-realistic RP that takes place in Africa.
It's a literate long- term and is an entirly in-game based RP.
There will be a rainy and dry season.
This RP is in one of my custom maps, so you must be able to download and install custom maps to join the RP.
Prides, packs and clans may have ranks or jobs such as hunters, gaurds, healers and leaders of course. ;)
This RP will have alot of flexibility. It's not a feline VS canine RP! The animals will be intelligent and may choose who to ally with.
Members of a pride/pack may be of different species, or maybe consist of loners or normally solitary species that choose to work together and not your standard group.

?APV Rules (Subject to Change!)?
?-You must follow all FH rules.
?-This is my RP and my map, if I ask you to stop doing something, please stop.
?- As a notice the map IS PUBLIC, so anyone may be in the map at any time. this is why the APV in your charrie's name is important, it lets us know you are a part of the RP! Others are not to bother us if we are in a RP; if they do we will tell them NICELY that we are in the middle of a RP.
?-Classique-Cat is the co-owner of this RP, she is 2nd in command and you have to listen to what she says. Treat her with respect, when I'm not around she's in charge.
?-NO chat speak or typing in all capitals (CAPS)!!!
?-You may play 2 characters, no more.
?-No forming prides/packs/clans, killing your character or having cubs/pups without asking me first. (I would prefer no characters getting killed,
but if you wish to kill your charrie off, I need to know to keep updated on things.)
?-If your character takes a mate, please tell me, again so I can keep things updated.
?-Members should check in with the RP at lease every 2wk, if your are gone longer then that without a reason, you'll be moved to an in-active list.
If you don't check in with in another 2wk you'll be removed from the RP.

?RP'ing Rules (Subject to Change!)?
?-This RP is PG13. No strong cursing; do not abuse this or it will be taken away. If you must do an RP mating, do it in whisper! Don't go overboard with gore or blood in fights.
?-There should be NO fighting or cursing towards others in OOC(Out of character).
?-No godmoding, auto-hitting or powerplaying etc. RP.
?-No special powers or abilties; your character can't be immortal and can't be the best at everything.
?-No RP'ing another player's character unless they say it is ok.
?-General chat will be used for RP 'actions' only; local for RP speaking and local 'actions'. Party and/or Group(Not sure if the group glitches are still a problem) will be used for OOC.
?-I don't expect full paragraphs every time, but try to put at least a couple full sentences per post. Know this can be hard, I have trouble with it myself, but we'll get better if we just practice.
?-If you are posting a full paragraph and run out of space in the chat box, putting -C- or Cont. at the end will let others know you are not done with your post.
?-This is a LITERATE RP, that means... You are expected to use proper grammar to the best of your ability.


?Current Plot?
The setting:
APValley is the site of a newly formed wildlife reserve.
It's the rainy season.
The Plot:
The area, once destroyed by humans, has now been restored and turned into a wildlife reserve. There are a few small herds of prey that exist in reserve, but it is lacking in predators. Therefor some animals have been transported in by the humans to repopulate the area. Some will have found their way in on their own, the promise of new unclaimed dens, territory and water draw in creatures of all sorts.

How will the new residents settle in? As they find a new home, new families and allies... maybe even new enemies.

And the question remains... Are the humans still watching......?

It will be your choice whether your character is transported in or traveled in on their own. Just keep in mind how this will affect them.

You have a suggestion for this plot? Let us know!

10/18 Latest updates!!!:
http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/blog/45184912/ (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/blog/45184912/)

Some big updates here!:
http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/blog/44936795/ (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/blog/44936795/)

APV has it's own DA group now!
http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/ (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/)

This is my first try at an RP, so I know things aren't perfect.
Feel free to suggest things or tell me if I've fogotten anything..
Suggestions on rules or a good plot are welcome. :3

Wild <3

Title: +Species=Applications=Ranks+
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 08, 2011, 07:57:26 pm
?These are the species I'm currently accepting. If you have another species you think I forgot or you can realisticly pull
off with the FH models, feel free to suggest.

?Lion(Regular & White)
?Leopard (regular & black)
?Cheetah (Regular, King, white, black and gray)
?Caracal ( Pic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Caracal_hunting_in_the_serengeti.jpg) )
?Serval(Regular ,white & black)


?African Wild Dog - Pic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lycaon_pictus_(Temminck,_1820).jpg)
?Jackle (Golden - Pic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Golden_jackal_small.jpg) , Black-backed - Pic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Canis_mesomelas.jpg) & Side Striped - Pic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Side-striped_Jackal.jpg))
?Ethiopian Wolf - Pic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:EthiopianWolf1.jpg)
?Fennec Fox
?Cape Fox - Pic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_fox)
?Bat Earred Fox - Pic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bat_eared_fox_Kenya_crop.jpg)

?Hyena (Spotted, Striped & Brown - Pic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Parahyaena_brunnea_2.jpg) )
?Aardwolf - Pic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Proteles_cristatus1.jpg)
?Meerkat - ( Pic (http://www.irishviews.com/meerkats.jpg) )

?FelinexFeline OR canineXCanine hybreds(As long as at least one parent is from african) MAY be accepted, just ask. :3
?No felineXcanine hybreds or fantasy stuff( Werewolves, hellhounds, gryphons etc.) though.
?IF the Hybred is half non african animal, there must be an explanation on how they got there in the animal's history since such hybreds wouldn't be possible naturally.
?This is a semi-realistic RP, so the colors must be natural, so no bring neon colors guys, sorry. x3
?Lighter, darker and tinted varations of natural colors will be accepted in most cases.

?Eyes may be any natural color; Any natural pupled eye is accepted.
?No glow, pupiless, orb or oval, cross, ring, and swirl eyes.

?Extra markings that aren't normal to a species may be accepted. White or black extra markings must be small; more subtle markings maybe be larger or more numorus.
This will probably come into play more if your character has a preset.

?A realistic size is also important, so no mini-lions/hyenas/wild dogs (unless a cub) or giant foxes/servals.

?Character Applications?

You may apply to join the RP by submitting an app...

Here on the FH forum thread.

On my DA?Link (http://wildcat-26.deviantart.com/) |All DA Apps MUST be noted to me! Apps posted in comments will be ignored.|
RP'ers of all experience and levels are welcome!
User name:
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3)
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional):(Groups may be made up of different or  normally solitary species also ;) )
Your character is best at?: (Hunting, fighting,healing, watching cubs/pups etc.)
RP sample:(Required;Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.)
Code: [Select]
User name:
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3)
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.)
RP sample: (Required;Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.)
Once your app is accepted, it will be posted on the RP thread on the FH forum.
On DA a screen along with your charries app will be posted.

?Den Claiming Applications?

??There are 21 named dens in the map. Look here to see all the locations: http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4bb6mr (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4bb6mr)
??Den claiming only applies to IC RP'ing. If there's no RP going on, any den may be used by anyone!
??Any one may use any den but you will need group with a certain number to claim medium and large dens.
??Dens will be claimed on a first come first served bases, so if you like a den, be sure to put in your request soon as they are open to get the one you want!
??In order to claim a medium den you must have at least 3 group members. These are: Acacia Den, Paramount Den, Treeroot Den, and Trishade Den.
??In order to claim a large den your group must have at least 5 group members. These are: Amberrock Den, Bigfern Den, Oceanridge Den, and Reflection Cave.
??Although it would be nice to see it used by a leopard, the Leopard Den is actually claimable by anyone. It was called this because it was made to be similar to a realistic leopard den.
??All of the other named dens (with exception of Sonya's and Hawke's), may be claimed by a single animal. These are: Beach Den, Cliff Den, Deadtree Den, Hidden Den, Island Den, Leopard Den, Log 'Den', Sandhill Den, Slantedrock Den, and either of the Serval Island Dens.
??Once we go through the initial claiming, it will be your job to keep the den once the RP starts. You may be challenged for your den at any time by another character or group.
??If a den dispute comes down to a fight, remember all RP rules apply! If you like you can get a Mod to watch the fight to make sure it is fair.
??If you win or take over a den, you need to notify us that you have claimed it so we can update things. We will check with the original den owner to make sure it was taken fairly.

??If all the dens are taken or your character doesn't want an actual den, you can 'claim' a rock, tree, or log. But remember, no actual territory claiming. x3
??If you are doing this I will need a screenshot to know where you are claiming; not 'this tree by the rock by the water' sort of thing!  If you want the underside of a rock , take a screen with your charrie there. A tree? Climb in it or stand next to it and take a screen!
If you want to claim a non den object, a screenshot is required for location purposes.
??If you're claiming a den that requires a group, the Den application will be put as Pending until all the members can be contacted; this will change to Accepted once your group app gets approved. :3
Character Name/s or Group Name: (If claiming a medium or large den, remember you must have a group with the minimum number to claim it.
Den Name:
Screenshot of Object: (Only if you aren't claiming a named den)
2nd Choice: (This is in case the den/place you chose is taken)


Code: [Select]
Character Name/s or Group Name: (If claiming a medium or large den, remember you must have a group with the minimum number to claim it.
Den Name:
Screenshot of Object: (Only if you aren't claiming a named den)
2nd Choice: (This is in case the den/place you chose is taken)
On DA, all group apps must be noted to: http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/ (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/)

On the FH forum all apps should be posted in the thread.

?Claimed Dens/Objects List?
These dens/objects have been claimed.
??Beach Den-Galen{Evelynn}
??Sandhill Den-Artemis(Art){Lizzy}
??Hidden Den-Jack{Goon}
??Island Den-Malawi{october_wind}
?? Awesome tree (http://i.imgur.com/tbdTQ.jpg) -Albus{Keru}
??Link (http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx239/MoonKitty_26/FH/APValley/APValley%20Members%20Only/Sirahlivai_claim.jpg)- That big rock- Sirahlivai{Goon}
??Cliff Den- Lala{Dubstep.Freak}
??Slanted Rock Den- Drum[Copper4me}
??Jolly's log (http://i53BannedImageSite/wmmtdy.jpg)- Jolly{whobei}
??Deadtree Den-Natari{Simbah}
??10 Serval Island Den-Ash{marzishadow}
??Measuring rock- Mufasa{Copper4me}
??9 Serval Island Den- Stevie{Samsung}
??Log 'Den'-Flower{Meerkatstar}

?Pack/Pride/Group Applications?


??Any animal can form a group; they can be all of the same species or multi-species.
?? Groups will be a minimum of 3 members; if only 2 members that aren't mates wish to work together they will be called companions. :3
??Having a group gives the ability to claim medium and larger dens in the map.
??As of right now there's no territory claiming.
??Groups can choose whether they have ranks/jobs or not. See here: http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/blog/44589775/ (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/blog/44589775/)
??All group applications will be put as Pending until all the members can be contacted; this will change to Accepted once your group app gets approved. :3
Group Members:
Group Name: (Optional)
Screenshot of your Group: (If possible)
Ranks/Jobs: (Yes/No/Not decided)

Code: [Select]
Group Members:
Group Name: (Optional)
Screenshot of your Group: (If possible)
Ranks/Jobs: (Yes/No/Not decided)
On DA, all group apps must be noted to: http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/ (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/)

On the FH forum all apps should be posted in the thread.


??As of currently, there will be no app for taking a mate in the RP.
??We would like you guys to inform us thought if you and another member make your characters mates. This is to keep the RP updated an all. :3
??You do have to ask first if you decide you and your mate want to have cubs/pups/kits.  Again this is to keep the RP updated. :3

Now this RP will probably have prides/packs/clans/groups.
But unlike most RPs that the groups has set ranks for each member, in APV groups may choose to have ranks/jobs or to not; it'll be totally optional.

?The reason I also have 'Jobs' in there is so if they don't want to use them in the way usually thought of as ranks. As in where ranks is like a chain of command within the group, with some being higher then others or have certain privileges.
Where as a a member may have a certain job, but they're treated equally as other members with different jobs.

?When a group is formed, it will be decided whether or not the members will have ranks or jobs by the group as a whole. Everyone must agree on whether ranks or jobs will be used.

?There should be NO fighting when deciding this!!! If you do not like the groups' decision you can always leave to join another or just be a loner.

These are the ranks that currently can be used by all groups. Some are kinda obvious. lol

?Leader=Leads the group of course.
?Hunter=Hunts for food for the group.
?Guard/Fighter= Fights and protects the group from attacks.
?Healer=Tends to injured or sick group members. Finds plants and such to heal.
?Den Nurse/Babysetter (xD)=Watches the cubs/pups while the others are away and help's the mothers take care of them.
?Scout=Keeps a look out for prey or danger. They alert the others when they find the prey or an enemy.

Applying for ranks will be done after a few people join the RP.

 If you have an rank/job suggestions, please tell me. :3

Title: ~Characters+Clans/Packs/Prides~
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 08, 2011, 07:57:41 pm
Title: ~Characters+Clans/Packs/Prides~ Cont.
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 08, 2011, 07:58:12 pm
?African Wild Dogs?
? ? ?
User name: Justice
Character name: Krowsof APV
Screenshot: http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu227/BirchEliza/screenshot_09172011_192910729.png (http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu227/BirchEliza/screenshot_09172011_192910729.png)
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join a African Wild Dog pack
Complete App & History:Link (http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=11806.msg166967#msg166967)

 ? ? ?
User name: Lizzy
Character name: Artemis aka Art
Screenshot: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b230/LizzyCat/art.png (http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b230/LizzyCat/art.png)
Gender: Male
Age:not sure of an exact age but a teenager
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: looking to join
Complete App & History:Link (http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=11806.msg174367#msg174367)

?Bat Earred Foxes?
 ? ? ?
(http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx239/MoonKitty_26/FH/APValley/APValley%20Members%20Only/th_screenshot_10182011_023055179.png) (http://tinyurl.com/VulrichAPV)
User name: Sethos
Character name: Vulrich APV
Screenshot: http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/4086/vulrichss.jpg (http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/4086/vulrichss.jpg)
Gender: Male
Age:2 years 3 months
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:  Loner, at least for now
Complete App & History:Link (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/gallery/32863212#/d4d9k9b)

? Cape Foxes?
 ? ? ?
User name: DancerOfTheDead
Character name: Zaire
Screenshot: http://i56BannedImageSite/nyz94x.png (http://i56BannedImageSite/nyz94x.png)
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner
Complete App & History:Link (http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=11806.msg174661#msg174661)

?Ethiopian Wolves?
? ? ?

User name: Hibiscus
Character name:Honey APV
Screenshot: http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg18/scaled.php?server=18&filename=screenshot0916201113000q.png&res=medium (http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg18/scaled.php?server=18&filename=screenshot0916201113000q.png&res=medium)
Gender: Female
Age: 2 Years
Mate/Offspring: No
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Currently loner, probably wanting to join a pack
Complete App & History:Link (http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=11806.msg166296#msg166296)

 ? ? ?
(http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx239/MoonKitty_26/FH/APValley/APValley%20Members%20Only/th_screenshot_10162011_011236280.png) (http://tinyurl.com/AlexiAPV)
User name: IvyWolf
Character name: Alexi APV
Gender: Female
Age: 4years
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: She would like to join a pack, but doesn't mind being alone.
Complete App & History:Link (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/gallery/32863212#/d4d9ir2)

?Fennec Foxes?
? ? ?
(http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx239/MoonKitty_26/FH/APValley/APValley%20Members%20Only/th_screenshot_09142011_224722766.png) (http://tinyurl.com/TwitchAPV)
User name: GraySkies
Character name: Twitch
Gender: Male
Age: Nine months
Mate/Offspring: N/A
Loner or Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner- Will stay with anyone in his travels.
Complete App & History: Link (http://wildcat-26.deviantart.com/#/d49w1ca)

? ? ?

(http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx239/MoonKitty_26/FH/APValley/APValley%20Members%20Only/th_screenshot_10062011_172723440.png) (http://s759.photobucket.com/albums/xx239/MoonKitty_26/FH/APValley/APValley%20Members%20Only/?action=view&current=screenshot_10062011_172723440.png)
User name: Dubstep.Freak
Character name: Lala APV
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Mate/Offspring: Killed, Not Really Looking For Another, But She Wouldn't Mind At All, Perhaps Make Her Happy Again
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional):Loner For Now, Likes The Company Of Other Foxes And Smaller Canine/Feline.
Complete App & History:Link (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/gallery/32863212#/d4c0xff)

? ? ?
User name: krazydelaney
Character name: Shennec Fox APV
Gender: Female
Age: Not born yet
Mate/Offspring/parents: N\A/N\A/mom is Lala
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: too young for any
Complete App & History:Link Coming soon! (http://)

? ? ?
User name: Goon
Character name: Jake APV
Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/RLlOy.png (http://i.imgur.com/RLlOy.png)
Species: Black-Backed Jackal [<3]
Gender: Male
Age:about two years
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner, doesn't want a pack would rather pester them.
Complete App & History:Link coming soon!

? ? ?
User name: copper4me
Character name: Drum APV
Screenshot: http://copper4me.deviantart.com/art/Drum-s-app-used-to-be-Kodiak-262149205 (http://copper4me.deviantart.com/art/Drum-s-app-used-to-be-Kodiak-262149205)
Species: Lab/Ethiopian Wolf cross
Gender: Male
Age: 5
Mate/Offspring: None?
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner
Complete App & History:Link (http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=11806.msg173385#msg173385)

? ? ?
User name: xxsnowstripexx
Character name: Iratu APV
Screenshot: http://snowthelion.deviantart.com/art/FH-char-258305856 (http://snowthelion.deviantart.com/art/FH-char-258305856)
Species: Striped hyena
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years
Mate/Offspring: None but looking.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Wants to make his own pack.
Complete App & History:Link (http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=11806.msg165639#msg165639)

? ? ?
User name: Bruton
Character name: Tau APV
Screenshot: http://i53BannedImageSite/b4hhmc.png (http://i53BannedImageSite/b4hhmc.png)
Species: Spotted Hyena
Gender: Male
Age: 2 months
Mate/Offspring: Way too young :p
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: I guess he would be looking for a pride/pack.
Complete App & History:Link (http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=11806.msg166540#msg166540)

? ? ?
User name: Justice
Character name: Aditi APV
Screenshot: http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu227/BirchEliza/screenshot_09172011_192309137.png (http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu227/BirchEliza/screenshot_09172011_192309137.png)
Species: Striped Hyena
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join a hyena pack/clan
Complete App & History:Link (http://tinyurl.com/AditiAPV2)

 ? ? ?
(http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx239/MoonKitty_26/FH/APValley/APValley%20Members%20Only/th_screenshot_10072011_212900483.png) (http://tinyurl.com/CurseAPV)
User name: Shyra44
Character name: Curse APV
Species: Striped Hyena
Gender: Male
Age: 3yrs (Young Adult)
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: He is looking for a pack.
Complete App & History:Link (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/gallery/32863212#/d4cy05s)

? ? ?
User name: Deondrey
Character name: Jarza (APV)
Screenshot: http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums/g467/Deopoo/Jarza-1.jpg (http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums/g467/Deopoo/Jarza-1.jpg)
Species: Spotted Hyena
Gender: Female
Age: Four years
Mate/Offspring: None at this time
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Willing to join a clan
Complete App & History:Link (http://tinyurl.com/JarzaAPV2)

 ? ? ?
User name: JPAkita
Character name: Tajiri APV
Species: Striped Hyena
Gender: Male
Age: 2yr
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner.
Complete App & History:Link coming soon

 ? ? ?
(http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx239/MoonKitty_26/FH/APValley/APValley%20Members%20Only/th_screenshot_10122011_003520826.png) (http://tinyurl.com/StevieAPV)
User name: Samsung
Character name:  Stevie
Species: Spotted Hyena
Gender: Female
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:
Complete App & History:Link (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/gallery/32863212#/d4d2zya)

? ? ?
User name: wolfdemon287
Character name: Rusty APV
Screenshot: http://oi54BannedImageSite/16a6yvn.jpg (http://oi54BannedImageSite/16a6yvn.jpg)
Species: Spotted Hyena
Gender: Female
Age: 2 1/2
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join pride/pack
Complete App & History:Link coming soon!

? ? ?
User name: AngelDemon
Character name: Somnium APV
Screenshot: http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i367/xXAngelDemonXx/screenshot_10162011_105603601.png (http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i367/xXAngelDemonXx/screenshot_10162011_105603601.png)
Species: Spotted Hyena
Gender: Female
Age:2 year old (very young adult)
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join a clan, but a loner at the moment.
Complete App & History:Link coming soon! (http://)

? ? ?
User name: marzishadow
Character name: Ash
Screenshot: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/289/0/4/apv_application_ash_by_marzi66-d4d11j8.png (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/289/0/4/apv_application_ash_by_marzi66-d4d11j8.png)
Species: Spotted Hyena
Gender: Female
Age:Young Adult
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Currently Looking
Complete App & History:Link coming soon!

 ? ? ?
User name: Scrub
Character name: Nukilia APV
Screenshot: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v124/Vayian/Nuki-1.png (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v124/Vayian/Nuki-1.png)
Gender: Female
Age:3 years
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join
Complete App & History:Link (http://tinyurl.com/NukiliaAPV2)

? ? ?
User name: MeerkatStar
Character name: Flower APV
Screenshot: http://i53BannedImageSite/6f8i77.png (http://i53BannedImageSite/6f8i77.png)
Gender: Female
Age:2 years old
Mate/Offspring: None yet
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Could i start a new clan and could i be domanant female?
Complete App & History:Link (http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=11806.msg178008#msg178008)

? ? ? ? ? ?
(PS. If you want a symbol next to your charrie's name, go here (http://facebook-symbols.com/all/), then post or PM which you would like to use.)

Title: ^Maps+Presets^|||=Banners+Art+Screenshots+Videos=
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 08, 2011, 07:58:26 pm
?African Plains Valley Map?
?DA Gallery?Link (http://wildcat-26.deviantart.com/gallery/32443346)
?Gallery 2?Link (http://photobucket.com/APValley)
?Video?AP Valley Preview - Feral Heart Map (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9GlcxQHBPQ#)
(If you want to be surprised and explore the map yourself, DO NOT watch the video, it shows all the dens and pretty much everything.)
?There are 20 claimable dens of all sizes.
?Medium and large dens will require a certain number of animals in order to claim it in this map.
I'm not sure yet if I'm going to allow territory claiming, the map may not be big enough.
I'm actually wishing now I had made it a bit bigger. If, IF the RP does well and there ends up being alot of active members I will probably make a bigger map, and maybe even a multi-map pack.

?Full map description and download link(it's the 4th map under 'Public maps' 2nd post)?link (http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&lang=en&jfile=index.php&topic=1309.0)
For those who are active and stay with the RP, I may offer to make presets for their APV RP character if they like.


?Banners ? Art ? Screenshots ? Videos?
APValley Banner 1
Code: [Select]
[IMG]http://i56BannedImageSite/2rdc42g.jpg[/IMG] ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Title: -Literate RP Tips-
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 08, 2011, 07:59:01 pm
Literate RP Tips+ History
?-This is a LITERATE RP, that means... You are expected to use proper grammar to the best of your ability. -?

Now I'm no expert at RP, but it's not that hard to write descriptive and understandable sentences.
If you need help with writing a good RP post and want to practice, let me know I'll help you work on your RP'ing skills. I could use the practice myself.
But to start, here's some ground rules to go by.
??Try, try to use proper complete sentences.
Capitalize the first word of your sentence, and end it with the proper punctuation. Do not capitalize every word or make long run together sentences with no punctuation or just commas. These are messy and difficult to read.  
An example of a run-on sentence:
'In the evening the leopard climbed up the tree and ate a gazelle he caught earlier, then took a nap, he woke up the next day and went to find more food since he was hungry again he found a bunny in the grass, he decided to chase it this was very fun and made him happy he smiled.'

This would be better:
In the evening the leopard climbed up the tree and ate a gazelle he caught earlier, then took a nap. He woke up the next day and went to find more food, since he was hungry again. He found a bunny in the grass, he decided to chase it; this was very fun. It made him happy and he smiled.'

??Txt talk and chat speak are a big no, no.
It's not that hard to type your words out and your post looks much nicer.

??If you're unsure, don't be afraid to look a word up if you don't know how to spell it or don't know the meaning.
I keep a dictionary on the table next to me while on the PC, I use it all the time xD

??Use interesting words to describe your character, what s/he is seeing or feeling and the world around them.
     "The lion ran through the leaves making lots of noise."
"The tawny lion galloped swiftly through the auburn fall leaves, crunching and crackling with each paw step"
Which do you think is the better sentence?

?Just to show you read everything!-> You must post
 'Reflection Cave is an APV den'
Your answer must be posted in White! So when you pick a color to post in: color=White. If you can't post in color, just say in White. xD
Now that you have everything, you've read all the posts and can post your app now! :3

 ???  ???  ???  ???  ???
Sonya's app as an example:

User name: Wildcat26
Character name: Sonyador(Sonya)
Screenshot: Link (http://fav.me/d49m2uq)
Species: Leopon
Gender: Female
Age: Young adult;Around 2yr
Description:Deep blue eyes and a golden nose.Sandy pelt; light creamy underfur and tail tip.Light orange-ish brown leopon markings; darker and more visible on her tail and head. A bit larger then a normal leopard, but not a bulky as a lioness and slightly faster. She's supposed as to be a leopon, for this is what she looks like, but it's believed she could have some cheetah in her blood, no one knows for sure...
Personallity:A loner; does what she wants and usually doesn't care what others think. Short temper and hardheaded. Dislikes fighting, but will fight if she has to. If you get to know her she shows she truely is kind and sweet and doesn't really want to be alone all the time. Has a playful side she'll show once she's comfortable
around you. Sarcasic and likes to make jokes. Loves night time and rain; both together even more.lol
History:Sonyador, or Sonya as she's better know, was born in captivity; part of an experimental breeding program to make big cat hybreds. When she was almost 6mo old it was found out by researchers that she was going to be able to breed, something not alway possible in these hybred cats. Because of this , it was decided she would be moved to a different location. She was to be placed in a large wooden crate, then transported by ranger truck, to another facility almost 200 hundered miles away. There were no paved roads, it was 3 day journey rough dirt trails through the open plains and savannah. In the middle of the the night on the 2nd day, the truck was caught in a wildebeast stampeed. It overturned and the wooden planks of the crate carring Sonya broke open, just big enough to squeeze out; she escaped into the wilderness. Little more then a big cub, she had no idea how to hunt or even survive in the wild; after three days she passed out from hunger. She was found by a female gray cheetah. The cheetah had just lost both of her young cubs to hyenas. Out of kindness she decided to take in Sonya, still having milk from her lost cubs, she would be able to nurse her. The cheetah's name was Mauwha. After a few days she was back on her feet thanks to Mauwha's care. She was a very skilled cat and taught Sonya many great assets to help her survive. How to hunt animals great and small ,to find plants for healing; and to fish, a skill not many knew well. Sonya lived with Mauwha for a year. Then one afternoon Mauwha went to hunt, by the next day she still hadn't come back; Sonya went looking for her. She found her dead, mauled by another animal, along with half eaten gazelle carcass. There were many scents around, lion, hyena, jackel... She couldn't tell who had killed Mauwha. From that day Sonya was wary of the animals who's scents she had smelled. She stays in the area; using Mauwha's old den and a secret hiding place where she could retreat safely from anything.
Mate/Offspring: None/None
Loner or Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner
Your character is best at?(Optional): Hunting, Healing & Hiding lol
RP sample (Optional):Sonya was awoken by soft splatters of rain drops on her nose; she slowly glanced up as the golden sun was dipping below the horizon. The sound of thunder could be heard in the distance, an incoming storm had aroused her from her afternoon nap with perfect timing.She had been curled up in one of her favorite spots, a place she spent more time in than her own den, though only a couple dozen yards from it. She sat up
in the fork of a massive tree with a large fern in it, looking across the plain to see what if any animals were about in this weather. She was hoping to maybe spy her next meal for she hadn't eaten since yesterday.

???  ???  ???  ???  ???

None yet! The RP just started XD
Title: Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps CLOSED}(WIP)
Post by: Koylan on September 09, 2011, 04:57:02 am
Yay :D I shall edit this post with my rp info soon!
Title: Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps CLOSED}(WIP)
Post by: Koylan on September 09, 2011, 03:11:33 pm
Won't me modify my own post. Stupid forum.

User name: Koylan
Character name: Hawke
Rest assured the spots are there :P
Species: melanistic leopard
Gender: female
Age: 2
Description: A dark reddish brown pelt, with black leopard markings on her head, body, and tail. She is rather full in muscle, but still relatively small. Her spots should be a little hard to distinguish from her normal color.
Personality: Quiet at times, she is rather shy. When she comes out of her shell though she is playful with lots of energy.
History: Now equipped with the lessons her mother taught her before she abandon her to adulthood, Hawke is learning decision making on prey and the rules of territory on her own. Being female she is smaller than most bigger cats in africa she must choose her battles wisely for she has always been one to get into trouble while mother was out to hunt. She is weary of snakes after losing her sister to a rock python, though not marred by it. She still has a lot of kitten left in her.
Mate/Offspring: (None yet)
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: (Leopards are typically solitary unless mates come around, but I'll join a pack if there ends up being one)
Your character is best at?: (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.): I'd say watching offspring and hunting, though sharing might be an issue :P
RP sample (Optional): The sun was just peering over the horizon. Hawke's eyes closed in on the impala that had ventured too close to her territory. Typically they didn't come so close to dense forest, but she was never one to shun a meal that was this close. Suddenly the animal's head perked up but not entirely in her direction. Hawke let her body sink to the ground, touching the grass and dirt against her belly. Her lip was twitching with anticipation as she stalked, trying to close the distance as much as she could before she chased the animal. As with any meal she knew, there was always chasing. A depressing thought, but far from her mind at this second. This was it. The final 2 meters were in sight. The topi's head rose, she sunk down, but ready to pounce. Just as the animal's ears came up in alert, she sprang out with such force she knocked it down before she got her mouth locked around it's juglar. Within the seconds her bone crushing jaws had killed the animal. She pricked up her ears in contentment, complimenting herself. "Another fine job done."
Didn't you hear? "Sonya loves the rain"
Title: Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps OPEN!}
Post by: copper4me on September 10, 2011, 03:29:54 am
User name: Copper4me
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3) Jack APV
Screenshot: http://copper4me.deviantart.com/art/Jack-for-African-Plains-rp-257627902 (http://copper4me.deviantart.com/art/Jack-for-African-Plains-rp-257627902)
Species: Leopard
Gender: Male
Age: 6
Description: Jack is a Black Leopard wanting to make a Leopard pride and Be the King of the Pride
Personallity:Nice, Mean, Grumpy, and a Take Charge Type
History: Jack was a Young Leopard, and he saw that the Lead Leopard Is Cool, so Ever since he was a Cub he was dreaming to be Lead Leopard and He still gos for it, and then Now He Lives in the African Plain's and then Loved that Place and lived there.
Mate/Offspring: no1
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking for Pride or wanting to start 1
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.) Fighting Hunting and taking charge like a Leader
RP sample: (Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.) Jack Walked the Plain's Boredly and a Little Sleepy He noticed a Log so he walked Over to it Crawled In and Fell asleep. the Next day He Got up and Went to the Small Animal Island to find a Lot of Small Animals there, But, He didnt Enjoy it so then he jumped in the Small log by the island and it floated back to the plains then He Just walked off into the Sunset.

Last time I did the Rp sample I forgot the .'s :P
Sonya loves the Rain
Title: Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps OPEN!}
Post by: jopajecool on September 10, 2011, 07:35:13 am
User name:jopajecool
Character name:DamuAPV
Personality:Damu is cold doesent like too mutch company he doesent like to fight but when he must fight he will never back up.
History:Damus parents were killed while he was a cub he was exepted into a pride witch took care of him when he grew up they banished him he is liveing like a rouge now his greatest fear is that he will be banished from his new pride again.
My character is best at fighting if provoked but he is a good hunter also
Rp sample:Damu woke up he was in pain he had two incompleatly grown wounds he walked pass the others they smiled but as soon as he turned around the fake smiles dissapeard he was sorry because of his coldbloodedness at his angriest he tought "i dont need anybody else"he layed down on a rock looking at the sunrise he cloudnt find the right word to discribe it.
Title: Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps OPEN!}
Post by: kate3628 on September 10, 2011, 03:50:45 pm
can i be an okapi??
Title: Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps OPEN!}
Post by: copper4me on September 10, 2011, 06:07:01 pm
I think you need to be a canine or Feline >.>
Title: Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps OPEN!}
Post by: kate3628 on September 10, 2011, 08:46:36 pm
oooo ok then i might be a lion or a cheata ^^
Title: Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps OPEN!}
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 10, 2011, 09:32:20 pm
Yes copper is right. I'm only accepting animals that can use the FH models realistically as of right now. So namely felines and canines and similar animals. :)

Ps.  I'm on my iPod lol so I can only do short posts, I'll be online later to review/ accept apps and I have some extra stuff to add to the rules reguarding RP'ing ;)


Ok I added a few new things and some rules. A description field in the application; some literate RP tips.
And Sonya's app as an example.

Go ahead and edit your apps with the new info. Also make sure to re-read EVERYTHING in the posts, please! I will know if you do. ;)
Title: Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps OPEN!}
Post by: shewolf51 on September 13, 2011, 09:26:21 am
User name: shewolf51
Character name: Jelani APV
Screenshot: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/she_wolf/FeralHeart/Jelani.png (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/she_wolf/FeralHeart/Jelani.png)
Species: Leopard (normal)
Gender: Male
Age: 4 years
Description: A golden coloured coat with a more lightly shaded underbelly and tailtip. His eyes are a blue-green color with a pinkish nose. He's about the average size and build of a male leopard.
Personality: Jelani is a loner who is wary of strangers and will be a bit stand-offish around them. Yet he will normally be friendly once he has warmed up to someone as long as they do not pose a threat. Additionally, lingering curiosity will drive him to explore new sights or smells but with a caution instilled in him from an incident three years previously. He has a sarcastic sense of humour, but doesn't often use it.
History: Jelani's childhood was rather unremarkable by most standards. He was born to a proud female who took great care to teach him everything she knew about survival and went to great lengths to protect him from those who would see him as easy prey. Granted, being a curious cub, this hadn't stopped him from accidentally landing himself in trouble with a lioness. The lioness had managed to inflict a minor wound before his mother came to his rescue but he was able to recover, a scar on his flank the only souvenir for his troubles. Yet, even this hadn't stopped him from being curious about the world around him and thus was a great source of frustration for his mother. But as he grew, he learned quickly and was a proficient hunter by the time he came of age when he was forced to set off on his own.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner (I don't think leopards live in groups. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)
Your character is best at?(Optional): Hunting
RP sample: Jelani was draped across the branch of a tree with his eyes closed tightly, seeking refuge in the shade from the searing mid-day African sun as the tip of his dangling tail flicked idly. A familiar sound nearby disturbed the young leopard's nap, his rounded ears twitching before he opened his eyes and raised his head to look for the source of the disturbance. There they were. Grazing on the high grasses nearby was a herd of impala, scrounging lazily at the foliage. Jelani yawned widely before stretching out the lingering stiffness from his slumber, claws digging into the bark of the tree before he pushed himself to his paws and quietly made his way to the ground. Crouching low, he slowly made his way towards the herd. With any luck, he'd have a mid-day meal.

' Sonya loves the rain'

(I may apply with one of my lionesses as well to help balance things out later if I'm sure I can handle a second/final character)
Title: Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps OPEN!}
Post by: kate3628 on September 13, 2011, 10:41:04 am
uh u know lionnesses r girls right?
Title: Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps OPEN!}
Post by: shewolf51 on September 13, 2011, 11:18:40 am
uh u know lionnesses r girls right?

Yes, I know that. Wildcat said that we could have up to two characters but no more than that. If I'm accepted and I figure that I can handle two characters, I would bring in a lioness as my second character to try and balance things out a bit more since applications with leopards outnumber anything else at the moment. After all, if someone does have two characters it's not like both characters have to be the same gender. :)
Title: Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps OPEN!}
Post by: kate3628 on September 13, 2011, 01:39:55 pm
oooooo ok ;) =)
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 13, 2011, 08:34:44 pm
Finally getting everything together, and glad to see a couple apps being posted.  I hope this ends up being an active RP. :3 I think I finally have everything added and updated.
With exception of the map which I'm having a couple bugs, but I think I know how to fix.

@->Classique, Copper, Jopa: Go ahead and edit your apps with the new info.

For all who have posted an app-> Also make sure to re-read EVERYTHING in the posts, please! I will know if you do, cause there's something you have to post with your App to show it. Once you add that I will accept all who posted!

Please I'm not trying to be difficult or mean guys. I realize it's a crap load to read, but it's just I worked very hard on this and I plan on sticking to my rules, ALL OF THEM. I will give a couple chances for y'all to get it right, but I expect the rules to be followed. This includes the colors of the characters and literate RP posts.

Thank you for even reading and thinking about joining my RP,
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on September 13, 2011, 08:44:22 pm
User name: Copper4me
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3) Jack APV
Screenshot: http://copper4me.deviantart.com/art/Jack-for-African-Plains-rp-257627902 (http://copper4me.deviantart.com/art/Jack-for-African-Plains-rp-257627902)
Species: Leopard
Gender: Male
Age: 6
Description: Jack is a Black Leopard wanting to make a Leopard pride and Be the King of the Pride
Personallity:Nice, Mean, Grumpy, and a Take Charge Type
History: Jack was a Young Leopard, and he saw that the Lead Leopard Is Cool, so Ever since he was a Cub he was dreaming to be Lead Leopard and He still gos for it, and then Now He Lives in the African Plain's and then Loved that Place and lived there.
Mate/Offspring: no1
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking for Pride or wanting to start 1
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.) Fighting Hunting and taking charge like a Leader
RP sample: (Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.) Jack Walked the Plain's Boredly and a Little Sleepy He noticed a Log so he walked Over to it Crawled In and Fell asleep. the Next day He Got up and Went to the Small Animal Island to find a Lot of Small Animals there, But, He didnt Enjoy it so then he jumped in the Small log by the island and it floated back to the plains then He Just walked off into the Sunset.

Last time I did the Rp sample I forgot the .'s :P
Edited it :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: kate3628 on September 13, 2011, 11:35:05 pm
im sry i dont have my app posted yet ive just read ALL the rules and im finishing my HW .  my app will be posted in a day or 2
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: shewolf51 on September 13, 2011, 11:52:32 pm
Ok Wildcat, I just read through everything again and edited my application accordingly. Nice trick. :)
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 14, 2011, 12:22:21 am
im sry i dont have my app posted yet ive just read ALL the rules and im finishing my HW .  my app will be posted in a day or 2
Ok Happycharmander, take your time :3

Ok Wildcat, I just read through everything again and edited my application accordingly. Nice trick. :)

Lol Thanks Shewolf :) I just wanted to make sure everything got read, cause I know it's  a lot, but I wanted to be serious about this RP and do it right.

It's not hard to see if you do read every post, though.

BTW you are accepted :D Second member!

Now just gotta wait to see if the others see all I added. ;)[/i]
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on September 14, 2011, 12:44:02 am
Did mine work or not?
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: shewolf51 on September 14, 2011, 01:17:37 am
Did mine work or not?

You have to add something onto your application to show that you read through everything. Go back and read through all the posts with info about the rp and you should see it.

Lol Thanks Shewolf :) I just wanted to make sure everything got read, cause I know it's  a lot, but I wanted to be serious about this RP and do it right.

Don't worry, I understand. It's nice to see an admin who takes it seriously instead of one who couldn't care less how their rp turned out. I've seen way too many of those lately.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on September 14, 2011, 01:35:38 am
User name: Copper4me
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3) Jack APV
Screenshot: http://copper4me.deviantart.com/art/Jack-for-African-Plains-rp-257627902 (http://copper4me.deviantart.com/art/Jack-for-African-Plains-rp-257627902)
Species: Leopard
Gender: Male
Age: 6
Description: Jack is a Black Leopard wanting to make a Leopard pride and Be the King of the Pride
Personallity:Nice, Mean, Grumpy, and a Take Charge Type
History: Jack was a Young Leopard, and he saw that the Lead Leopard Is Cool, so Ever since he was a Cub he was dreaming to be Lead Leopard and He still gos for it, and then Now He Lives in the African Plain's and then Loved that Place and lived there.
Mate/Offspring: no1
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking for Pride or wanting to start 1
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.) Fighting Hunting and taking charge like a Leader
RP sample: (Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.) Jack Walked the Plain's Boredly and a Little Sleepy He noticed a Log so he walked Over to it Crawled In and Fell asleep. the Next day He Got up and Went to the Small Animal Island to find a Lot of Small Animals there, But, He didnt Enjoy it so then he jumped in the Small log by the island and it floated back to the plains then He Just walked off into the Sunset.

Last time I did the Rp sample I forgot the .'s :P
Sonya loves the Rain
Fixed >.>
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: kate3628 on September 14, 2011, 01:47:13 am
 User name:kate3628
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3)CrystleAPV
Age:15 *in human years*
Description:Crystle is a PURE white cheetah with black spots
Personallity:Crystle is a very nice, honest, shy, Quiet Female cheetah. she is very fast and can be aggreseive when its needed
History:When she was a Cub crystle was very very shy and didnt talk to anyone! Because of this the other Felines\canines thought she was "in" to black magic aka a witch. But that wasnt what crystle was like at all! she was very nice and she would love to draw in the sand. She was just shy, thats all. But now she will talk a lot more, being a teenager and all ;).
Mate/Offspring:She MIGHT start dateing
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:She might join one
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.) Hunting, Raceing\speed
RP sample: (Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.)Crystle sat inside the dry,hollow log that she had lived in for a year now, waiting anxiously for the rain outside to stop. She felt like a two leg(human) cub waiting to go to recess. She knew that two legs ment human but it was a force of habbit to call them two legs.She glanced up, the rain had finally stoped! Crystle climbed out of the log with ease,The ground felt cold and wet under her snow white paw. She looked up a tree and climbed up it happily, and Crawled carefully  to the edge of a branch. She looked around it was always so butiful after it rained. She herd small crackeling sounds. "What is that noise?" she thought. All of the sudden, Snap! The branch she had been laying on broke! She landed with a big thud.She groaned "Im sutch a cub!" she said angerly. She got to her feet and went hunting.

"Sonya loves the rain" Lightskyblue
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 14, 2011, 01:52:36 am
Don't worry, I understand. It's nice to see an admin who takes it seriously instead of one who couldn't care less how their rp turned out. I've seen way too many of those lately.

Well I'm trying anyway. This is my first try at an RP so, hopefully it turns out well.

Fixed >.>
Thank you Copper! Accepted :3

EDIT: You are also accepted Happycharmander :3[/i]
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: kate3628 on September 14, 2011, 01:57:54 am
yay thx =DD
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on September 14, 2011, 02:05:57 am
My Character's eye's are Dark Yellow
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 14, 2011, 02:31:26 am
yay thx =DD
You're welcome :3

My Character's eye's are Dark Yellow

Ok Copper, thank you :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on September 14, 2011, 02:49:12 am
No problem :3 Can Jack start a Leopard pride? 8D
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 14, 2011, 02:57:48 am
Yeah, sure, if you can get others to join you :3
Once we have a few members I'll allow prides/packs/clans to be started.

And this is something different about this RP, that normal solitary animals, like leopards may join groups if they like, or a groups may have canines and felines working together. :P
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: xxsnowstripexx on September 14, 2011, 02:59:59 am
User name:xxsnowstripexx
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3)Iratu
Species:Striped hyena
Age:3 years
Description:Dark brown with lighter stripes along his body.White muzzle ears and paws.Icy blue eyes and has a torn left ear a scar on his muzzle and three scars on his front right leg.He has a black mane.
Personallity:Mostly quiet and calm but short tempered.He dislikes felines a lot.Quite big and has sharp claws.He is a skilled fighter and very loyal.
History:Iratu was born in a small hyena pack.His mother was the leader.When he was seven months old a group of lions attacked his pack and killed his parents.Most of the pack died but some survived.Iratu got the scar on his muzzle from one of the lions
Mate/Offspring:None but looking
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional):Wants to make his own pack
Your character is best at?: (Hunting, fighting,healing, watching cubs/pups etc.)Fighting hunting and protecting pups
RP sample:(Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.)Iratu yawned loudly and stretched.He padded towards the scent of some zebras close by.Crouching low to the ground he crept in the tall savannah grass.Scanning the area he spotted a small group of zebras.Finding a young zebra in the group he started stalking it getting closer.
Sonya Lovez The Rain
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Koylan on September 14, 2011, 03:58:17 am
x.x I have to still edit a lot of my info for my RP. I might be putting it on hold for a long while and join up with Wildcat and have my map combine with hers. XD Although it will not compare in such awesomness!
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 14, 2011, 10:47:38 pm
User name:xxsnowstripexx
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3)Iratu
Species:Striped hyena
Age:3 years
Description:Dark brown with lighter stripes along his body.White muzzle ears and paws.Icy blue eyes and has a torn left ear a scar on his muzzle and three scars on his front right leg.He has a black mane.
Personallity:Mostly quiet and calm but short tempered.He dislikes felines a lot.Quite big and has sharp claws.He is a skilled fighter and very loyal.
History:Iratu was born in a small hyena pack.His mother was the leader.When he was seven months old a group of lions attacked his pack and killed his parents.Most of the pack died but some survived.Iratu got the scar on his muzzle from one of the lions
Mate/Offspring:None but looking
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional):Wants to make his own pack
Your character is best at?: (Hunting, fighting,healing, watching cubs/pups etc.)Fighting hunting and protecting pups
RP sample:(Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.)Iratu yawned loudly and stretched.He padded towards the scent of some zebras close by.Crouching low to the ground he crept in the tall savannah grass.Scanning the area he spotted a small group of zebras.Finding a young zebra in the group he started stalking it getting closer.

Snowstripe, you missed something in your app, please go back and read over it again. There's a little thing you need to post with your application that shows you read everything. If you read all the posts carefully, you'll see what you need. ;) Once you edit your app with this info, I'll accept.

x.x I have to still edit a lot of my info for my RP. I might be putting it on hold for a long while and join up with Wildcat and have my map combine with hers. XD Although it will not compare in such awesomness!

Lol Daw it's not that great Classi x3 I bet you're map is great <3

Just a note! I should be trying to get all the accepted Apps up on the first page by tonight. :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Hibiscus on September 16, 2011, 05:46:32 am
User name: Hibiscus
Character name: Honey APV
Screenshot: (http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg18/scaled.php?server=18&filename=screenshot0916201113000q.png&res=medium)
Species: Ethiopian Wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Description: Honey is a tawny red with a black tipped tail. Her ears are pointy and large, and her snout is long and narrow. Her eyes are a radiant gold color.
Personallity: Honey is an outgoing, sweet and intelligent Ethiopian wolf. She is very easily annoyed, and can sometimes 'blow', if you know what I mean, in the middle of a bad convo.
History: Honey was born in a group of Ethiopian wolves, with 3 siblings. She was the runt of the litter sadly, and was always being looked down on. Her only friends were her siblings, and her parents. The other  cubs ignored her when she wanted to play, and they teased and taunted her. But when Honey grew, she grew to be fast and intelligent, no longer a bumbling runt. She set off on her own, looking for a pack. A group. Some true friends.
Mate/Offspring: No.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Currently loner, probably wanting to join a pack
Your character is best at?(Optional): She's good at hunting, crafting, scouting, climbing and scavenging.
RP sample: Honey yawned and stretched, awoken by the sounds of the chirping African birds. She started hunting for some prey, some rodents. She sniffed and caught the scent of a ground squirrel lingering in the morning air. She followed the trail, and saw a plump ground squirrel, quite far from it's hole. 'Surprising to see a ground squirrel far from it's hole, but I'll take the advantage of easy prey,' Honey thought to herself. While the rodent's back was turned, Honey lunged at it, and pinned it under her paw. With a bite, the creature was limp, and it was considered prey to the lucky hunter. Honey  seemed satisfied with herself, and went back to her den to savor her treat.

Sonya loves the rain
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: xxsnowstripexx on September 16, 2011, 09:17:06 am
Oh is it this? Sonya loves the Rain :p
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 16, 2011, 03:42:05 pm
You're accepted Hibiscus :3

Oh is it this? Sonya loves the Rain :p
Lol yes that is part of it, there's something you have to add though:p  Just edit that into your app post unless it won't let you edit , just tell me. Then you'll be accepted :3

On my iPod so can't do much xD
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Hibiscus on September 16, 2011, 04:32:47 pm
I've already seen the map topic, and who will be beta-testing the map? Or will it just go out for us to roleplay immediately?
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 16, 2011, 05:12:13 pm
The map is actually ready and I'll be sending to you once I get on my laptop. I just have been busy and didn't put it up on my map thread yet.

Still on iPod will be on hour or two...
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Dubstep.Freak on September 16, 2011, 11:51:53 pm
User name: Dubstep.Freak
Character name: Lala AVP
Screenshot: (http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n561/Okamii_Oonma4/screenshot_09162011_193931849-1.png)
Species: Fennec Fox
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Description: She has a lighter desert colored pelt with black outlining her long ears. She has a tint of white as well. (Extremely fluffy)
Personallity: She is a sweetheart, and fun-loving, but fiesty. She grew up in harshness, around Cyotoes and hawks surrounding the land. She CAN take down larger animals.. if she wants to, but none-the-less her small size makes it harder.. though she's used it to her advantage. She's also nurturing, she cares about her friends and family (If she's ever to have another family) emencley. She had a litter.. but unfortionatly through her travels with her kits, they were attacked by a mountain lion.. to this day she dispises most felines (Exept smaller ones) and canines.
History: *Read Above*
Mate/Offspring: Killed, Not Really Looking For Another, But She Wouldn't Mind At All, Perhaps Make Her Happy Again
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Loner For Now, Likes The Company Of Other Foxes And Smaller Canine/Feline.
Your character is best at?: Fighting & Caring For Kits/The Ill/The Wounded
RP sample: The small fox trotted around, her furry pads keeping the sand out from between her paws. Her large, furry-filled ears flickered around, sniffing the air as her whiskers twitched. The wind began to pick up, blowing sand into her face.. She dipped her head down and shook it, her ears flopping side to side.. she let out a "scruffed" sneeze. "At this rate I'll never find food.. not even a lizard!" She groaned to herself, continuing on dispite the sand blowing in her face and over her soft, lightly colored coat.
Sonya Lovez The Rain
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 16, 2011, 11:57:56 pm
Accepted Freak Accident :3 Sending you the map now.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: iLoveLions on September 17, 2011, 01:12:35 am
User name: iLoveLions
Character name: Kentaya APV
Screenshot: (http://i56BannedImageSite/2rh6aub.jpg)
Species: Charical
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Description: Kentaya is a sandy-brown charical with light brown markings and a pale-yellowish brown underfur. She has big plum colored eyes and very distinct pointed ears.
Personallity: Kentaya is known for her sharp remarks and intelligence. She's smarter than the average cat and is not afraid to tell someone what she thinks about them.
History: Well that's for her to know and you to find out.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Well I'd like loner for now.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Hunting and she's good at fighting
RP sample: Kentaya toddled through the dry grasslands,the sun beating down apon her. She stopped at a dried up ravine, it wasn't much water, but it was enough to quench her thirst. She crouched to the ground and lapped up the water slowly; taking in the refreshing liquid with pleasure. Hearing a nearby roar she decided it was her time to depart from the local watering-hole.

Sonya Lovez The Rain
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Bruton on September 17, 2011, 01:16:57 am
Well heres my application attempt, hope I didn't miss anything.

User name: Bruton
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3) Tau APV
Screenshot: (http://i53BannedImageSite/b4hhmc.png)
Species: Spotted Hyena
Gender: Male
Age: 2 Months
Description:  He looks like a ordinary spotted hyena cub.  Dark brown fur, small muzzle.  The only thing that stands out our his baby blue eyes.
Personallity:  He is a very curious cub, often times sticking his nose into trouble.  He doesn't exactly know the difference between somthing thats safe or somthing thats dangerous.  He is to young to speak.
History:  He was born to two rouges, living in a dumpy den far away from other hyenas.  One day, Tau wandered off and stumbled into the path of a lion.  Naturally his parents came to his aid, but the confrontaition with the lion costed them there lives.  Tau managed to escape and now wanders the land alone.  Strangely he has no fear of lions, even after the meeting with the brutal death of his parents.  He has very little memories of his parents.
Mate/Offspring: Way too young :P
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:  I guess he would be looking for a pride/pack.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Still too young
RP sample: A twig cracked under a tiny paw as the young hyena wandered the land alone.  If the cub was afraid, he didn't show it.  There was no emotion attatched to the youngsters face, perhaps a glimmer of curiousity in is big blue eyes.  He paid no attention to the sights or sounds around him, they held no interest to him.  He followed his nose wherever he went, interesting things had a odd smell he discovered not very long ago in his short life.  The wind picked up.  Lifting his little head, Tau caught a very curious scent, coming from the nearby woods.  Stopping in his tracks the little hyena turned towards the forbidding shadows of the trees, and resumed his journey, entering the dark shade of the forest.

Sonya Loves The Rain
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Celeyan on September 17, 2011, 01:48:56 am



Username: Celeyan

Character name: Ivory APV

Species: Cheetah

Gender: Female

Age: Young Adult


 Ivory is a cream furred cheetah with normal black spots like normal cheetahs. She has chocolate brown eyes that seem to always have a care free, Happy look in them. She has various scars on her body from many fights she has been with other big cats and dogs.


This cheetah isn't like your ordinary one. She is fierce and feisty and not afraid to go up against any kind of big cat. If she had young, Anyone that threatened her offspring she would stand her ground and stare it down, If it never left she would charge, Using her speed to dodge their claws and jaws. Although without young, She will run away if she gets hurt enough another attack would kill her. But on instinct, She would fight to the death if she had kids.

History: As a cub, She was sweet caring and very shy. Ivory was picked on by other animals most of the time and didn't have the strength to fight back. As she grew older though, She matured and started fighting back and attacking her bullies. Her mother died from old age and Ivory stayed there and mourned for her mother, Not letting any hyenas or scavengers feast on her body. Finally, She nuzzled her dead body and left sadly to venture out on her own.

Mate/Offspring: None

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Maybe

Your character is best at?: Fighting / Running

RP sample:

     The cheetah bolted across the landscape in a blur, She had a happy grin on her face as she searched the African Savannah for food. Skidding silently to a stop, She stared at her new found prey. It was a adult gazelle with a baby one bounding around her. With a small smirk, She crouched lowly and stalked forward. Her tail flicking behind her as she crept closer. Zoom! She lunged forward onto the adult gazelle and quickly chomped down on her neck, She raced for the baby and quickly ended her life as well.

    After killing them, She went to eat but the scent of a lioness flew to her nose. With a small growl she rose from her place and scanned the area. Tawny fur caught her eye and she quickly locked onto the big cat. It stared at her prey then back at her, It continued to creep forward to the food. Her back rose and her tail lowered between her legs, she let loose a low, warning noise but the lioness didn't seem to listen. It roared at her and that sent Ivory off. She lunged at the lioness, not expecting the cheetah to actually fight back, It ran away. Ivory continued to chase the lion away, She scratched at her hind legs and rump until they were far away.

    She quickly ran back to her kill and smiled, Digging quickly into the flesh. After eating most of it, She just licked the bones clean and scampered up at tree. She let loose a low yawn and quickly lowered her head onto her paws, falling asleep to take a small nap.

Sonya Lovez The Rain
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 17, 2011, 01:56:25 am
User name: iLoveLions
Character name: Kentaya APV
Screenshot: (http://i56BannedImageSite/2rh6aub.jpg)
Species: Charical
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Description: Kentaya is a sandy-brown charical with light brown markings and a pale-yellowish brown underfur. She has big plum colored eyes and very distinct pointed ears.
Personallity: Kentaya is known for her sharp remarks and intelligence. She's smarter than the average cat and is not afraid to tell someone what she thinks about them.
History: Well that's for her to know and you to find out.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Well I'd like loner for now.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Hunting and she's good at fighting
RP sample: Kentaya toddled through the dry grasslands,the sun beating down apon her. She stopped at a dried up ravine, it wasn't much water, but it was enough to quench her thirst. She crouched to the ground and lapped up the water slowly; taking in the refreshing liquid with pleasure. Hearing a nearby roar she decided it was her time to depart from the local watering-hole.

Sonya Lovez The Rain

Ilovelions, could you please make her eyes, a more realistic color, maybe a violet-blue or maybe a gray copper?(Kinda trying to keep the purple like color xP) That's the only thing, then you'll be accepted :3

Well heres my application attempt, hope I didn't miss anything.

User name: Bruton
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3) Tau APV
Screenshot: (http://i53BannedImageSite/b4hhmc.png)
Species: Spotted Hyena
Gender: Male
Age: 2 Months
Description:  He looks like a ordinary spotted hyena cub.  Dark brown fur, small muzzle.  The only thing that stands out our his baby blue eyes.
Personallity:  He is a very curious cub, often times sticking his nose into trouble.  He doesn't exactly know the difference between somthing thats safe or somthing thats dangerous.  He is to young to speak.
History:  He was born to two rouges, living in a dumpy den far away from other hyenas.  One day, Tau wandered off and stumbled into the path of a lion.  Naturally his parents came to his aid, but the confrontaition with the lion costed them there lives.  Tau managed to escape and now wanders the land alone.  Strangely he has no fear of lions, even after the meeting with the brutal death of his parents.  He has very little memories of his parents.
Mate/Offspring: Way too young :P
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:  I guess he would be looking for a pride/pack.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Still too young
RP sample: A twig cracked under a tiny paw as the young hyena wandered the land alone.  If the cub was afraid, he didn't show it.  There was no emotion attatched to the youngsters face, perhaps a glimmer of curiousity in is big blue eyes.  He paid no attention to the sights or sounds around him, they held no interest to him.  He followed his nose wherever he went, interesting things had a odd smell he discovered not very long ago in his short life.  The wind picked up.  Lifting his little head, Tau caught a very curious scent, coming from the nearby woods.  Stopping in his tracks the little hyena turned towards the forbidding shadows of the trees, and resumed his journey, entering the dark shade of the forest.

Sonya Loves The Rain

You're accepted now , Clayton. :3



Username: Celeyan

Character name: Ivory APV

Species: Cheetah

Gender: Female

Age: Young Adult


 Ivory is a cream furred cheetah with normal black spots like normal cheetahs. She has chocolate brown eyes that seem to always have a care free, Happy look in them. She has various scars on her body from many fights she has been with other big cats and dogs.


This cheetah isn't like your ordinary one. She is fierce and feisty and not afraid to go up against any kind of big cat. If she had young, Anyone that threatened her offspring she would stand her ground and stare it down, If it never left she would charge, Using her speed to dodge their claws and jaws. Although without young, She will run away if she gets hurt enough another attack would kill her. But on instinct, She would fight to the death if she had kids.

History: As a cub, She was sweet caring and very shy. Ivory was picked on by other animals most of the time and didn't have the strength to fight back. As she grew older though, She matured and started fighting back and attacking her bullies. Her mother died from old age and Ivory stayed there and mourned for her mother, Not letting any hyenas or scavengers feast on her body. Finally, She nuzzled her dead body and left sadly to venture out on her own.

Mate/Offspring: None

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Maybe

Your character is best at?: Fighting / Running

RP sample:

     The cheetah bolted across the landscape in a blur, She had a happy grin on her face as she searched the African Savannah for food. Skidding silently to a stop, She stared at her new found prey. It was a adult gazelle with a baby one bounding around her. With a small smirk, She crouched lowly and stalked forward. Her tail flicking behind her as she crept closer. Zoom! She lunged forward onto the adult gazelle and quickly chomped down on her neck, She raced for the baby and quickly ended her life as well.

    After killing them, She went to eat but the scent of a lioness flew to her nose. With a small growl she rose from her place and scanned the area. Tawny fur caught her eye and she quickly locked onto the big cat. It stared at her prey then back at her, It continued to creep forward to the food. Her back rose and her tail lowered between her legs, she let loose a low, warning noise but the lioness didn't seem to listen. It roared at her and that sent Ivory off. She lunged at the lioness, not expecting the cheetah to actually fight back, It ran away. Ivory continued to chase the lion away, She scratched at her hind legs and rump until they were far away.

    She quickly ran back to her kill and smiled, Digging quickly into the flesh. After eating most of it, She just licked the bones clean and scampered up at tree. She let loose a low yawn and quickly lowered her head onto her paws, falling asleep to take a small nap.

Sonya Lovez The Rain

Great! You're accepted Meowzers :3 Sending you them map now.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on September 17, 2011, 02:07:18 am
Im gonna Change Jack so Take him off from being Member I want to be a Lion :P
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 17, 2011, 02:10:14 am
Ok Copper, I'll edit him out next time I work on apps :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on September 17, 2011, 02:11:54 am
okie I probably Just edit his app to almost look alike but Im just gonna Change it to a Lion :P
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Raiyning on September 17, 2011, 04:06:43 am
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 17, 2011, 04:33:11 am
Accepted Samantha! :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Hibiscus on September 17, 2011, 04:40:38 am
Hehe, I downloaded the map. x3 Can I go look? :D
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 17, 2011, 04:46:05 am
Yes of course :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Steak on September 17, 2011, 04:29:44 pm
I'll just leave this here.
I promise I'll finish this soon Wild, sorry I've been taking so long. TwT


Username ::
Steak in-game :: Steaky on forums. However my forums name changes from time to time.

Character name ::

Species ::
Lion / Leopard

Gender ::

Age ::
Young; seven [7] months

Description ::
Rather tiny in build. Yuta's pelt is an lighter shade of beige splattered in lightly darker cub spots. His eyes are colored an light shade of baby blue. He also sports an tiny puff of mane and tufts in a blondish color.

Personality ::
A rather talkative youngster who fallows his heart more then his instincs. Tends to take life in a slow pace and is overly lazy usually found sleeping in tree's or logs along the lakes and rivers. Don't take him seriously.

History ::
Born to an young lioness, Yuta was one of four cubs in her first litter. She raised the cubs away from her pride due to the father being an leopard, however she couldn't stay away from her pride forever. She returned to the pride when the cubs where old enough, only to be attacked by the new pride male. In the chaos Yuta got separated from his mother and siblings. To this day he has little clue as to what happened to them or if they are alive. Currently Yuta is an loner who lives off the rivers and lakes.

Mate/Offspring ::
None / None.

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack? ::
Loner at the moment. Is willing to join a group or pride.

Your character is best at? ::
Being lazy Fishing and gathering

RP sample ::
Rain poured from the murky sky's above, waking the young cub who slept lazily on the branches of an old Baobab tree. The cub yawned widely fallowed with an stretch of his sleepy legs before leaping from the branches back to the ground.

Sorry my rp sample is so short, I'll make it longer later. xD

Sonya Lovez The Rain

Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on September 17, 2011, 06:50:19 pm
lol theres a Ethopian Wolf Husky Mix in the group xD ??oooh??
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on September 17, 2011, 07:03:39 pm
User name: copper4me (duh xD)
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3) Mufasa APV
Screenshot: murr in a Minute >.>
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Age: 4
Description: Mufasa is a lion thats sapose to be a King (da-da-da xD) and Hes looking forward to have a child (murr >.>)
Personallity: sometime's mean But mostly nice
History: Mufasa is made to be a King, a Big King of a pridelands
Mate/Offspring: No 1
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Wanting to Start a Pride
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.)
RP sample: (Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.)  Mufasa Walked around Boredly, But He really didnt Know What to Do. Mufasa Really wanted to be King of The pridelands but He needs a Mate First, he Hopes to find 1 soon. "I guess Ill look for a Mate Now to Later" He walked looking for a Pride boredly and Hungry, His tummy Rumbled "I guess Ill go Hunt" He went to go hunt then went to find a Mate.

'sonya loves the rain'
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 17, 2011, 08:32:34 pm
Ok that's fine Steak <3 Take your time. :3

Copper and Snowstripe, accepted.

I won't be on til after 10pm central time tonight going to a concert thing... then'll only be on til about 1am cause of work tomorrow>.>

Koy is a co-owner and head mod of the RP, if y'all didn't know.  So she's in charge while I'm gone, that means mind what she tells you or Sonya will chew your butt xD
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Steak on September 17, 2011, 08:42:37 pm
Thanks Wild. <3
And sorry about vanishing yesterday, my internet has been acting up all week. ;n;
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Celeyan on September 17, 2011, 08:52:22 pm
I made a preset for my character, Ivory :D
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on September 17, 2011, 11:16:23 pm
Ok that's fine Steak <3 Take your time. :3

Copper and Snowstripe, accepted.

I won't be on til after 10pm central time tonight going to a concert thing... then'll only be on til about 1am cause of work tomorrow>.>

Koy is a co-owner and head mod of the RP, if y'all didn't know.  So she's in charge while I'm gone, that means mind what she tells you or Sonya will chew your butt xD
yay Im in Central time 8D and Btw If your looking for Staff Ill apply B3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Koylan on September 18, 2011, 12:03:52 am
Looks like it cooled down here a little. Hopefully Wild and I will be on tonight and see a few of you. :( Tomorrow I'll be working on my homework a lot and I believe Wild is working. xD I'll pop in every hour or so though tomorrow. Typing class is annoying~!

P.S. I made my ghost preset! :) I think I'm going specifically put it up for Modding and spooky moments hehe. She looks pretty cool. See through in all!!
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Justice on September 18, 2011, 12:51:22 am
I have two apps ^^

User name: Justice
Character name: Aditi APV

Species: Striped Hyena
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year old
Description: Aditi is a light brown striped hyena with carmel colored markings, a blue-green eye color, and is very agile.
Personality: Aditi is a very free spirited hyena and enthusastic about a lot of things. The slighest things can make her day and she loves to help others ans make them have a good day too. However, when it comes to something serious she gets right in it and deals with it like an adult, even for her young age.
History: Aditi grew up in a normal hyena clan but when she turned one, she got lost in a plain fire and has been roaming the African Plains since she was 7 years old. Because she is so quick, she was able to escape death several times.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join a hyena pack/clan
Your character is best at?(Optional): Huntning
RP sample: Aditi strode down into a valley full of different animals. She was mainly looking for hyenas but she couldnt see any. She stretched her neck out and lifted her eyes and ears to look for them but she only saw other animals. Feeling a little hope leaving her, she shrugged it off, like the Aditi way. She moved down into the valley and walked right up to the other animals to make new friends.

User name: Justice
Character name: Krowsof APV

Species: African Wild Dog
Gender: Male
Age: 3 year old
Descrption: Krow(for short) has a golden coat with all black markings and light green eyes. He isnt as fast or as strong as the other males though, but he makes up for it in other things.
Personality: Krow is a gentle hearted male and a good friend. He is there for others who need him to be and you can always rely on him. He spends his life constantly apologizing since he thinkgs he makes mistakes all the time. Even if he does something right, he doesnt always give himself full credit. It's just how he rolls.
History: Krow was the smallest in his African wild Dog clan and so he was picked on and made fun of him, but the girls always liked him because he was a such a nice guy and a good friend. He doesnt really let the bigger males get to him but he doesnt always show his emotions either so he bottles up his anger a lot.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join a African Wild Dog pack
Your character is best at?(Optional): Scouting
RP sample: Krowsof was sitting on a rock in his pack's territory. The sun was pelting down on his back and he was panting quietly, staring into the distance at the African Golden sea of grass. Today was teh day he would make his leave. He had been here long enough and wanted to find a new home. He would do it without saying anything, as it would be harder for him and others so he go down off his rock and walked into the tall grass which engulfed him and hid him from the sky. He kept walking until he found others to live with.

Hawke likes grass between her toes.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Deondrey on September 18, 2011, 07:45:34 am
User name: Deondrey

Character name: Jarza (APV)


Species: Spotted Hyena

Gender: Female

Age: Four years

Description: Her pelt is comprised of short, stiff fur of a muddy-brown coloration, with an underside of gray-brown (at least, whatever of it isn't covered in dried mud). The namesake spots, dark brown in hue, decorate her hide unceremoniously. Her legs and tail-tip look as if she had just waded through a puddle of mud, and her unkempt mane matches the color of the dying savanna flora. Her eyes are nearly gold, though do not let their pure color trick you into thinking her heart is the same.

Personality: Jarza is definitely not your cuddly, fluffy, loveable animal of immense cuteness. She stinks to high-heaven, her underside is often caked in mud, she's undeniably boisterous, and she has a love for the foul and tasteless. And you know what? This is quite normal. Along with her jeering behavior, she has a preference for the hunt. She may not be entirely disloyal to an individual or group, but she does have a habit to wander off (and yap at all the rocks and grass when she thinks she's alone). (Please find out more in RP. :x)

History: There's not much to tell of this wench's story. She was born into a large clan that contained more than thirty hyenas. Though she was not bred into matriarchy, she was also far from being considered on the inferior end of things. At about her third year of life, she decided to wander away from the clan and her unremarkable mother with little intention of returning. Though this is more of a male's habit, she just felt the need to "get away" and see what there was to see. She is by no means a loner, but at this time she manages well on her own, surviving on scraps and her own irritating company.

Mate/Offspring: None at this time

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Willing to join a clan

Your character is best at?: Hunting; being a pest

RP sample: Jarza swayed side-to-side with her eyes closed to near slits, her rump planted firmly on the top of a large, solitary rock. She seemed to be humming or chanting something to herself in her high, crackling voice. Whatever it was, it clearly amused her--her lips were turned up in an unfriendly grin. She continued to do this for many moments, and when it appeared as if she would never stop, she quite suddenly gave a yelp and scurried down to the dry ground. Jarza whipped her head to the side to glare at the rock from which she had just flown. "Oh, you think you're funny, nipping me on the tail like that! What with no mouth or anything! I'd bite you right back, but I'm not that crazy, no I'm not! I'll just leave you sitting here, in the middle of nowhere, with no friends or anyone to sit on you. How'd you like that? Humph!" She flicked her short tail in the air and trotted off with an air of ruffled dignity, making sure the rock "saw" her bottom end the entire time. And when all seemed quiet, the little black beetle skittered up to the rock's edge, seemingly pleased with itself as it discarded a strand of Jarza's tail fur.

 Hawke likes grass between her toes.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Koylan on September 21, 2011, 01:39:35 pm
Thank god. The forum is somewhat back up. Slow....but better.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Deondrey on September 22, 2011, 03:43:45 am
Okay then...

Anyway, I edited my app appropriately, and I'm glad you liked the RP sample. :D
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 22, 2011, 08:11:04 pm
Quote from: Classique
Thank god. The forum is somewhat back up. Slow....but better.

^^Yes it seems to be back but, also looks like it ate the last couple posts on here... >.>

I should be trying to get the new apps up in the next day or so, provided the forum stays up and it doesn't eat anymmore posts. ::)
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: evelynn on September 22, 2011, 11:52:44 pm
Can I have a grey wold that got dumped in africa by humans???
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Celeyan on September 23, 2011, 02:54:53 pm
._. How does a grey wolf survive in africa? And why would humans dump it there?
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: evelynn on September 24, 2011, 12:26:37 am
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 24, 2011, 02:01:26 am
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on September 24, 2011, 02:32:47 am
._. How does a grey wolf survive in africa? And why would humans dump it there?
Hello? Kodiak is a Husky mixed with a Ethopian Wolf and he Worked for the group.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 24, 2011, 02:49:51 am
._. How does a grey wolf survive in africa? And why would humans dump it there?
Hello? Kodiak is a Husky mixed with a Ethopian Wolf and he Worked for the group.

I haven't gotten Kodiak's app up yet, Copper, since all the server glitches. Ok so she may not know. x3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: evelynn on September 24, 2011, 05:04:19 pm
'Hawke likes grass between her toes' "in cadet blue!"
Character Name:Galen

User name: evelynn


Species: Lion

Gender: male

Age: 2 years

Description:  Galen is a dark African lion.  His massive hulk is covered by thick rich dark fur, so dark it looks like the blackest and richest chocolate. His rich kingly mane is raven black and soft as rabbit’s fur. His underbelly and chin are a dark carmel color.  His piercing green eyes appear to glow against his dark fur.

Personality:  Beneath Galen’s big hulk lies a heart of gold. Tenacious loyalty and kingly strength shine through his eyes. He is quiet and sure yet proud. Possessing a commanding presence, its hard not to recognize when he enters the room.

History: His father was Lorn king of the Bakran. Galen was the prince of that kingdom and soon to be king, until the unending drought came. Although Galen and his family always got along, hunger can turn the closest of friends into the worst of enemies. Overtime the pride became divided into two factions those who wanted to stay and wait out the drought and those who wanted to leave, tensions became fierce. Galen and his father lorn insisted that the pride stay, and wait out the drought. King Lorne forbade them to leave, even on their own accord under punishment of death. Rhonen united the lions that wanted to leave against his father and won. Thus the winning faction departed, leaving the remaining survivors to flounder on their own.

Mate/Offspring: None

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Looking for a pride to join

Your character is best at?: Leading/fighting

RP Sample:

Galen's eyes scanned the strange lands before him, He had no idea where he was. at least there was rain. It had been so long since the last rainfall that the lake in his homeland had completely dried up. Now he took shelter under a stone slab from the torrent of rainfall that plummeted down from the heavens, and cascaded over the rock like a waterfall.

He quietly brooded over his lost loved ones. He often wondered what became of them. Since the war, He and a small group of lionesses struggled for survival, he was the only survivor. After Rhonen's new pride left in search of food and water, the remaining lionesses began to die off due to disease, infection, hunger and thirst. Galen was the only survivor, the remnant of a broken pride. He felt it sometimes, when the rains fell, he often paused to wonder what could have been. Yet, he knew he needed to let go of his past. Until he found out what happened to his family, he knew he never really could. Until then he hoped to join a pride, maybe he could be of some use there. Slowly and surely the sun broke through the clouds and warmed Galen's face, somehow he knew everything would be alright.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on September 24, 2011, 05:25:49 pm
okie Wild, and just put him under Unkown breed xD because Who knows that breed
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: evelynn on September 24, 2011, 05:55:09 pm
I know I ask a lot of questions, but I figured it would be better for me to figure it out here than later in the game...If I were to be accepted, and I wanted to submit a female lioness as well as Galen, shoukd I apply for her too? Or could I just show up with her in the game?
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Celeyan on September 26, 2011, 11:44:51 am
I'm sorry if I came off mean :c

-Gets told off by two people-

Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on September 26, 2011, 02:02:27 pm
its ok Meowzers.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: evelynn on September 26, 2011, 04:43:17 pm
I think you did just fine meowzers!
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Koylan on September 26, 2011, 05:30:20 pm
Alrightie :o we want to get all the users on so we can have a nice roleplay with everyone who is currently applied on the forums. I'd like to get a concept of your time zone and which days and times you're available. I keep missing people or only one person is on in their own specific map.

<3 Pwease people I wanna rp with yall~!
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on September 26, 2011, 07:41:14 pm
I in Central time and Im almost on everyday :P
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: evelynn on September 26, 2011, 10:34:10 pm
I'm in eastern time. I play as often as I can (almost everyday), usually in afternoons.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Koylan on September 27, 2011, 09:27:06 pm
Well we still need to get ahold of everyone else who applied :( Hopefully. We're setting up a DA page for easier interaction with members since the server nommed our group.

-sulks- D: now we gotta send messages to them all and hoping they're still interested. Server crash couldn't have happened at a WORSE time.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 27, 2011, 09:40:53 pm
Yes I hope everyone who originally applied still want to be a part of this. :/ I know I've been pretty busy lately and behind on updating.

But Class is right, the server crash came with very bad timing ::)
Hence why the DA group is in the works along with a couple other things, so just keep your eyes on this thread for updates real soon ;)
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Rexbecca on September 28, 2011, 01:18:47 am
User name:Rexbecca
Character name:Red APV
Age:3 Years
Description:A dark brown,red lion.She has green,brown eyes and has black above and below them.She has a black tail tip.
Personallity:Dark,silent,powerful,and kind
History:Red has been in many fights.She has healed others seen she was a cub.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional):Looking to join pride
Your character is best at?: Healing and Hunting
RP sample:Red watched a wildebeest calf past by away from its herd.Dinner is what she had in mind.She stalked the calf silently keeping low in the tall,yellow grass.She jumped out jumping on the calf.She knocked it down with her powerful paws.She gave it the death kiss killing it.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Rexbecca on September 28, 2011, 01:25:13 am
User name:Rexbecca
Character name:Red APV
Screenshot:http://rexbecca.deviantart.com/art/Red-APV-260567085 (http://rexbecca.deviantart.com/art/Red-APV-260567085)
Age:3 Years
Description:A dark brown,red lion.She has green,brown eyes and has black above and below them.She has a black tail tip.
Personallity:Dark,silent,powerful,and kind
History:Red has been in many fights.She has healed others seen she was a cub.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional):Looking to join pride
Your character is best at?: Healing and Hunting
RP sample:Red watched a wildebeest calf past by away from its herd.Dinner is what she had in mind.She stalked the calf silently keeping low in the tall,yellow grass.She jumped out jumping on the calf.She knocked it down with her powerful paws.She gave it the death kiss killing it.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Koylan on September 28, 2011, 02:03:22 am
Rexbecca, you're missing some key passphrase in your application. And although Red is perfectly fine name and concept, she's too on the bright red side. Maybe a little darker would make her a little more realistic. Otherwise she will be accepted once you fix post.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 30, 2011, 03:34:38 am
Hey guys!
We finally have some updates to give you about the RP! We're slowing getting everything put together.

? First,  APV now has it's own DA group, here:
http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/ (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/)

?There's also a labeled map under the DA group map gallery showing land marks and all the available dens.

? And I'm excited to announce we do actually have a plot now! Lol It's not the best but will work for starting out. It's on the first post of this thread towards the bottom! It can also be found on the DA group page under the Joining blog, scroll down, you'll see it . ;P

Also sometime this weekend you should be getting an PM from Classique! She has a couple other little goodies for you all. :3

Thanks guys!
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Akiko on September 30, 2011, 09:53:29 am
User name: Akiko

Character name: Miyuki

Screenshot: I'll do it a bit later

Species: White lioness

Gender: Female

Age: Teen~Young adult

Personallity: Miyuki has a 'Tsundre' nature.(person/lion who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person/lion before gradually showing their warm side over time), She hates being treated like a little cub, losing, or being underestimated. And the worst of all, She hates being called short.

History: Miyuki came from a large pride of white lions, being born to the king and queen of the pride.
She knew how to hunt and fight already at the age of a cub, and nearly had no friends at all since she was always busy with studies about the ways of the leader.
When she grew up a bit, her mother gave birth to her sister, who looked almost exactly as Miyuki, the only difference being the ear rims and the eye-color. (Miyuki has dark-grey ear-rims and Icy-blue eyes, while her sister, Kimiko, has no ear-rims and pure-golden eyes.)

When she grew up into a teen, her parents were horrfied. Miyuki was the smallest lioness compared to lionesses her own age. Her sister was even bigger then her!
Even though the size didn't change the fact that she's the most skillful hunter and fighter in the pride, she was forced to replace ranks with her sister and have two choices: stay in the pride as second-in-command (with her sister being the queen), or leaving and starting a life as a rogue lioness.
Of course Miyuki chose the life of a rogue, refusing to watch her sister replace her as a queen just because of Miyuki's size. (Her parents thought that size is a very important thing for being a leader).

Mate/Offspring: None

Loner or Looking to join pride/pack?: Both: She doesn't mind being a loner, but if an opportunity to join a pride appears, she'll gladly do so.

Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.) Hunting and Fighting.

(((( I signed up in DA about two weeks ago, I did it again just in case >>))))
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 30, 2011, 11:40:37 pm
Just to let you guys know I will be out of town all weekend with no internet. That means you guys need any help or have questions, to ask Class cause she's in charge while I'm gone. Hopefully when I get back we can really start the RP! Feel free to do practice RPs and explore the map, just remember to follow allthe rules! ;)  We will also get to den claiming and prides/packs when I get back as I see some of you guys are excited with the landmark map x3

See y'all Mondayand be good!
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Dawnfur123 on October 02, 2011, 12:40:51 am
Hey MoonKitty. Your tutorials REALLY help you know
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: SamiChee144 on October 03, 2011, 04:50:14 pm
I would LOVE to join this roleplay! I have never done an in game roleplay ^_^ I will most likely be on every single day. Also, I am working on my APP now. I guess I just fill it out and post it here? And also, a Lion/Cheetah is fine, correct? That is just how my charrie came out, and I would love to keep her that way if possible.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 03, 2011, 07:11:49 pm
Hey MoonKitty. Your tutorials REALLY help you know
Thank you Natalya. Althought his isn't the right place to be posting to thank me. lol

I would LOVE to join this roleplay! I have never done an in game roleplay ^_^ I will most likely be on every single day. Also, I am working on my APP now. I guess I just fill it out and post it here? And also, a Lion/Cheetah is fine, correct? That is just how my charrie came out, and I would love to keep her that way if possible.

We would love to have you :3 We're tyring to get some set RP days for everyone to be on, but if someone is on you can RP any time. :D
Yes posting here is where you need to put it. And yes we do accept crosses, if you read on the first page I explain all about the crosses we accept. But yes a lion/cheetah is fine. :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: SamiChee144 on October 03, 2011, 10:36:30 pm
Hey MoonKitty. Your tutorials REALLY help you know
Thank you Natalya. Althought his isn't the right place to be posting to thank me. lol

I would LOVE to join this roleplay! I have never done an in game roleplay ^_^ I will most likely be on every single day. Also, I am working on my APP now. I guess I just fill it out and post it here? And also, a Lion/Cheetah is fine, correct? That is just how my charrie came out, and I would love to keep her that way if possible.

We would love to have you :3 We're tyring to get some set RP days for everyone to be on, but if someone is on you can RP any time. :D
Yes posting here is where you need to put it. And yes we do accept crosses, if you read on the first page I explain all about the crosses we accept. But yes a lion/cheetah is fine. :3

I was just making sure ^_^ Thank you very much! Working on her still!
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: SamiChee144 on October 03, 2011, 11:30:03 pm
User name: SamiChee144
Character name: Masi APV
Screenshot: (I actually cannot get this up right now >.< Cannot upload to Deviantart because it is in maintenance mode)
Description: A nice dark tan feline with black cheetah spotting. She isn't small like a Cheetah, nor bigger like a Lion, but is rather in between. Muscular, but toned down to where she is still pretty aerodynamic. She also has a more lion like tail with a tail tuft at the end.
Species: Lion/Cheetah
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years old
Personallity: Adventurous, Out-going, Easily distracted, Stubborn, Playful, Open-minded, Loving, Understanding, Loyal, Warm-hearted, Motherly, Fierce in battle, Easily readable

History: Masi was born to Nadia, a female Cheetah, and Kavi, a male Lion, whom fell in love one year. Kavi had left the pride he lived with to make his own pride, but instead came alongside a female Cheetah, Nadia, whom was living on her own. She had just lost a litter of cubs, and she couldn't face her family without them. So she lived alone. Kavi and Nadia fell in love and had one cub together; Masi. Masi grew up with her mother and father, and just them. Her pelt darkened from the creamy golden it was at birth, and passed the sandy brown of her father's color until it was a rich, medium brown color. Her eyes were peculiar, too, for they were not the natural golden of a lion, or brown of a cheetah. They are a medium purple color, almost like a dark pink. Masi is built like a lion, but lithe like a cheetah, and her tail takes after her father's. You could say she lives with a pride, being her mother and father, but she hasn't had the full family experience with other cubs. Her parents didn't have any after her.
Mate/Offspring: n/a
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner but looking to make a family of my own
Your character is best at?(Optional): Fighting and Hunting
RP sample:
Masi yawned and stretched out on the smooth rock she was laying on. The sun was just now rising, casting a warm orange glow over the land. Masi smiled and flicked her tail as she began to groom herself. Her parents padded up from behind, having slept in the den all night, and she got up to greet them. They all rubbed noses in hello, before Masi and her mother, Nadia, laid down to start grooming
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 04, 2011, 08:44:31 pm
User name: SamiChee144
Character name: Masi APV
Screenshot: (I actually cannot get this up right now >.< Cannot upload to Deviantart because it is in maintenance mode)
Species: Lion/Cheetah
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years old
Personallity: Adventurous, Out-going, Easily distracted, Stubborn, Playful, Open-minded, Loving, Understanding, Loyal, Warm-hearted, Motherly, Fierce in battle, Easily readable

History: Masi was born to Nadia, a female Cheetah, and Kavi, a male Lion, whom fell in love one year. Kavi had left the pride he lived with to make his own pride, but instead came alongside a female Cheetah, Nadia, whom was living on her own. She had just lost a litter of cubs, and she couldn't face her family without them. So she lived alone. Kavi and Nadia fell in love and had one cub together; Masi. Masi grew up with her mother and father, and just them. Her pelt darkened from the creamy golden it was at birth, and passed the sandy brown of her father's color until it was a rich, medium brown color. Her eyes were peculiar, too, for they were not the natural golden of a lion, or brown of a cheetah. They are a medium purple color, almost like a dark pink. Masi is built like a lion, but lithe like a cheetah, and her tail takes after her father's. You could say she lives with a pride, being her mother and father, but she hasn't had the full family experience with other cubs. Her parents didn't have any after her.
Mate/Offspring: n/a
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner but looking to make a family of my own
Your character is best at?(Optional): Fighting and Hunting
RP sample:
Masi yawned and stretched out on the smooth rock she was laying on. The sun was just now rising, casting a warm orange glow over the land. Masi smiled and flicked her tail as she began to groom herself. Her parents padded up from behind, having slept in the den all night, and she got up to greet them. They all rubbed noses in hello, before Masi and her mother, Nadia, laid down to start grooming

Looks good, but you did miss one thing in your app, something that just shows you read everything. Please read it again, I'm sure you'll see what you need. :3
Don't worry about DA it's done that with me before, you can edit it in when it lets you upload.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on October 04, 2011, 10:46:42 pm
My character Kodiak would like to claim the trishade den
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: october_wind on October 04, 2011, 10:50:53 pm
User name: october_wind
Character name: Malawi APV
Screenshot: http://nikki216.deviantart.com/#/d4bw0pq (http://nikki216.deviantart.com/#/d4bw0pq)
Species: Lion
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years old
Description: Hawke likes grass between her toes in cadet blue
Personallity: A bit shy, adventurous, protective, loyal, kind, patient, not interested in fighting but strong when need be.
History: Malawi is the cub of the lion Kairo and the lioness Ashanta, the strong leaders of a young pride. She loved her pride and could never have imagined leaving them. When she and her siblings came of age, however, her closest brother Raja had to leave the pride to start his own. Malawi, a loyal and stubborn sister, would not let him leave by himself and so she left the pride with him.   The two of them have been wandering the plains in search of a new pride ever since.  
Mate/Offspring: n/a
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join a  pride
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.) Hunting but enjoys watching cubs as well
RP sample:
Her heart racing, Malawi raced through the tall grass toward the watering hole. Leaving a trail of dust behind them her brother Raja ran alongside her as fast as his muscular legs would carry him. Neither lion was sure what they had just seen but they knew they had to warn the animals of their lands. Whatever it was it was larger than any lion they had ever seen, smelled terrible, and had two of their cheetah friends trapped on its back.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: SamiChee144 on October 05, 2011, 02:13:59 am
All righty ^_^ I fixed what I missed. Now to go to DA to see if I can upload ANY of my screenshots haha
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: kate3628 on October 05, 2011, 01:45:07 pm
sry ive not been active lately not one is usually in the map
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Koylan on October 06, 2011, 02:28:41 pm
Well I've been popping in an out D: I'm having a hard time reaching people! C: So we're trying to set up a time!
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Steak on October 06, 2011, 05:18:50 pm
I'll just leave this here.
I promise I'll finish this soon Wild, sorry I've been taking so long. TwT


Username ::
Steak in-game :: Steaky on forums. However my forums name changes from time to time.

Character name ::

Species ::
Lion / Leopard

Gender ::

Age ::
Young; seven [7] months

Description ::
Rather tiny in build. Yuta's pelt is an lighter shade of beige splattered in lightly darker cub spots. His eyes are colored an light shade of baby blue. He also sports an tiny puff of mane and tufts in a blondish color.

Personality ::
A rather talkative youngster who fallows his heart more then his instincs. Tends to take life in a slow pace and is overly lazy usually found sleeping in tree's or logs along the lakes and rivers. Don't take him seriously.

History ::
Born to an young lioness, Yuta was one of four cubs in her first litter. She raised the cubs away from her pride due to the father being an leopard, however she couldn't stay away from her pride forever. She returned to the pride when the cubs where old enough, only to be attacked by the new pride male. In the chaos Yuta got separated from his mother and siblings. To this day he has little clue as to what happened to them or if they are alive. Currently Yuta is an loner who lives off the rivers and lakes.

Mate/Offspring ::
None / None.

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack? ::
Loner at the moment. Is willing to join a group or pride.

Your character is best at? ::
Being lazy Fishing and gathering

RP sample ::
Rain poured from the murky sky's above, waking the young cub who slept lazily on the branches of an old Baobab tree. The cub yawned widely fallowed with an stretch of his sleepy legs before leaping from the branches back to the ground.

Sorry my rp sample is so short, I'll make it longer later. xD

 'Hawke likes grass between her toes'

Well here's what I got. xD

Also if you didn't get my comment on DA Wild I've gotten an new computer so I'll be able to jump online once again. /Once I download the map again
However if anyone wants to rp or chat you'll most likely want to contact me on here or on MSN [jacinda003 [at] yahoo [dot] com] and tell me your online. ;w;
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: MeerkatStar on October 06, 2011, 06:17:58 pm
Could i be a meerkat or is that a bit stuipid  :-\
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 06, 2011, 10:00:07 pm
Ook guys, mini update time again!

First off, we're trying to have a bit of a get together so the members can meet at least, so come drop by the map if you're not busy :3

Also I should be in-game the rest of the night, minus the occasional DC. ::) I may be windowed out working on something so just roar/howl a few times I should hear you.
If SOnya looks like she's dead that mean I am AFK, probably either for a snack or bathroom break lol, like this:
http://i55BannedImageSite/10873bq.jpg (http://i55BannedImageSite/10873bq.jpg)
Just stick around I should be back ina few ;P

I am currently working on getting everyone's apps up who have joined the last couple weeks. If I don't finish today, should have everyone up by the weekend.

If you haven't gotten a PM about some recent updates, you should be getting on in the next couple days!

Also if you don't have a DA I would at least suggest you check there for updates or click to notify on this thread so you know when stuff happens!
Also Evelynn, Steaky and -Revenge- you are all accpeted.

Quote from: Samantha
All righty ^_^ I fixed what I missed. Now to go to DA to see if I can upload ANY of my screenshots haha
You still missed one thing, it's a passphrase to show you read everything. IF you read each post carefully, you will see it, it's not like hidden or anything.
And I hope your DA starts working! :3

Quote from: happycharmander
Sry ive not been active lately not one is usually in the map
I know, we're trying to get some times for everyone to meet up.

Quote from: MeerkatMeg
Could i be a meerkat or is that a bit stuipid
No it's not stupid it never hurts to ask. :3 And hmm let me ask Class what she thinks, a meerkat might work. We'll see.

EDIT:We're going to ask the other members what they think, if they like the idea meerkats will be added :3

EDIT2: Ok I got a lot of the apps up, think I have about 6-7 of the newest ones left to add. Should have them up by tomorrow!

Also a reminder , please please check out the DA group guys! <3

Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on October 07, 2011, 02:36:21 pm
User name: copper4me
Character name: (Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3) Drum APV
Screenshot: http://copper4me.deviantart.com/art/Drum-s-app-used-to-be-Kodiak-262149205 (http://copper4me.deviantart.com/art/Drum-s-app-used-to-be-Kodiak-262149205) (sorry I posted it on there hoping I can submit it to Apps but I couldnt)
Species: Ethopian wolf Lab
Gender: Male
Age: 5
Description: Drums a Smart dog He used to be tame but hes Wild now, Hes half lab half ethopian wolf but more lab.
Personallity: Smart and Reasonable
History: Drum Is Half Lab half Ethopian wolf more lab though, Anyways he was born in a Village in Africa, Its a place where they ha dogs wolves etc. He was a Special, He was the smartest wolf there but one day when they where out hunting, He saw a Bunny and chased after it his mother searched for him but she couldnt find him She missed him too. (his father is dead btw)
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Loner(Groups may be made up of different or normally solitary species also )
Your character is best at?( Optional) : hmm Hes just a smart wolf dog
RP Sample: (Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.) Drum was Blanking out back into his Pup hood he was asleep Dreaming. He was thinking of his Mom, and Dad together happy with His Brother's and Sister's He liked his Dream but He didn't Know a Lion was Stalking him while he was asleep. Drum Heard a Rustle in the bush He woke Up quickly, the Lion Pounced Drum Dodged But, they Started a fight, Drum Attacked the Lion leaving a Scar on it's eye but the Lion Didn't Want to stop so it Attacked Biting his Leg hard, But Drum Attacked the Lion attempting to grab it's Neck but the Lion Moved a little Fast but Drum Got it's Shoulder He Held on to His shoulder the Lion ran but Drum Held on but he Let go Not wanting to go anymore.

Hawke likes grass between her toes
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 07, 2011, 08:52:39 pm
Going to try again for a little meet-up. If you're not busy and can make it tonight please do.
Approxmently 7PM CST(-5 GMT) will be the time. If you can get there a little earlier great! And if you can stay more then 15 minutes would be nice. If you can stay and chat/RP til you have to get offline, aussome! xD
This is pretty much just a meet everyone get together. Maybe a practice RP if we're up to it. :3
I should be in-game again tonight, minus the occasional DC.  I may be windowed out working on something so just roar/howl a few times I should hear you.
If Sonya looks like she's dead that means I am AFK, probably either for a snack or bathroom break lol, like this:
http://i55BannedImageSite/10873bq.jpg (http://i55BannedImageSite/10873bq.jpg)
Just stick around I should be back ina few ;P


Also should finish up getting the apps up tonight. :3

User name: copper4me
Character name: (Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3) Drum APV
Screenshot: http://copper4me.deviantart.com/art/Drum-s-app-used-to-be-Kodiak-262149205 (http://copper4me.deviantart.com/art/Drum-s-app-used-to-be-Kodiak-262149205) (sorry I posted it on there hoping I can submit it to Apps but I couldnt)
Species: Ethopian wolf Lab
Gender: Male
Age: 5
Description: Drums a Smart dog He used to be tame but hes Wild now, Hes half lab half ethopian wolf but more lab.
Personallity: Smart and Reasonable
History: Drum Is Half Lab half Ethopian wolf more lab though, Anyways he was born in a Village in Africa, Its a place where they ha dogs wolves etc. He was a Special, He was the smartest wolf there but one day when they where out hunting, He saw a Bunny and chased after it his mother searched for him but she couldnt find him She missed him too. (his father is dead btw)
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Loner(Groups may be made up of different or normally solitary species also )
Your character is best at?( Optional) : hmm Hes just a smart wolf dog
RP Sample: (Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.) Drum was Blanking out back into his Pup hood he was asleep Dreaming. He was thinking of his Mom, and Dad together happy with His Brother's and Sister's He liked his Dream but He didn't Know a Lion was Stalking him while he was asleep. Drum Heard a Rustle in the bush He woke Up quickly, the Lion Pounced Drum Dodged But, they Started a fight, Drum Attacked the Lion leaving a Scar on it's eye but the Lion Didn't Want to stop so it Attacked Biting his Leg hard, But Drum Attacked the Lion attempting to grab it's Neck but the Lion Moved a little Fast but Drum Got it's Shoulder He Held on to His shoulder the Lion ran but Drum Held on but he Let go Not wanting to go anymore.

Hawke likes grass between her toes

And Yeah only me or Class can actually add the apps to the group. We didn't want someone making one without approval first x3

You can submit to DA but your app must be noted to the group to be accepted, just to let you know. ;)
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Celeyan on October 08, 2011, 02:41:03 am

Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Shyra44 on October 08, 2011, 02:45:56 am
~User name: Shyra44

~Character name: Curse APV


~Species: Hyena

~Gender: Male

~Age: 3yrs (Young adult)

~Description: A large, male, black spotted hyena with a grey pelt. He had blue eyes that really stand out because of his darkpelt. He has a light gray/silver mane. He has a sickle tail.
Personallity: He is tough and mean. Curse likes his name as it makes him sound intimatading. If you speak rudely to him, his teeth and claws aren't afraid to do the talking. Even though he can sound scary, he only wants his enemies to think so, he's actually a nice hyena when he's with his pack. He likes to talk to the pups and joke aorund with his pack mates. He likes to flirt with the ladies, but he mostly likes to help out his pack in whatever way he can. He is extremely loyal. He doens't want to become leader as he thinks he'snot right for the job. He likes to stay as a Fighter/Hunter.

~History: When Curse was 2 1/2 years old, he was sent out from his birth pack to find/make a new pack as he would soon become a rival to the pack leader and the pack leader only likes young, careless males so he is not challenged. Even if Curse had stayed, he wouldn't have challenged his alpha as he is not interested in becoming leader.

~Mate/Offspring: None.

~Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): He is looking for a pack.

~Your character is best at?: (Hunting, fighting,healing, watching cubs/pups etc.) He is exellent at fighting, although he is good at fighting, he is clumsy with hunting. He thinks making up battle tactics is fun rather than trying to remember the best spot for the prey. He will still bring home food, just not as much as you would have expected.

~RP sample:(Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.) Curse lay low in the long grass, waiting for his enemies to draw closer. He unsheathed his glinting claws as his eyes sparkled with hunger for battle. His pack was around him, all tense and alert. "They're coming." he heared someone whisper to the right of him. The air crackled with tension.
(I may not put capitals where I need them while RPing in the actual game as sometime sI do press shift, but I may accidently let it go before I press the letter I want. it's also because mine does lag a little.)


P.S.  Hawke likes grass between her toes! (Cadetblue)
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 08, 2011, 03:10:47 am
Accepted Shyra! :3

And not a clue Meowzers >.> I've never seen anything like that, seriously O_o ???
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Celeyan on October 08, 2011, 04:55:43 am


User name: Celeyan

Character name: Ivory APV

Species: Lion

Gender: Lioness

Age: Young Adult


 Ivory is a fierce lioness, fighting is just her thing. She is a very fiesty animal and will snap at people often, This behavior has caused her to have many problems throughout her life. Although despite her being a fighter, deep down she really is a motherly lioness. She has a huge soft spot for cubs and is known to take care of cat rival offspring. Ivory is really sweet and can be over protective sometimes.


As a cub, She was sweet, caring, and very shy. Ivory was picked on by other animals most of the time and didn't have the strength to fight back. As she grew older though, She matured and started fighting back and attacking her bullies. Her mother approved of this, and helped her improve her fighting skills. But soon enough, her mother died from old age. Heartbroken, she stayed and mourned for her mother. Snapping and attacking at everything that came near her parent. After a few days, she finally left, sick with regret. Now, she is pregnant with her old mate's cubs.

Mate/Offspring: None, but she pregnant.

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: She wants to join a pride.

Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.): She is very good at fighting and is a advanced average in hunting. Healing is slightly an average for her, but she has learned some of the herbs and their uses.

RP sample: (Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.)

      The lioness padded across the landscape, she had a happy grin on her face as she searched the African Savannah for food. Skidding silently to a stop, She stared at her new found prey. It was a adult gazelle with a baby one bounding around her. With a small smirk, She crouched lowly and stalked forward. Her tail flicking behind her as she crept closer. Rawr! She lunged forward onto the adult gazelle and quickly chomped down on her neck, She raced for the baby and quickly ended her life as well.

    After killing them, She went to eat but the scent of a hyena flew to her nose. With a small growl she rose from her place and scanned the area. Brown colored fur caught her eye and she quickly locked onto the other creature. It stared at her prey then back at her, and then it continued to creep forward towards the food. Her back rose and her tail lowered between her legs, she let loose a low, warning noise but the hyena didn't seem to listen. It made a small laughing noise at her and that sent Ivory off. She lunged at the hyena, it let loose a small yelp of suprise before it ran off into the grass. Ivory continued to chase the hyena away, She scratched at its hind legs and rump until they were far away.

    She quickly ran back to her kill and smiled, Digging quickly into the flesh. After eating most of it, She just licked the bones clean and scampered up at tree. She let loose a low yawn and quickly lowered her head onto her paws, falling asleep to take a small nap.

Hawke likes grass between her toes
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Steak on October 08, 2011, 11:38:57 pm


Woah, that looks like some kinda glitch. o.0
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Lizzy on October 09, 2011, 01:06:15 am
Will applications close anytime soon? I'm thinking about joining this but I have to put something together :)
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 09, 2011, 02:46:00 am
Accepted Meowzers!

Ahh yeah quite an interesting glitch at that... I've never seen anything like it >.>

No they shouldn't be Lizzy, we are still looking for active members :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Celeyan on October 09, 2011, 04:09:23 pm
Should I go request for cubs on the cub search board?
Title: Meet up times!!! READ please!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 09, 2011, 06:01:49 pm
I apologize for posting this so late, but it wouldn't let me on here when I first out it up. >.>
That's why it's important to check out the DA group, it takes 5 minutes to join. And if you really don't want to join DA, at least go take a peek there at the blogs every couple of days, it has lot of info about the RP that can sometimes get lost in here. x3  I realize some have had problems with DA, so if this is the case please click the NOTIFY button at the top of this page to get a reminder when new stuff is posted on here!!!

Going to try again for a couple little meet-ups. If you're not busy and can make it please do.
Approxmently 6:30PM CST(-5 GMT) on 10/9(today) is the first one.
The second on will be on 10/15 approxmently 7pm CST.

If you can get there a little earlier great! And if you can stay more then 15 minutes would be nice. If you can stay and chat/RP til you have to get offline, aussome! xD
These are pretty much just a meet everyone get together, and such. Maybe a practice RP if we're up to it. :3

10/15 time subject to change!

I have to go do a few things outside but once I get back I should be on pretty much the rest of the day/night.

Should I go request for cubs on the cub search board?

Yes you can. :3 Just make sure to link to here so they know what they are joining; and that after you accept them for playing your cubs, they must submit an application to the RP of course. :p Also tell them that the RP hasn't officially started yet.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Lizzy on October 09, 2011, 10:33:48 pm
[color= cadetblue]'Hawke likes grass between her toes'[/color]

User name: Lizzy
Character name: Artemis aka Art ((since wild dogs are called painted dogs :P ))
Screenshot: ^^^above
Species: African wild dog
Gender: male
Age: not sure of an exact age but a teenager

Description: Your typical splotchy wild dog. His most distinguishing characteristics are his claws: front claws are light, back claws are black, and his eyes: he isn't 100% blind but when one looks at his eyes or at his face in conversation, you can tell he has problems seeing.

Personality: Art is understandably timid and careful but he is also very friendly and kind.  He tries to be as optimistic as possible.

History: Artemis was his mother's favorite pup. She knew it wasn't the best way to think, but she thought it was nice to have one of her "babies" always around to take care of. His father on the other hand, felt Artemis was useless to the pack and paid little attention to him. Artemis was separated from his pack and his mother in the confusion when the humans destroyed the land. He managed to wander off to safety, still alone.

When Artemis felt it was safe to try and find his pack again, he used his keen sense of smell to find his way back. He would have used his ears, but it was so quiet...not a sound...Art did indeed find his pack-mother, father, brothers, sisters-all of them, but like the rest of the area, they were silent.

After some time of feeling like he may be the only animal alive, he started to notice more smells and sounds and wandered back to the area that he thought was destroyed in hopes of finding a new pack.       

Mate/Offspring: none
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: looking to join
Your character is best at?(Optional): Could probably be taught to be a healer. Would be good with pups but since he has difficulty seeing, wouldn't be the best to watch them alone.

RP sample: Artemis lays low in the grass, occasionally crawling quietly on his belly to inch closer toward his prey. He couldn't see the animal but he knew it was close. He could hear it digging about in the dirt and munching on whatever it had caught. He could smell it and his mouth watered. Getting lunch was an accomplishment.



Artemis lay down, putting his head on the branch he just stepped on and sighing as he listened to his lunch bound off. He could no longer hear it...no longer smell it...it was gone...and his belly was still empty.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 09, 2011, 11:40:24 pm
Accepted Lizzy! If you have the map we are having a meeting right now if you would like to come :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Ahvekur on October 09, 2011, 11:54:04 pm
 'Hawke likes grass between her toes'
User name: Ahvekur
Character name: Chenmo APV
Species: Lion
Gender: Female
Age: 35 or 4 in human years
Description: Chenmo is a pale furred lioness with the faintest of grey markings placed randomly upon her pelt. Her underbelly is a light cream and her eyes are a misty white with only a ring as a pupil due to battle related damage [ Her being mostly blind. ]. Chenmo's ears are rather ragged [also from battle damage] and lacking in the ability to properly catch sound waves, resulting in the faintest of hearing problems. Lastly, Chenmo's tail is tipped with a dark brown colored tuft.
Personallity: Chenmo is a rather shy and quiet feline with problems related to speaking. She tends to talk in a more passive fashion, using large words and 'colorless' phrases.
History: She was once in a pride of around ten females and a very kind king. Being one of the only female cubs in the pride at the time, she was treated very lovingly by her mother along with her various aunts. Soon, a tyrant of a lion threatened and proceeded to kill their former king. He made short work of the multiple male cubs, leaving only her since she happened to be female. Through her life, the king visibly resented her, being violent to only her until she finally escaped. Because of her negative association with males, she has a tendency to be attracted to females. At the age of 4, she was captured and taken away by humans. Her last memory is of the faintest "Whumpwhumpwhump" of what humans often call helicopters..
Mate/Offspring: Chenmo does not have a mate or offspring
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Is currently a loner, but does wish to join a pride
Your character is best at?(Optional): She's shockingly skilled in hunting because of her ability to focus upon vibrations and other small things due to her bad eyesight and impaired hearing.
RP sample: Her bulky paws rose in circular motions over each other as she moved slowly across the dirt covered terrain, occasionally sliding into the long fronds of savanna grass. Though the lioness' fur blended almost perfectly with her surroundings, she made to attempt to hide her presence, each step crunching against ground and plant below. A heavy sigh escaped her black pigmented lips, the world a mass of writhing darkness before her, and though it never changed, she simply continued on her fruitless journey, never noticing the faint "Whumpwhumpwhump" in the distance..
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Lizzy on October 10, 2011, 12:00:21 am
Thank you :D I do not have the map...is there a link on the front page? I swore I saw it but can't seem to find it now!

FOUND IT! on DA :)
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 10, 2011, 01:23:15 am
Ok glad you found it Lizzy! And you're accepted  Ahvekur :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: River-White-Wolf on October 10, 2011, 01:34:19 am
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 10, 2011, 02:24:42 am
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Koylan on October 10, 2011, 02:26:42 am
River while you're application is fine, you have the wrong passphrase. The hint was that the sentence was about me not Sonya. We switch it up every few days if you do not correct this it will be assumed that you did not read the whole post of information (though long it may be it is important) and Wildcat26 will boot you from the group if it is not changed C: otherwise~! gj!
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: yazoo on October 10, 2011, 04:15:27 am
User name: Yazoo (FH), Wolfehluff (dA)
Character name:Yazoo (APV)
Screenshot: http://i52BannedImageSite/2da0q3a.png (http://i52BannedImageSite/2da0q3a.png)
Species: Cheetah
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years
Description: Light silver with darker markings and a mane the same color as the markings (Darker 'Ghost' pelted king cheetah)
Personallity: He is calm and quiet most of the times, however he does have a bit of a cruel streak and doesn't give up no matter what the cost is to him
History: He and his three brothers were born a ways from the reservation, growing up with eachother and their mother until they were young adults. At that point, Yazoo ventured off with his brother Loz, leaving the other two behind. A year after their parting with the rest of the family, there was a hunting accident which cost Loz's life, leaving Yazoo alone in the world, and leaving him to become pretty much a scavenger when he couldn't get a hold of smaller prey. After a few months of struggling, he came upon the reservation and decided this is where he was going to make his home, and join others if he could find anyone to accept him.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join
Your character is best at?(Optional): Fighting. He uses his speed to his advantage.
RP sample: The sunlight bounced off of a bright creature as it padded to the watering hole, making a halo of light around it, and causing much attention to be drawn to this individual. His eyes stayed downcast as he approached the water, his claws digging into the slightly moistened earth, leaving indication that he had been there. As he lowered his skull to lap at the cool refreshing water, the male's tail flicked idly, the dark tip being thrown back and forth behind him. It didn't take long, however, for him to be done and on his way again, the muscles of his lean form rippling under his pelt as he headed back to the tall grasses which hid him a little.

 'Yuta likes fishies'
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Goon on October 10, 2011, 07:33:15 am
Posted my App through dA, though I have to say I tend to be quite the detailed writer when it comes to gore, kind of disappointed to see I can't use my full skill on that, but other than that I'm completely excited.

I hope my application isn't that bad, being that it's like 2:30am and my brain stopped working~ I've also advertised this rp to a few friends so keeping fingers crossed that they join.

BLAME CLASS reuhgerh <3

Also I can attempt to make a few maps. :U Just gotta get off my bum.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Cecilia~ on October 10, 2011, 01:23:47 pm
User name: Cecilia~

Character name: Yappa APV

Screenshot: Coming soon, I need to finish her preset.

Species: Serval

Gender: Female

Age: 11 months

Description: Only thing i can really "describe" about her appearence is that Yappa, unlike most servals, has a gray-brown coat with dark spots. Other servals have a golden coat with brown spots.
Personality: Yappa is shy and reclusive, however, she can be coniving and thieving towards others. She dislikes most other animals, aside from siblings or creatures who managed to become her friend.

History: Yappa almost had a completely normal life. Her parents were able to raise her until she was old enough to fend for herself. However, one day, humans came and took her mother to a zoo, and weeks later they found her father and shipped him to a wildlife refuge, as they felt the current area was not good enough for the servals. Yappa had fled and was hidden somewhere so that she would not be taken. She does not feel sad about her parents being gone; they are still happy in safe areas.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional):Loner

Your character is best at?( Optional) : "Athletics" Running, jumping

RP Sample: (Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.) As the sun began to set, Yappa watched high on a steep, grassy hill. She sighed and slowly climbed down, "Hopefully it won't be too dark before I get home.." Yappa sniffed the air, her large ears perked as she heard something. Looking around, somewhere in the distance she could spot a lioness and what appeared to be two small cubs staring at her, too. She slowly backed away, eyes widened, somewhat afraid and hoping the lioness would not attack her. Yappa dashed in the opposite direction, only to bump into a male lion minutes later.. (xD She accidentally trespassed on lion territory as you can guess)

Preset download: Coming soon, I need to finish her preset.

I got here from dA so ill just put this here..

Yuta likes fishies
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Goon on October 10, 2011, 05:29:05 pm
Hope you get accepted. =}D I was going to enter with a serval but went along with the jackal <3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: DancerOfTheDead on October 10, 2011, 07:44:33 pm
User name: DancerOfTheDead
Character name:Zaire
Screenshot: http://i56BannedImageSite/nyz94x.png (http://)
Species: Cape Fox
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Description: She is very small, but about average for her species, she had a sandy colour underbelly and her ears are the same colour, her pelt itself is a greyish brown. Her eyes are also chocolate brown. Her tailtip is black.
Personallity: Zaire is generally kind and light hearted, she tends to aviod fights and does like to stalk people, just for fun and to see if she can make friends.
History: She was born in a small part of Africa, her parents killed by humans, she was old enough to be transported to the reserve so she can hopefully live freely away from humans
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner
Your character is best at?(Optional): Hiding and stalking, she isn't good at anything else really
RP sample: Zaire walked along the warm desert plaines, grass here was like trees, and trees were like mountains to her, seeing she was so small. She glanced around hoping for another fox, or creature she could gain the trust of to become friends with, because she hated being alone.

 'Yuta likes fishies'
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Goon on October 10, 2011, 11:37:11 pm
I also meant to ask if spotted genets could be added to the list? I don't know if I'd make one but it would still be a pretty cool animal to have around. :]
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Morgra on October 11, 2011, 12:38:26 am
User name: MorgraWolf
Character name: Dalmar (I don't like nicknames for him and will add AVP in name later)
Screenshot: (http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/70/screenshot1010201118100.png)
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Age: 2-3 years
Description: Dalmar is a young dark brown lion with tan underfur. He has a black mane, leg tufts, stripes on his legs and emerald green eyes. He has a muscular build and large paws.
Personallity: Dalmar is loyal, courageous, strong willed, listens well to authorities, has good leadership skills, is a good fighter and is somewhat good at hunting. He is very intellectual, strong, protective and can get aggressive (but mostly around other males). He is also shy and doesn't talk much to strangers. Once  you get to know him he is very kind and friendly and will protect you with his life if he considers you a friend. :3   
History: My character was abandoned as a cub so he had to learn how to survive and fight on his pure instinct. After he had grown into his teen years he was fighting just as well as an adult could. His lonely heart couldn't stand being away from other lions so he fits well in with a pride, although not very many words are spoken out of him.
Mate/Offspring: None(looking, he is heterosexual)/None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join a pride please
Your character is best at?: Fighting is his best quality, but he doesn't attack someone without reason.
RP sample: (I made this part take place in his cub years so don't get confused) The tiny cub looked up at his mother and sobbed and sniffled "Mama, please, take me with you.." Dalmar's mother looked down at him "I'm sorry dear, I just can't keep you." "But Mama! I- I-" Dalmar started to cry but then was interrupted by the lioness once again. "Shhhhh. It'll be alright.." the lioness reassured the cub she never loved, but didn't dare look him in the eyes because after all; she was lying. The agile lioness bounded away abandoning Dalmar, leaving the small, dark and confused cub behind.

That's it for my application, hope you like it :) also one more thing:

'Yuta likes fishies'
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Osano on October 11, 2011, 04:13:04 am
User name:Osano

Character name: Akina APV

Screenshot: N/A



Age: Uhm..She's a teen..So 2?

Description:Light tan pelt with an off white underbelly and very green eyes.

Personallity: Akina is very kind,gentle and mature for her age, but if put into danger she will lash out, this is a reflex and she often regrets her decisions made when in this mood.
History: Akina was excluded when she was a cub, often feared because of she is quick to react. Because of her exclusion, Akina learnt to be independent and fend for herself, thus making her mature. Finally she gave up trying to be included and set off on her own.


Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional):Loner

Your character is best at?: Hunting and Fighting

RP sample: Akina stalked though the tall Savannah grass,her green snake-like eyes searching the territory for movement.  Her gaze fell onto a herd of zebra,and she licked her chops. Rolling her shoulders, she growled low in her throat and picked out one of the younger ones. Her eyes locked onto her target, Akina took off at top speed digging her claws into the ground as she made tight twists and turns, trying to separate the young one from the rest. Finally, she leapt onto the helpless zebra and landed on its back with a deafening roar. She sunk her powerful jaws into its neck and felt its pulse die down.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Osano on October 11, 2011, 04:17:55 am
'Yuta likes fishies'
btw xD
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 11, 2011, 05:56:50 am
Have some new big updates! Read about them here:
http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/blog/44936795/ (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/blog/44936795/)

Anddd *takes deep breath* Yazoo, DancerOfTheDead, Luzxia, Blue and Celina, you guys are all accepted.

I also meant to ask if spotted genets could be added to the list? I don't know if I'd make one but it would still be a pretty cool animal to have around. :]
I looked it up, seems like a neat little animal. :3 I might have to add more trees though since it mainly arborial xD Probably would work best using the canine model form the looks of it. :P
I will ask Class and we will discuss adding them :3 Thanks for suggesting them :P

User name:Osano

Character name: Akina APV

Screenshot: N/A



Age: Uhm..She's a teen..So 2?

Description:Light tan pelt with an off white underbelly and very green eyes.

Personallity: Akina is very kind,gentle and mature for her age, but if put into danger she will lash out, this is a reflex and she often regrets her decisions made when in this mood.
History: Akina was excluded when she was a cub, often feared because of she is quick to react. Because of her exclusion, Akina learnt to be independent and fend for herself, thus making her mature. Finally she gave up trying to be included and set off on her own.


Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional):Loner

Your character is best at?: Hunting and Fighting

RP sample: Akina stalked though the tall Savannah grass,her green snake-like eyes searching the territory for movement.  Her gaze fell onto a herd of zebra,and she licked her chops. Rolling her shoulders, she growled low in her throat and picked out one of the younger ones. Her eyes locked onto her target, Akina took off at top speed digging her claws into the ground as she made tight twists and turns, trying to separate the young one from the rest. Finally, she leapt onto the helpless zebra and landed on its back with a deafening roar. She sunk her powerful jaws into its neck and felt its pulse die down.
Accepted. but You will need a screenshot though, unless you are unable to take one yourself. If that is the case I can get one for you. :3

User name: Cecilia~

Character name: Yappa APV

Screenshot: Coming soon, I need to finish her preset.

Species: Serval

Gender: Female

Age: 11 months

Description: Only thing i can really "describe" about her appearence is that Yappa, unlike most servals, has a gray-brown coat with dark spots. Other servals have a golden coat with brown spots.
Personality: Yappa is shy and reclusive, however, she can be coniving and thieving towards others. She dislikes most other animals, aside from siblings or creatures who managed to become her friend.

History: Yappa almost had a completely normal life. Her parents were able to raise her until she was old enough to fend for herself. However, one day, humans came and took her mother to a zoo, and weeks later they found her father and shipped him to a wildlife refuge, as they felt the current area was not good enough for the servals. Yappa had fled and was hidden somewhere so that she would not be taken. She does not feel sad about her parents being gone; they are still happy in safe areas.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional):Loner

Your character is best at?( Optional) : "Athletics" Running, jumping

RP Sample: (Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.) As the sun began to set, Yappa watched high on a steep, grassy hill. She sighed and slowly climbed down, "Hopefully it won't be too dark before I get home.." Yappa sniffed the air, her large ears perked as she heard something. Looking around, somewhere in the distance she could spot a lioness and what appeared to be two small cubs staring at her, too. She slowly backed away, eyes widened, somewhat afraid and hoping the lioness would not attack her. Yappa dashed in the opposite direction, only to bump into a male lion minutes later.. (xD She accidentally trespassed on lion territory as you can guess)

Preset download: Coming soon, I need to finish her preset.

I got here from dA so ill just put this here..

Yuta likes fishies
That's great you are making her a preset, you can submit some screenshots to DA when you are done if you like.  :P But I would like a picture of her 'regular' pelt, just in case someone doesn't have your preset, we will know what she looks like, ok? :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: FoxfangPitbull on October 11, 2011, 08:16:11 pm
User name: FoxfangPitbull

Character name:Cimmerian

Screenshot: (http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i237/Rita_Moon/FERAL%20HEART%20RELATED/screenshot_10112011_204929365.png)

Species: Leopard (Black)

Gender: Female

Age: 6

Description: Stocky yet long in build, her coat is not over a pure black but a charcoal and her spots can be seen faintly. Her eyes are a grey liver brown and glitter with malice that shows her true nature. Faint scars litter her broad skull and her powerful shoulders are shown through her short, close-cut fur. Tail is long and thick and flexible and her nose is almost roman, very noble looking with a striking profile. Ears are small and compact, very expressive and often pinned against her strong skull.

Personallity: Cimmer is quite a brisk leopardess, either when she's being happy or serious, her manner is straight to the point. She's never been one for mincing her words and believes it's the best way to get things done.

History: Cimmerian was born with blue eyes and was feared to be blind when her eyes opened but failed to darken out in time, but her sight was confirmed to be just fine. As a youngster, she experienced a safe but adventourous childhood. As she aged, Cimmer muscled out and her maliciousness took part as she become more independant. She became cunning and slick. She prowled around looking for adventure, coming across a certain group and trying to make her way with them...

Mate/Offspring: N/A

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join the group of leopards

Your character is best at?(Optional): Hunting, fighting, assasination

RP sample: She glided out of the water as silently as death itself, grey/borwn splinters glowed from her skull as she pulled herself smoothly from the water. Now her musculatur could be seen moving freely under her skin. Movements silent and expression vacant. The leopardess' name was Cimmerian. Cimmerian meant black...she was ebony. She resembled an otter with her sleekness. Head lowered, she surged up the bank, pawpads leaving wet indenations in the soil. Pushing through some undergrowth, she emerged, steaming.

She headed stright for the base camp, not trotting but moving at a fast, steady and powerful walk. It was the easiest way for her to dry off. Ears laid back agaisnt her neck and body in that of a hunter, that's how she walked, that was the uniqueness of Cimmerian. When this cat moved, you took notice and you got out of the way and you did so fast.
Her broad chest pushed through whatever undergrowth she came into contact with, passing through as if she was ghost or the foligage wasn't there. Tail whiplashing at random intervals as she walked back to camp, eyes still narrowed.

'Yuta likes fishies'
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Osano on October 11, 2011, 08:22:45 pm
I can take one :3
Here she is :D :
http://celinaah.deviantart.com/art/Akina-262913089 (http://celinaah.deviantart.com/art/Akina-262913089)

I just recently added the subtle spots, that's why it isn't in my application description.. I hope you don't mind
Title: PM'ing updates!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 11, 2011, 10:22:59 pm
Accepted members should all be getting a PM very soon with the survey, links to stuff the DA and announcement.

If you have already been accepted to the RP and do not get a PM here or a note on DA, let me know so I may send it!

I can take one :3
Here she is :D :
http://celinaah.deviantart.com/art/Akina-262913089 (http://celinaah.deviantart.com/art/Akina-262913089)

I just recently added the subtle spots, that's why it isn't in my application description.. I hope you don't mind

Thank you Celina :3 And the markings look fine and are acceptable.

User name: FoxfangPitbull

Character name:Cimmerian

Screenshot: (http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i237/Rita_Moon/FERAL%20HEART%20RELATED/screenshot_10112011_204929365.png)

Species: Leopard (Black)

Gender: Female

Age: 6

Description: Stocky yet long in build, her coat is not over a pure black but a charcoal and her spots can be seen faintly. Her eyes are a grey liver brown and glitter with malice that shows her true nature. Faint scars litter her broad skull and her powerful shoulders are shown through her short, close-cut fur. Tail is long and thick and flexible and her nose is almost roman, very noble looking with a striking profile. Ears are small and compact, very expressive and often pinned against her strong skull.

Personallity: Cimmer is quite a brisk leopardess, either when she's being happy or serious, her manner is straight to the point. She's never been one for mincing her words and believes it's the best way to get things done.

History: Cimmerian was born with blue eyes and was feared to be blind when her eyes opened but failed to darken out in time, but her sight was confirmed to be just fine. As a youngster, she experienced a safe but adventourous childhood. As she aged, Cimmer muscled out and her maliciousness took part as she become more independant. She became cunning and slick. She prowled around looking for adventure, coming across a certain group and trying to make her way with them...

Mate/Offspring: N/A

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join the group of leopards

Your character is best at?(Optional): Hunting, fighting, assasination

RP sample: She glided out of the water as silently as death itself, grey/borwn splinters glowed from her skull as she pulled herself smoothly from the water. Now her musculatur could be seen moving freely under her skin. Movements silent and expression vacant. The leopardess' name was Cimmerian. Cimmerian meant black...she was ebony. She resembled an otter with her sleekness. Head lowered, she surged up the bank, pawpads leaving wet indenations in the soil. Pushing through some undergrowth, she emerged, steaming.

She headed stright for the base camp, not trotting but moving at a fast, steady and powerful walk. It was the easiest way for her to dry off. Ears laid back agaisnt her neck and body in that of a hunter, that's how she walked, that was the uniqueness of Cimmerian. When this cat moved, you took notice and you got out of the way and you did so fast.
Her broad chest pushed through whatever undergrowth she came into contact with, passing through as if she was ghost or the foligage wasn't there. Tail whiplashing at random intervals as she walked back to camp, eyes still narrowed.
Looks great Foxfang, but you forgot one thing, a pass phrase you must post with you app to show you read everything. Once you edit that in, you're accepted :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Sethos on October 12, 2011, 02:57:12 am
User name: Sethos
Character name: Vulrich APV
Screenshot: http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/4086/vulrichss.jpg (http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/4086/vulrichss.jpg)
Species: Bat-eared fox
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years 3 months

For his species, the male is lithe and well-built due to an active lifestyle. The dominant color of his short fur coat is a pale gray with hints of auburn throughout it. His underbelly is a few shades lighter and charcoal stains the tip of his tail, the backs of his ears, and also adorns his face like a natural mask. Vulrich's eyes are a dun russet as well, very dark and on the verge of black.

Vulrich assumes a rather mellow role compared to others and will adopt a prideful air when in the midst of company larger than himself. In no way does his physical size measure him internally, which is a point that he likes to emphasize through his behavior and composed, relaxed stature. His close confidants and acquaintances know that this male has sarcastic disposition and find him to be surprisingly quick-witted and audacious for such a miniature canid.

He had a relatively peaceful childhood with the occasional territory and predator skirmishes that are expected in the African wilderness. By the time he turned one year of age, he dispersed from his small family and followed a herd of various grazing animals for protection from larger predators for quite some time. His life has been fairly uneventful until now.

Mate/Offspring: none

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Loner, at least for now

Your character is best at? (Optional): Footwork and hunting

RP Sample:
Hidden amongst grasses that danced like the ocean's waves was a small figure. He lay down, belly against the cracked ground and ears just out of the sun's reach. The common, blase sounds of the landscape met his ears- the swaying of the field and chirruping of birds in the distance. The lullaby of the land encumbered his dark, shining eyes, which gradually closed. Vulrich sensed no threatening presence, no smell of danger in the breeze that swept through his tawny fur, so he was not opposed to taking a nap. He had a nocturnal nature, after all. There was no sense in staying awake the entire afternoon. Right as his head began to lull to the side, a peculiar noise met his large ears. He jolted up and looked around with wide, owl-like eyes. The call- no, the whisper- was barely audible enough to be heard over the wind. The fox couldn't decipher it at first.

It sounded again, but louder this time. Now puzzled, he stood up and squinted suspiciously into the golden, ever-moving walls of grass that flanked him. Vulrich didn't see anything. He thought it had said, "Yuta likes fishies," but it was a ludicrous comment that didn't even apply to him. Deciding that it was alright for him to try and rest once more, he laid down. A heavy sigh escaped his charcoal muzzle and then he closed his eyes.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 12, 2011, 04:01:36 am
Accepted Sethos! And I must say very inventive with the passphrase. :P
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: FoxfangPitbull on October 12, 2011, 05:42:15 am
Posted it at the bottom :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: scrub on October 12, 2011, 04:22:47 pm
User name: Scrub
Character name: Nukilia APV
Screenshot: (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v124/Vayian/Nuki-1.png)
Species: Aardwolf
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
Description: Her looks were common of any other aardwolf, a dirty grey coat with stripes and dark markings on her face and tail. Her neck was long, making it easy for her to forage the ground for food. She was an insectivore.
Personallity: She wasn't very vocal, much on the quiet side. Nuki was very polite and respectful; she was quite prudent. Not a judgemental kind, she tolerated others and other species, but remained wary for safety.
History: Curiousity got the best of her when she strayed off too far from her gang, and although she could find her way back she kept running into danger when trying to return home. For now, she seeks safety.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join
Your character is best at?(Optional): Sense of smell. Keen hearing, especially things that are underground.
RP sample: The sun rose gently, as she was only beginning to grow tired. She lay resting in the dirt after feeding on the termites beneath. The aardwolf picked herself up and shook off her fur, and retired into a small underground den. Nuki peeked out of her den to gaze at the dawn, reminding her that she must not give up searching for a true home.

APV has 2 islands? Awwh, I can't swim too well.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Goon on October 12, 2011, 08:08:15 pm
Yaayy we finally get an Aardwolf, adorable little things.

And I love how great she looks! =D
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Lizzy on October 12, 2011, 09:09:43 pm
I did not get a pm
I did read what you put up on DA tho :D
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Goon on October 13, 2011, 12:28:57 am
Username: Goon
Character name: Sirahlivai APV (Seer-ah-lehv-eye)
Species: Serval
Gender: Male
Age: year and a half
Description: Tall, long-legged serval with lots of scruff and fuzz along his neck. Huge ears with white spots like most servals do, which he uses to communicate when hunting. Short, fuzzy tail, as well.
His voice doesn't really suit him well, being rather deep and smooth sounding.
Personallity: Sirahlivai is a very... Derpy serval. Despite the species being great problem solvers, he sometimes lacks the ability to think things through, often finding himself in situations in which he's going to get eaten by lions. Even so, he can still act as a quick thinker when needed and is actually very loving, and would rather be a lover than a fighter. Saying that... He can act like a huge flirt and charm his way into things, or a vicious feline when in danger.
He can't resist small moving things and will chase them and play with them often, mostly in a sadistic game of swat-the-tiny-creature-to-death. Even with all his energy he still has horrible moodswings and can go from loving to antisocial in seconds, sitting alone for long times to think.
Watch your fuds/hearts too, for he's a sneaky bastard. <3
History: He fell into a truck. It just happened to be driving by here.
Mate/Offspring: nope Yuta likes fishies.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: loner, social but not social enough for general pride/pack/group/etc.
Your character is best at?(Optional): tracking and falling into trucks. Also hunting snakes, fetching/receiving, and acting as a look-out.
RP sample:
Sirahlivai trotted along the tree branch, the limb bouncing lightly and shaking its leaves with every one of his steps. The metal creature below him was at a halt, its loud purring echoing through his large ears. But, he didn't care, for in the back of it was a large, dead animal, and he was a small, alive hungry animal.
Nodding at his logic, he hopped to a lower branch, then another, soon enough nearly touching the top of the odd, rumbling machine. It had its back turned, so he pawed at the kill, testing its awareness.
"Stupid thing," He murmured at it, "You can't even hear over your own growling."
With that, he pawed at it again, and this time lost his grip.
As if hitting the cold metal wasn't enough, the creature growled louder, obviously angry, and the side of it slammed shut. Something inside moved about it, perhaps its tongue? He didn't care, just pressed himself low as it started jolting forward.

I hope my screenshot is fine. I couldn't help but to draw... D;
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 13, 2011, 05:38:32 am
Den claiming and group applications are now open!
Look under the Applications post on the first page of the thread or here on DA (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/blog/44787547/) for complete info:

Goon and Foxfang, accepted!

I did not get a pm
I did read what you put up on DA tho :D

I send it to you on DA. :3 The forum was being stupid x3

User name: Scrub
Character name: Nukilia APV
Screenshot: (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v124/Vayian/Nuki-1.png)
Species: Aardwolf
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
Description: Her looks were common of any other aardwolf, a dirty grey coat with stripes and dark markings on her face and tail. Her neck was long, making it easy for her to forage the ground for food. She was an insectivore.
Personallity: She wasn't very vocal, much on the quiet side. Nuki was very polite and respectful; she was quite prudent. Not a judgemental kind, she tolerated others and other species, but remained wary for safety.
History: Curiousity got the best of her when she strayed off too far from her gang, and although she could find her way back she kept running into danger when trying to return home. For now, she seeks safety.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join
Your character is best at?(Optional): Sense of smell
RP sample: The sun rose gently, as she was only beginning to grow tired. She lay resting in the dirt after feeding on the termites beneath. The aardwolf picked herself up and shook off her fur, and retired into a small underground den. Nuki peeked out of her den to gaze at the dawn, reminding her that she must not give up searching for a true home.

Looks good, but you forgot one thing, a passphrase you must post with you app to show you read everything.Once you edit that in, you're accepted. :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Steak on October 13, 2011, 04:21:17 pm
Updated Yuta some. Also leaving Nero's app. APV has 2 islands


Username ::
Steak in-game :: Steaky /or/ Yuta-Kun on forums. However my forums name changes from time to time.

Character name ::

Species ::
Lion x Leopard hybrid; Leopon

Gender ::

Age ::
Around two years ; Subadult

Description ::
Smaller build then his lion purebred kin. Yuta's pelt is an lighter shade of brown splattered in lightly darker leopard like spots. His eyes are colored an bright shade of baby blue. He also sports an tiny puff of mane on his head and chest along with tufts in a blondish color.

Personality ::
A rather talkative youngster who fallows his heart more then his instincts. Tends to take life in a slow pace and is overly lazy usually found sleeping in tree's or logs along the lakes and rivers. Don't take him seriously. He adores the taste of river fish and would chose a fish head over an slab of zebra any day.

History ::
Born to an young lioness, Yuta was one of four cubs in her first litter. She raised the cubs away from her pride due to the father being an leopard, however she couldn't stay away from her pride forever. She returned to the pride when the cubs where old enough, only to be attacked by the new pride male. In the chaos Yuta got separated from his mother and siblings. To this day he has little clue as to what happened to them or if they are alive. Currently Yuta is an loner who lives off the rivers and lakes.

Mate/Offspring ::
None / None.

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack? ::
Loner at the moment. Is willing to join a group or pride.

Your character is best at? ::
Being lazy Fishing from rivers and gathering

RP sample ::
Rain poured from the murky sky's above, waking the young Leopon who slept lazily on the branches of an old Baobab tree. He rolled slightly on the branch into a back laying position, letting out an loud yawn while stretching his legs outs. Today would be another same old some old day starting with an unwilling wake up time late in the day. Next the hunt for late breakfast would commence. Then right back to sleep.


Username ::
Steak in-game :: Steaky /or/ Yuta-Kun on forums. However my forums name changes from time to time.

Character name ::

Species ::

Gender ::

Age ::
7 years ; Adult

Description ::
Lean and elegantly built. Nero's pelt is golden with black leopard spots. Cream underbelly, neck, frontal muzzle, tail tip and toes. Olive green eyes. Lastly has an tuft of 'mane' on in black on top his head.

Personality ::
Nero's an perfectionist, If one rock is misplaced in his territory all hell breaks lose. He's also nitpicky about appearance and won't hesitate to walk right up to a stranger an lick his mane down. Hard working and often overly serious, this cat needs to loosen up a bit.

History ::
He was raised like any normal leopard would be. He was an only child to his middle aged mum who was losing hope on ever becoming a mother. She was overjoyed to finally have the cub she always wanted, And raised him with great caution to insure his survival. Once old enough he said farewell to his old mom and left for his own life. He settled in on a small spot of territory, and not to soon after fell in love with an young lioness. They mated, however his love felt ashamed of what she did. She left never to be seen again with his heart and unborn cubs.

Mate/Offspring ::
Malana [Deceased] / Yuta, Jasper [Deceased], Natato [Deceased], Lillian [Deceased]

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack? ::
Forever a loner.

Your character is best at? ::
Organizing anything.

RP sample ::
Nero's paws ached. Today was the day he took note of everything in his territory and renewed the scent markings, however his extreme urge to make everything perfect slowed him down and made sure he moved every small rock and fern he could that came into his path.
He plopped down on the side of an boulder after finishing his days work. Leaning up against the rock he watched the sun start to go down as he rested. But alas he narrowed his eyes and turned to the large boulder, "You would be much better if I moved you."

Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: scrub on October 13, 2011, 04:46:52 pm
Looks good, but you forgot one thing, a passphrase you must post with you app to show you read everything.Once you edit that in, you're accepted. :3

Aye aye.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: evelynn on October 13, 2011, 05:43:15 pm
Character Name/s or Group Name: Galen
Den Name: Beach Den
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: IvyWolf on October 13, 2011, 06:32:59 pm
User name: IvyWolf
Character name: Alexi APV
Screenshot: (http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z335/Nimokii/Alexi.png) (I possibly will be changing her apperance into a preset soon, though.)
Species: Ethiopian Wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Description: A Ethiopian wolf with a white underbelly, pastelish cream eyes, fire like ears and back tail tip and nose. Eyes grey,
and quite fluffy.
Personallity: A bit cruel, not very kind, Ignorant, Will protect her friends, a little insane, thinks she is "The one", a little clumsy.
History: Unkown, she isn't one to share her past.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: She would like to join a pack, but doesn't mind being alone.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Swimming, Sneaking, Hunting.
RP sample: Alexi looked up into the blazing sky, her eyes squinted. "Huh, sunny day then.." She muttered with a moody tone. She leaped off the rock and
looked around, eyes still squinted. Today was boring- who and when could she tease anybody? She ran through the trees, fully focused on running.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Lizzy on October 13, 2011, 11:00:32 pm
Character Name/s or Group Name: Artemis (Art)
Den Name: Deadtree
Screenshot of Object: (Only if you aren't claiming a named den)

I put a note on DA too :) this thread kinda forced me to figure out my password for DA haha
AND I've completed the survey :)

AND...sorry haha so many edits...this saturday I play a pen and paper rpg with friends (star wars saga) so I may not be able to participate in our RP here. We usually don't play till too late so I may catch the tail end of anything here.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 14, 2011, 01:34:47 am
A list of claimed dens will now be posted under the den claiming app, and a 2nd choice field has been added to the den claiming app!

Scrubk and Steak accepted!

Evelynn and Lizzy your den apps have been accepted!

User name: IvyWolf
Character name: Alexi APV
Screenshot: (http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z335/Nimokii/Alexi.png) (I possibly will be changing her apperance into a preset soon, though.)
Species: Ethiopian Wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Description: A Ethiopian wolf with a white underbelly, pastelish cream eyes, fire like ears and back tail tip and nose. Eyes grey,
and quite fluffy.
Personallity: A bit cruel, not very kind, Ignorant, Will protect her friends, a little insane, thinks she is "The one", a little clumsy.
History: Unkown, she isn't one to share her past.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: She would like to join a pack, but doesn't mind being alone.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Swimming, Sneaking, Hunting.
RP sample: Alexi looked up into the blazing sky, her eyes squinted. "Huh, sunny day then.." She muttered with a moody tone. She leaped off the rock and
looked around, eyes still squinted. Today was boring- who and when could she tease anybody? She ran through the trees, fully focused on running.

Looks good, but you forgot one thing, a passphrase you must post with your app to show you read everything. Please read again and edit it in, once you do you're accepted. :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Keru on October 14, 2011, 04:16:58 am
APV has 2 islands

User name: Keru
Character name: Albus APV (Albus meaning White in Latin)
Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/8UV2p.png (http://i.imgur.com/8UV2p.png)
Species: White Lion
Gender: Male
Age: 7 (around 40 human years)
Description: Albus is a large white lion, he is very bulky, strong and dangerous when he doesn't like you, fortunately Albus likes almost everyone :D
Personallity: Albus is a gentle and kind hearted male who is happy for a chat, he will fight, but only if necessary. He is generally on the move for he enjoys the fresh air, and the peace. He is on his way to being an elder lion, he has experience under his belt and is willing to share, so if you are looking for guidance or help, just find Albus.
History: Albus grew up as a loner with his mother, he never knew his father (poor guy). He lived through great hardships including his mother's death. He grew up from 2 alone, he had next to no friends, he would find the occasional cub that might be friendly.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking for a pride
Your character is best at?(Optional): He is a strong fighter
RP sample: He struggled to make it up the steep sand bank, his claws unable to find a grip on the loose sand for it just slid out from underneath him. He grunted and moved on 'till he found a grassy area of the bank, he made a leap and dug in his sharp claws, digging in on the clumps of dirt. He reached the top and flopped onto the ground happily, he had made it up. (no idea why he wanted to lol)
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 14, 2011, 04:32:11 am
Accepted OHAIDER. :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Mhysa on October 14, 2011, 05:01:09 am
 User Name: SAMMYDOG Chara's Name: Gabriella APV Screenshots: None (Sorry DX) Species: Lion Gender: Female Age: 3 Months and 11 Day's Description: Gabriella is a Playful young Lioness cub She has No parents Her parents left her when she was Young only a month old she Loves to play with other cubs and her dream Is being a grown Lioness and learning how to hunt bigger prey instead of mice and fish. Personality: Funny, Playful, Kind, Caring, Loving, Flirty, Curious, Mate/Offspring: None. Pride: None (Looking) This Character Is cute and Playfully and curious! And not So much of a Good hunter.. XD RP Sample: -The young lioness Cub crouched in the grass watching a heard Of Zebra graze the tall grass she stayed still her eyes open she did not make a Sound she went forward to them as She stepped on a Branch cracking it as the Zebra lifted they're heads up and ran She leaped up into action and tried to catch up with them But she got tried and plopped down on the Grass she was Disapointed in her self but knew She would get better at hunting While she grew through he life Time.- :)
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: evelynn on October 14, 2011, 02:37:27 pm
APV Has two islands
Character Name: Adara

User name: evelynn

Species: Lion

Gender: Female

Age: 1 years

Description:  Adara is an Ethiopian lioness. She possesses the grace and beauty of her ancestors before her. Her soft creamy milk and butter fur is as sunny and warm as her heart. Her soft violet eyes sparkle playfully with witty curiosity. She has a dusty carmel tail and “toeless socks”, with white tow tips.

Personality: Curious, soft-hearted, vivaciously playful, and sweetly innocent, Adara is a charming as she is full of spirit.

History: Adara is a delicate lioness whose lineage traces back to the first lions captured and bred by the Ethiopian monarchy. Known for their fine bones and exotic beauty, these creatures’ poses a surprising amount of endurance and grace. After the axis powers invaded Ethiopia, the people released the lions into the wild to protect their national treasure. Ever since then, Adara’s ancestors have been living in the wild east African mountains. Adara was always a curious young cub, and one day proceeded to wander off, one day she stumbled across the this African valley, where she noticed a variety of animals from all over Africa living in harmony. She went back to tell her parents of her discovery and they too were awed. After that it wasn’t long before Adara’s whole tribe moved into the valley, bringing Adara with them. (I won’t RP the whole tribe just Adara. XD)

Mate/Offspring: None currently

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Not really a loner… She has a pride…I’ll have her be in galen’s den when he’s not around. (They became good friends, and Galen doesn’t mind if she uses it)

Your character is best at?:  Hunting/scouting

RP Sample:
 Softly Adara’s paws touched the soft earth. She shifted her hunched shoulders as she crept toward her prey. Her violet eyes glistened gleefully as she prepared to pounce. She sank lower and lower poised for attack, her lips spread into a smile that over took her whole body.
   She roared and leapt on her unsuspecting prey. The sheer shock of her tenacity threw the prey off guard it stumbled backwards and both toppled down the hill. Their bodies landed separately on the sandy beach and skidded to a halt just a few feet away. For one brief moment, their eyes locked. Upon hearing the the now slightly miffed prey, snarl, “Adara!”, Adara sat up, her disposition not the least bit dampened by the correction, “I thought you said that you couldn’t be snuck up on?” She grinned impertinently. His brief flash of anger melted when she smiled. Sighing deeply he smirked, “Don’t you believe it!”
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: IvyWolf on October 14, 2011, 05:26:34 pm
APV has two maps

Preset download: http://www.mediafire.com/?4pc9oco7djbv3dp#2 (http://www.mediafire.com/?4pc9oco7djbv3dp#2)

User name: IvyWolf
Character name: Alexi APV
Screenshot: (http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z335/Nimokii/Alexi-1.png)
Species: Ethiopian Wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Description: A Ethiopian wolf with the normal markings of her breed,Eyes grey,
and quite fluffy.
Personallity: A bit cruel, not very kind, Ignorant, Will protect her friends, a little insane, thinks she is "The one", a little clumsy.
History: Unkown, she isn't one to share her past.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: She would like to join a pack, but doesn't mind being alone.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Swimming, Sneaking, Hunting.
RP sample: Alexi looked up into the blazing sky, her eyes squinted. "Huh, sunny day then.." She muttered with a moody tone. She leaped off the rock and
looked around, eyes still squinted. Today was boring- who and when could she tease anybody? She ran through the trees, fully focused on running.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: GingaSorrow on October 14, 2011, 08:47:19 pm
User name:
Character name:
 Fennec Fox
Newly born
Small creamy fox with Ocelot facial markings.
 Stubborn ,skiddish ,defensive ,merry ,shy ,kind.
-Not born yet.-
Mother-Lala, Father-Dead
RP sample:
Her abnormally large ears flicked over her shoulder, flopping onto her back to listen to the sounds coming from behind her. The sound of paws and grass being trampled made shivers run up her spine. Her nerves swithcing to fight or flight mode, her mind running out of time to decide before her mther's scent waffed down the tunnel to her. She sighed and let her body relaxe for once. Its was only Lala.
Didn't you hear? "Sonya loves the rain"
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Dubstep.Freak on October 14, 2011, 09:53:11 pm
Character Name/s or Group Name: Lala (And Offspring)
Den Name: Cliff Den (Perfect For Little Fennecs)
Screenshot of Object: (Only if you aren't claiming a named den)
2nd Choice: (This is in case the den/place you chose is taken)
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 15, 2011, 11:22:15 pm
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: IvyWolf on October 16, 2011, 05:01:14 am
APV has 2 islands

Preset download: http://www.mediafire.com/?4pc9oco7djbv3dp#2 (http://www.mediafire.com/?4pc9oco7djbv3dp#2)

User name: IvyWolf
Character name: Alexi APV
Species: Ethiopian Wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Description: A Ethiopian wolf with the normal markings of her breed,Eyes grey,
and quite fluffy.
Personallity: A bit cruel, not very kind, Ignorant, Will protect her friends, a little insane, thinks she is "The one", a little clumsy.
History: Unkown, she isn't one to share her past.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: She would like to join a pack, but doesn't mind being alone.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Swimming, Sneaking, Hunting.
RP sample: Alexi looked up into the blazing sky, her eyes squinted. "Huh, sunny day then.." She muttered with a moody tone. She leaped off the rock and
looked around, eyes still squinted. Today was boring- who and when could she tease anybody? She ran through the trees, fully focused on running.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 16, 2011, 05:08:12 am
Accepted Maddie! And nice preset :3

Do you have DA? If so you can take some screenshots and submit it to the preset folder on there along with the download link. :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: IvyWolf on October 16, 2011, 05:12:28 am
Accepted Maddie! And nice preset :3

Do you have DA? If so you can take some screenshots and submit it to the preset folder on there along with the download link. :3

Sure can! The download link is there for you to include it in the fourm. c:
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 16, 2011, 05:16:47 am
Accepted Maddie! And nice preset :3

Do you have DA? If so you can take some screenshots and submit it to the preset folder on there along with the download link. :3

Sure can! The download link is there for you to include it in the fourm. c:

I will put it up along with your app on the forum. :3
If we get enough presets, we're going to make a download pack with everyone's presets in it at once. :P
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: IvyWolf on October 16, 2011, 05:36:12 am
Accepted Maddie! And nice preset :3

Do you have DA? If so you can take some screenshots and submit it to the preset folder on there along with the download link. :3

Sure can! The download link is there for you to include it in the fourm. c:

I will put it up along with your app on the forum. :3
If we get enough presets, we're going to make a download pack with everyone's presets in it at once. :P

That would be very handy. xD And my member submission is pending.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 16, 2011, 05:57:05 am
Ok I added you. :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: IvyWolf on October 16, 2011, 06:34:47 am
FAIL. I put up the wrong download link!

The right download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?db2mq1a0ft4fa7y (http://www.mediafire.com/?db2mq1a0ft4fa7y)
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: kate3628 on October 16, 2011, 01:31:25 pm
So when r the days that we are rping?im sry i missed the official meeting! I was grounded 4 a week -_-
Oh and i sent a join request in-game
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Lizzy on October 16, 2011, 05:18:38 pm
I think I'm going to make a preset for Art...not wild dog enough for me right now :P
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: zeitgeist on October 16, 2011, 09:34:51 pm
Age:x:2 years old
Personality:x:He is a strong willed and stubborn but yet kind and loving serval.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:x:He wouldnt mind but, Servals usually are loners in only family groups.
Mate/Offspring:x:None yet ;3
RP Sample:x:Haruka padded through the smooth hills of the valley. His senses at mostly peace until he heard the cracking of a twig behind him, he jumped around his golden eyes focused on a bush. The bush shook then out leapt a fellow serval. It was a female-paler serval too. He still kept his lips pulled back in a fighty snarl as she spoke "You must be lost because, This is my turf boy." He responded with a flick of his tail and a glint of his eye. Her voice put clear thoughts in his head she was lookin for a fight and he was hot tempered so he would surely accept. She got down into a pouncing stance and leapt at him, He turned quickly her claws only just missing him. He then leapt back a strong whirl of his claws dug into her thigh. She let out a small grunt and bit into his paw, He heard a small crack but it was only them tumbling down the hill in a whirl of kicks and cries of anger. When they stopped they were at a watering place, He charged at her knocking her into the water. She leapt up clawing at his facer leaving a long scratch at the top of his forehead.
All done hope you liked it and I hopehes accepted im also going to put my cub, Navis application in here to, She Ivory and Zhaos cub ^^

Name:x:Navi APV
Offspring/Mate:x:Not even born yet.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:x:She is a lion so its natural for her to live in a pride but she aint born yet so...yea
Personality:x:She is a bubbly and humorus cub. She retains a feirceness in her like a bear with a hive on its head from her father though.
RpSample:x:She tumbled down the hill to her sisters, She let out a mew "Hey wait up!" They scampered ahead only looking back at her, She was the runt so she was the smallest of them. She sighed going into a walk as her mother caught up to her. "Hey you alright?" She smiled kindly her voice sweet and melancholy. "Im fine." She muttered a frown on her puffy face. "I can see somthing is wrong little Navi." She chuckled scooping her up by the scruff and taking her to a nearby rock. She sat her down and began to lick her. "I just said im OK mom." She said in a sheepish voice. "Oh dont lie Navi. Just because your small doesnt mean your small on the inside why, i beleive your personality is HUGE!" She exclaimed in a soft voice, Navi brightened up "Really?" She asked. "Really." Her mom said. "Thanks mom thats just what I needed now im gonna go after my sisters buh bye!" She sprinted off, kicking up dirt behind her. "What a cub. her mother smiled.
 -------Hope im accepted! =D
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 17, 2011, 02:17:59 am
So when r the days that we are rping?im sry i missed the official meeting! I was grounded 4 a week -_-
Oh and i sent a join request in-game

Right now we are looking at Saturdays and Sundays for official RP days. But You can RP anytime if there are people in the map. :3
It's ok, sorry to hear you were grounded. x3

And alright, I'll add you when I get on later. :3

I think I'm going to make a preset for Art...not wild dog enough for me right now :P

Kool :3 Looking forward to seeing it. And yeah it's kinda hard making AWDs on here. x3

Age:x:2 years old
Personality:x:He is a strong willed and stubborn but yet kind and loving serval.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:x:He wouldnt mind but, Servals usually are loners in only family groups.
Mate/Offspring:x:None yet ;3
RP Sample:x:Haruka padded through the smooth hills of the valley. His senses at mostly peace until he heard the cracking of a twig behind him, he jumped around his golden eyes focused on a bush. The bush shook then out leapt a fellow serval. It was a female-paler serval too. He still kept his lips pulled back in a fighty snarl as she spoke "You must be lost because, This is my turf boy." He responded with a flick of his tail and a glint of his eye. Her voice put clear thoughts in his head she was lookin for a fight and he was hot tempered so he would surely accept. She got down into a pouncing stance and leapt at him, He turned quickly her claws only just missing him. He then leapt back a strong whirl of his claws dug into her thigh. She let out a small grunt and bit into his paw, He heard a small crack but it was only them tumbling down the hill in a whirl of kicks and cries of anger. When they stopped they were at a watering place, He charged at her knocking her into the water. She leapt up clawing at his facer leaving a long scratch at the top of his forehead.
All done hope you liked it and I hopehes accepted im also going to put my cub, Navis application in here to, She Ivory and Zhaos cub ^^

Name:x:Navi APV
Offspring/Mate:x:Not even born yet.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:x:She is a lion so its natural for her to live in a pride but she aint born yet so...yea
Personality:x:She is a bubbly and humorus cub. She retains a feirceness in her like a bear with a hive on its head from her father though.
RpSample:x:She tumbled down the hill to her sisters, She let out a mew "Hey wait up!" They scampered ahead only looking back at her, She was the runt so she was the smallest of them. She sighed going into a walk as her mother caught up to her. "Hey you alright?" She smiled kindly her voice sweet and melancholy. "Im fine." She muttered a frown on her puffy face. "I can see somthing is wrong little Navi." She chuckled scooping her up by the scruff and taking her to a nearby rock. She sat her down and began to lick her. "I just said im OK mom." She said in a sheepish voice. "Oh dont lie Navi. Just because your small doesnt mean your small on the inside why, i beleive your personality is HUGE!" She exclaimed in a soft voice, Navi brightened up "Really?" She asked. "Really." Her mom said. "Thanks mom thats just what I needed now im gonna go after my sisters buh bye!" She sprinted off, kicking up dirt behind her. "What a cub. her mother smiled.
 -------Hope im accepted! =D

Both of your apps look good, but you forgot one thing, the pass phrase that you must post with your app, showing you read everything.
Once you fix that you are accepted. :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: zeitgeist on October 17, 2011, 03:38:05 am
Lil sorry, here's my phrase XD
APV Has 2 islands navy. Typing this from my IPod touch so I can't rlly do colors ATM. :)
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 17, 2011, 05:55:14 am
Age:x:2 years old
Personality:x:He is a strong willed and stubborn but yet kind and loving serval.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:x:He wouldnt mind but, Servals usually are loners in only family groups.
Mate/Offspring:x:None yet ;3
RP Sample:x:Haruka padded through the smooth hills of the valley. His senses at mostly peace until he heard the cracking of a twig behind him, he jumped around his golden eyes focused on a bush. The bush shook then out leapt a fellow serval. It was a female-paler serval too. He still kept his lips pulled back in a fighty snarl as she spoke "You must be lost because, This is my turf boy." He responded with a flick of his tail and a glint of his eye. Her voice put clear thoughts in his head she was lookin for a fight and he was hot tempered so he would surely accept. She got down into a pouncing stance and leapt at him, He turned quickly her claws only just missing him. He then leapt back a strong whirl of his claws dug into her thigh. She let out a small grunt and bit into his paw, He heard a small crack but it was only them tumbling down the hill in a whirl of kicks and cries of anger. When they stopped they were at a watering place, He charged at her knocking her into the water. She leapt up clawing at his facer leaving a long scratch at the top of his forehead.
All done hope you liked it and I hopehes accepted im also going to put my cub, Navis application in here to, She Ivory and Zhaos cub ^^

Name:x:Navi APV
Offspring/Mate:x:Not even born yet.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:x:She is a lion so its natural for her to live in a pride but she aint born yet so...yea
Personality:x:She is a bubbly and humorus cub. She retains a feirceness in her like a bear with a hive on its head from her father though.
RpSample:x:She tumbled down the hill to her sisters, She let out a mew "Hey wait up!" They scampered ahead only looking back at her, She was the runt so she was the smallest of them. She sighed going into a walk as her mother caught up to her. "Hey you alright?" She smiled kindly her voice sweet and melancholy. "Im fine." She muttered a frown on her puffy face. "I can see somthing is wrong little Navi." She chuckled scooping her up by the scruff and taking her to a nearby rock. She sat her down and began to lick her. "I just said im OK mom." She said in a sheepish voice. "Oh dont lie Navi. Just because your small doesnt mean your small on the inside why, i beleive your personality is HUGE!" She exclaimed in a soft voice, Navi brightened up "Really?" She asked. "Really." Her mom said. "Thanks mom thats just what I needed now im gonna go after my sisters buh bye!" She sprinted off, kicking up dirt behind her. "What a cub. her mother smiled.
 -------Hope im accepted! =D

Lil sorry, here's my phrase XD
APV Has 2 islands navy. Typing this from my IPod touch so I can't rlly do colors ATM. :)

Ah know all about how funny using your Ipod to get on here is! lol

Accepted. :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: zeitgeist on October 18, 2011, 02:19:13 am
Yay! Thankyou do much this is a great RP And, you can find me daily but not as early on School days I get home from school at 3:30 or maybe 2:30. Can't remember lol. Hope the FH+ map issue gets fixed soon. :)
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 18, 2011, 04:27:16 am
Don't worry I'm going right now to fix it, it's not bad just a couple re-textures :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: FoxfangPitbull on October 18, 2011, 12:45:58 pm
Don't worry I'm going right now to fix it, it's not bad just a couple re-textures :3

Fix what? Is this about getting the map in FH+?
'Cause I was just about to blurt out madly that I have switched to FH + now and I'm not switching back
x3 I lurve eet too much =3
But erm...yes...I don't even know anymore xD
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 18, 2011, 06:19:47 pm
Don't worry Foxfang, APV will have maps for both versions as long as they are in use. And from what I've read we'll still be able to see each other in the same map no matter what version we're playing. All maps updated or released will be in both FH and FH+.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: FoxfangPitbull on October 18, 2011, 07:04:23 pm
Don't worry Foxfang, APV will have maps for both versions as long as they are in use. And from what I've read we'll still be able to see each other in the same map no matter what version we're playing. All maps updated or released will be in both FH and FH+.

I lurve yew <3
-slobbers upon-
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on October 19, 2011, 02:30:03 am
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Lara5000 on October 19, 2011, 12:05:08 pm
Can i join as a lion leader?
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Goon on October 19, 2011, 03:55:05 pm
You may join as a lion, but a lion leader you'll have to have something to lead, and if you just join with nothing to lead then you're not really a lion leader. In any case unless you have a group of friends or something that you currently lead join as well then you wouldn't really need to sign up as a lion leader. Though you can join the rp and as the story goes find a pride to lead. Or in your history be separated from your original pride or something I don't know.

Sorry if I sound like a broken record. xD I'm not the best at explaining.

[also this isn't blocked on my education tablet PC weee]
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: MeerkatStar on October 19, 2011, 04:43:50 pm
APV has 2 islands

Username: MeerkatStar
Name: Flower APV
Age: 2 years old
Gender: Female
Screenshot: http://i53BannedImageSite/6f8i77.png (http://i53BannedImageSite/6f8i77.png)
Personality: She is fair with all the members of her clan but is very competitive and is very nosey(this can make her vulnerable)
Species: Meerkat
Description: Light brown all over with a beige underbelly and a bit fluffy with a black tip on her tail and black markings on her face. Black nose. Black ears and beige paws.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Could i start a new clan and could i be domanant female?
Mate/Offspring: None yet
Your character's best at?: Hunting and Fighting also great with pups.
RP Sample: As Flower looked across the plains she froze. An Jackel was coming her way! For a moment she was tansfixed by this enormas predator but after she had gotten over the shock she ran for her life. The Jackel chased after for a few minutes but then Flower leaped over a rock at lighting speed. The Jackel tryed to stop but couldn't and smashed into the rock at highspeed. It let out a long moan and was finally still, Flower looked back at the Jackel and slowly walked up to it. When she got there she smirked at the dieing Jackel.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Lizzy on October 19, 2011, 11:36:35 pm

Ahhh done :D It may change because I'm fickle but for now I'm happy! I will put it on DA with a link so you all can DL it to see him in game.

DA link (http://xxpunkkittyxx.deviantart.com/#/d4dck6e)
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Goon on October 20, 2011, 01:56:14 am
-claps- Nicely done Lizzy <3

Downloading right now. I hope to see it in-game soon~
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 20, 2011, 05:11:03 am
New announcements, here!:
http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/blog/45184912/ (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/blog/45184912/)

All accepted Apps have been posted to the thread; still many left to place on DA. If you don't have a DA app up yet, means I haven't gotten a 2nd screenshot of you in-game!

Meg accepted!

And Lizzy that preset looks amazing! :o
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: YaGirlShayy on October 20, 2011, 06:09:06 am
'Sirah hates trucks'  

User name:Bigcatsha
Character name: Blossim
Species: lioness
Age:.almoist teen in human years don't know in lion yrs
Description:She is a cream coloured lioness with a fades brownish markings of stripes on her back (i donm't care if she can't have the markings) with Blue eyes
Personallity:Sweet, not so sensitive, She will always make your day and she try her hardest for everything to get better at it
History: She was burn a lone child and she lived as lone too with no friends till she went to explore one day and she saw this AP vally pride,pack,clan place and she though to joining then so she can find friends and even not be so lonly
Mate/Offspring: none, she is not really ready for mateship yet
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Pride
Your character is best at?( Optional): Taking care of cubs and Hunting.
RP Sample: 'Blossim looked around to find a slight movement in the bushes', this was her first hunting practise she was showing to the cubs, she slowly crept forward when she herd a screech.
"That him!" Cried the smallest cub of them all. Blossim flickered her tail in a comment in saying the cub was right, then she slowly walked forward till she caught up with the animal. Slowly she run towards it ready to pounce on he prey, finally she did and the prey di a shreak. Even though the prey wasn't so much of a plup elk, it didn't get away so eaily.
"And that's how you catch prey," Blossim dropped the prey near then ws they shared at it in surprise in it's size and well build legs.

Oh yeah, and for some reason my brother turned to a adminiter on this computer so i deleted FH so i am trying to get it back but i don't know his password to download it so i might not get able to go on but i think i will
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: MeerkatStar on October 20, 2011, 08:44:05 am
YAY thank you so much! im really looking foward to RPG with all you guys.
On the announcments it says what time we are meeting but i live in UK so it is pretty hard for me to tell the US time xD
On a side note can i start my own group? and can i be DF?
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: october_wind on October 20, 2011, 02:02:25 pm

Try looking up the Time Zone Converter Time Difference Calculator and using that to figure out the time difference. That's how I did it.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: MeerkatStar on October 20, 2011, 02:07:46 pm
hmmm yeah i tried but i don't know which one to pick  :-\
I will just check every so often to see if anyone's on the map  ::)
but thank you *nuzzles*  :D
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: FoxfangPitbull on October 20, 2011, 04:25:04 pm
The new FH+ map works like a dream :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Lizzy on October 20, 2011, 05:04:48 pm
where do you get FH+? or get info about it even.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Goon on October 20, 2011, 05:56:08 pm
It's in Official Downloads. It's basically FH on steroids, but warning: bonfire island lags more. Despite this it's generally beautiful but... Don't replace your old FH with it.

Yeah it's nice but 2 versions of the game is kinda of... Eh. xD; Anyway you can get it there. That's why wild put up a FH and an FH+ version.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Lizzy on October 20, 2011, 06:20:12 pm
Link not there :( I really wanted to try it out.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Goon on October 20, 2011, 06:22:43 pm
No idea why they took it down, sorry. I don't blame you.
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Lizzy on October 20, 2011, 06:24:25 pm
I was like...o0o0o better graphics!? YES please! Wish I could have snapped it up but maybe another time? I'll just hang out by my den with Art ::admires his fur:: :P
Title: Re: AP Valley-A multi-species African animal RP-{Apps OPEN!} Please Read Everything!
Post by: Goon on October 20, 2011, 06:29:04 pm
Haha, well still, less for you to deal with if anything.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 22, 2011, 08:00:46 pm
I added a little time thing about how many hours ahead UK and AUS should be. If you still need help let me know!

Also made lineart for refs for Servals, it's on the DA.

This is a reminder to the couple of people who didn't submit your Apps correctly, I'm giving you one last chance to fix them. Please review them, and fix anything missing/ incorrect. Check the front page, if your app isn't there, you didn't get accepted!
If it was the pass phrase you messed up on, remember it CHANGES often, so looking at the other apps IS NOT the answer!

'Sirah hates trucks'  

User name:Bigcatsha
Character name: Blossim
Species: lioness
Age:.almoist teen in human years don't know in lion yrs
Description:She is a cream coloured lioness with a fades brownish markings of stripes on her back (i donm't care if she can't have the markings) with Blue eyes
Personallity:Sweet, not so sensitive, She will always make your day and she try her hardest for everything to get better at it
History: She was burn a lone child and she lived as lone too with no friends till she went to explore one day and she saw this AP vally pride,pack,clan place and she though to joining then so she can find friends and even not be so lonly
Mate/Offspring: none, she is not really ready for mateship yet
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Pride
Your character is best at?( Optional): Taking care of cubs and Hunting.
RP Sample: 'Blossim looked around to find a slight movement in the bushes', this was her first hunting practise she was showing to the cubs, she slowly crept forward when she herd a screech.
"That him!" Cried the smallest cub of them all. Blossim flickered her tail in a comment in saying the cub was right, then she slowly walked forward till she caught up with the animal. Slowly she run towards it ready to pounce on he prey, finally she did and the prey di a shreak. Even though the prey wasn't so much of a plup elk, it didn't get away so eaily.
"And that's how you catch prey," Blossim dropped the prey near then ws they shared at it in surprise in it's size and well build legs.

Oh yeah, and for some reason my brother turned to a adminiter on this computer so i deleted FH so i am trying to get it back but i don't know his password to download it so i might not get able to go on but i think i will

shaleaha accepted, but I will need a screenshot please?

As for FH+, Simba says it should be back soon. :3 There was some kind of content issue?

YAY thank you so much! im really looking foward to RPG with all you guys.
On the announcments it says what time we are meeting but i live in UK so it is pretty hard for me to tell the US time xD
On a side note can i start my own group? and can i be DF?

We have no other meerkats at this time, but once more join you are more then welcome to try to start a group. :3

And I put how many hours you should be ahead in the times.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: WolfLover on October 23, 2011, 02:18:13 pm
User name: WolfLover
Character name: Drew APV
Screenshot: http://sonicboom124.deviantart.com/art/Drew-264866718 (http://sonicboom124.deviantart.com/art/Drew-264866718)
Species: Hyena
Gender: Male
Age: 7
Description: Drew is a hyena who is wanting to make a pack.
Personallity: Drew is a mischievous young hyena who loves almost everything. He can get aggressive at times, but almost all the time he is calm and playful.
History: Drew's parents had abandoned him as a cub for unknown reasons. He did the unthinkable and survived. He is now 7 years old and he is a born survivor.
Mate/Offspring: None yet.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Yes.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Fighting, hunting.
RP sample: Drew slunked slowly out of his den for a meal. He quickly caught the scent of a zebra then stalked out of the den. He continued to stalk and the closer he got, the view of the animal was more clear. He was finally in pouncing range, then shot up and clung to the zebra's back. He sunk his razor sharp teeth into the back of it's neck, and  his claws into it's legs. He got a grip of the throat and bit down hard, soon killing the zebra. He dragged the large carcass back to his den for a meal, he would never forget.-
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: MeerkatStar on October 23, 2011, 04:05:53 pm
Could i submit this on here please?

Character Name/s or Group Name: Flower, (group coming soon)
Den Name: Dead Tree Den
Screenshot of Object: (Only if you aren't claiming a named den)
2nd Choice: Log Den
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 23, 2011, 07:39:43 pm
Could i submit this on here please?

Character Name/s or Group Name: Flower, (group coming soon)
Den Name: Dead Tree Den
Screenshot of Object: (Only if you aren't claiming a named den)
2nd Choice: Log Den

Deadtree is taken but, Log Den is free so that one is yours. Accepted!

User name: WolfLover
Character name: Drew APV
Screenshot: http://sonicboom124.deviantart.com/art/Drew-264866718 (http://sonicboom124.deviantart.com/art/Drew-264866718)
Species: Hyena
Gender: Male
Age: 7
Description: Drew is a hyena who is wanting to make a pack.
Personallity: Drew is a mischievous young hyena who loves almost everything. He can get aggressive at times, but almost all the time he is calm and playful.
History: Drew's parents had abandoned him as a cub for unknown reasons. He did the unthinkable and survived. He is now 7 years old and he is a born survivor.
Mate/Offspring: None yet.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Yes.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Fighting, hunting.
RP sample: Drew slunked slowly out of his den for a meal. He quickly caught the scent of a zebra then stalked out of the den. He continued to stalk and the closer he got, the view of the animal was more clear. He was finally in pouncing range, then shot up and clung to the zebra's back. He sunk his razor sharp teeth into the back of it's neck, and  his claws into it's legs. He got a grip of the throat and bit down hard, soon killing the zebra. He dragged the large carcass back to his den for a meal, he would never forget.-
Looks good, but you'll have to change his eyes, glow eyes aren't accepted. You are also missing one thing, the passphrase you must post with your app that shows you read everything. Fix those things please and then you'll be accepted.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: DeathHowl on October 23, 2011, 07:48:11 pm
User name:DeathHowl
Character name:Jamaica APV
Species:Black-Backed Jackal
Age:1 year
Description:She's tannish brown with amber eyes.She also has facial markings to her snout and around her eyes.She's also a full sized Jackal
Personallity:Bubbly, Protective, and Gentle, but her whole attitude switches when either someone is hurt, or when breeding season arrives(...o.o)
History:Jamaica was born in a zoo in well....Jamaica. Her parents and herself were constantly beaten most of the time if they had done something wrong.Jamaica's parents then died from neglect and being horribly beaten to death. Jamaica was captured in the middle of a warm summer night, and released back into the wild. Jamaica has always been cheerful but deep inside, she feels remorse and regret. She hopes one day to kill the people who had tortured her family throughout her life.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:Pack
Your character is best at?(Optional):Hunting  and Fighting
RP sample: Jamaica slithered throuhg the undergrowth like a snake as she stalked her unsuspecting prey. Her tail shifted back and forth, trying to sense if the wind started to switch. Luckily it didn't and Jamaica crawled closer to the oblivious Kangaroo joey. She raised her hackles and sprinted out, chasing the baby kangaroo. She snarled and leaped into the air, onto the back of the joey. She started tearing at its neck ferociously, killing it in a matter of seconds. She wagged her tail and enjoyed her meal.
'Sirah hates trucks'/

Code :3
Code: [Select]
[i][img width=750 height=402]http://i56BannedImageSite/35191u9.png[/img]
User name:DeathHowl
Character name:Jamaica APV
Species:Black-Backed Jackal
Age:1 year
Description:She's tannish brown with amber eyes.She also has facial markings to her snout and around her eyes.She's also a full sized Jackal
Personallity:Bubbly, Protective, and Gentle, but her whole attitude switches when either someone is hurt, or when breeding season arrives(...o.o)
History:Jamaica was born in a zoo in well....Jamaica. Her parents and herself were constantly beaten most of the time if they had done something wrong.Jamaica's parents then died from neglect and being horribly beaten to death. Jamaica was captured in the middle of a warm summer night, and released back into the wild. Jamaica has always been cheerful but deep inside, she feels remorse and regret. She hopes one day to kill the people who had tortured her family throughout her life.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:Pack
Your character is best at?(Optional):Hunting  and Fighting
RP sample: Jamaica slithered throuhg the undergrowth like a snake as she stalked her unsuspecting prey. Her tail shifted back and forth, trying to sense if the wind started to switch. Luckily it didn't and Jamaica crawled closer to the oblivious Kangaroo joey. She raised her hackles and sprinted out, chasing the baby kangaroo. She snarled and leaped into the air, onto the back of the joey. She started tearing at its neck ferociously, killing it in a matter of seconds. She wagged her tail and enjoyed her meal.
'Sirah hates trucks'/[/i]
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: lionheart2011 on October 23, 2011, 07:51:56 pm
 :PUser name: lionheart2011
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3) Chris APV
Screenshot:(Required) http://lion-heart2011.deviantart.com/art/Chris-on-feral-heart-264926010 (http://lion-heart2011.deviantart.com/art/Chris-on-feral-heart-264926010)
Species: Cheetah
Gender: Male
Age: 5 months
Description: Chris is a yellow/orange cheetah cub we wishes to find a pride to take him in and raise him as their own
Personality: Chris is a playful but shy cub he loves to run around.But he can be a trouble maker.Chris is also a brave cheetah cub
History: Chris was born under human care but as he grew and got bigger the lil boy who owned him had to give him away cuz Chris got to big for the apartment they lived in.Chris never knew his parents all he knows is what he was taught by the boy and now that he lives in the wild he doesn't know how to care for himself.One night when Chris was sleeping a bear came from behind the bushes and nearly killed him,he has a scar under on his stomach but it is hid by his fur.Traveling for days Chris got very ill and tired,he is still sick but tries not to show it
Mate/Offspring: none
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: He is a loner now but hopes to find a pride soon
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.): He doesn't know yet but he wants to be a good hunter/fighter some day
RP sample: (Required;Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.) Chris woke up on the hot desert sand,ill and hungry,he stood up slowly.His paw was killing him as he tried to walk and find shade."What am i doing?" he asked himself as he was walking."Maybe i should just lay her and let the vultures eat me." he thought to himself as he fell on the sand not moving. 'Sirah hates trucks'/orange
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: RedSkull on October 23, 2011, 07:58:15 pm
User name: RedSkull
Character name:( Sunny(APV)
Screenshot: http://oi56BannedImageSite/ve1zdk.jpg (http://oi56BannedImageSite/ve1zdk.jpg)
Species: Cheetah
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years old
Description: A very sleek cheetah, with black spots and golden fur. Her eyes are a bit dark. Around her eyes are deep black. Her underfur is a lightish orange-a bit darker than her pelt. Her ears are a bit large, but perfect for hearing. For a cheetah, she's a bit stronger than most.
Personallity: Quiet and shy. She mostly tends to talk to herself. Usually, she's happy, and always optimistic. But sometimes, she can be very serious and protective.
History: When she was little, her mother left her at an early age-along with her sister. The two decided to try and do things them-self, but it ended up getting her sister killed. She learned everything on her own. One day, though, she was caught by humans and transported into an area- to repopulate.
Mate/Offspring: NA
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Loner, but could possibly join a pride/pack later?
Your character is best at?: She's best at healing and hunting. She learned healing on her own, and hunting from her mother.
RP sample:
I slowly padded to a tree, my tongue dry from lack of thirst lately. IT's been getting harder and harder to hunt, but I knw I couldn't give up. "I'll make sure to catch it later." I laid down beside the tree, accepting the shade it gave me. I wanted to go home, and not be in this area. But I knew I couldn't go back. Not now. 'Sirah hates trucks'

Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 23, 2011, 08:33:47 pm
:PUser name: lionheart2011
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3) Chris APV
Screenshot:(Required) http://lion-heart2011.deviantart.com/art/Chris-on-feral-heart-264926010 (http://lion-heart2011.deviantart.com/art/Chris-on-feral-heart-264926010)
Species: Cheetah
Gender: Male
Age: 5 months
Description: Chris is a yellow/orange cheetah cub we wishes to find a pride to take him in and raise him as their own
Personality: Chris is a playful but shy cub he loves to run around.But he can be a trouble maker.Chris is also a brave cheetah cub
History: Chris was born under human care but as he grew and got bigger the lil boy who owned him had to give him away cuz Chris got to big for the apartment they lived in.Chris never knew his parents all he knows is what he was taught by the boy and now that he lives in the wild he doesn't know how to care for himself.One night when Chris was sleeping a bear came from behind the bushes and nearly killed him,he has a scar under on his stomach but it is hid by his fur.Traveling for days Chris got very ill and tired,he is still sick but tries not to show it
Mate/Offspring: none
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: He is a loner now but hopes to find a pride soon
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.): He doesn't know yet but he wants to be a good hunter/fighter some day
RP sample: (Required;Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.) Chris woke up on the hot desert sand,ill and hungry,he stood up slowly.His paw was killing him as he tried to walk and find shade."What am i doing?" he asked himself as he was walking."Maybe i should just lay her and let the vultures eat me." he thought to himself as he fell on the sand not moving. 'Sirah hates trucks'/orange

Accepted! :3

User name:DeathHowl
Character name:Jamaica APV
Species:Black-Backed Jackal
Age:1 year
Description:She's tannish brown with amber eyes.She also has facial markings to her snout and around her eyes.She's also a full sized Jackal
Personallity:Bubbly, Protective, and Gentle, but her whole attitude switches when either someone is hurt, or when breeding season arrives(...o.o)
History:Jamaica was born in a zoo in well....Jamaica. Her parents and herself were constantly beaten most of the time if they had done something wrong.Jamaica's parents then died from neglect and being horribly beaten to death. Jamaica was captured in the middle of a warm summer night, and released back into the wild. Jamaica has always been cheerful but deep inside, she feels remorse and regret. She hopes one day to kill the people who had tortured her family throughout her life.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:Pack
Your character is best at?(Optional):Hunting  and Fighting
RP sample: Jamaica slithered throuhg the undergrowth like a snake as she stalked her unsuspecting prey. Her tail shifted back and forth, trying to sense if the wind started to switch. Luckily it didn't and Jamaica crawled closer to the oblivious Kangaroo joey. She raised her hackles and sprinted out, chasing the baby kangaroo. She snarled and leaped into the air, onto the back of the joey. She started tearing at its neck ferociously, killing it in a matter of seconds. She wagged her tail and enjoyed her meal.

Code :3
Code: [Select]
[i][img width=750 height=402]http://i56BannedImageSite/35191u9.png[/img]
User name:DeathHowl
Character name:Jamaica APV
Species:Black-Backed Jackal
Age:1 year
Description:She's tannish brown with amber eyes.She also has facial markings to her snout and around her eyes.She's also a full sized Jackal
Personallity:Bubbly, Protective, and Gentle, but her whole attitude switches when either someone is hurt, or when breeding season arrives(...o.o)
History:Jamaica was born in a zoo in well....Jamaica. Her parents and herself were constantly beaten most of the time if they had done something wrong.Jamaica's parents then died from neglect and being horribly beaten to death. Jamaica was captured in the middle of a warm summer night, and released back into the wild. Jamaica has always been cheerful but deep inside, she feels remorse and regret. She hopes one day to kill the people who had tortured her family throughout her life.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:Pack
Your character is best at?(Optional):Hunting  and Fighting
RP sample: Jamaica slithered throuhg the undergrowth like a snake as she stalked her unsuspecting prey. Her tail shifted back and forth, trying to sense if the wind started to switch. Luckily it didn't and Jamaica crawled closer to the oblivious Kangaroo joey. She raised her hackles and sprinted out, chasing the baby kangaroo. She snarled and leaped into the air, onto the back of the joey. She started tearing at its neck ferociously, killing it in a matter of seconds. She wagged her tail and enjoyed her meal.[/i]
Looks good, but you forgot one thing, the passphrase you must post with your app to show you read everything. Fix that and you're accepted. :3

User name: RedSkull
Character name:( Sunny(APV)
Screenshot: http://oi53BannedImageSite/wlbr0z.jpg (http://oi53BannedImageSite/wlbr0z.jpg)
Species: Cheetah
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years old
Description: A very sleek cheetah, with black spots and golden fur. Her eyes are a bit dark. Around her eyes are deep black. Her underfur is a lightish orange-a bit darker than her pelt. Her ears are a bit large, but perfect for hearing. For a cheetah, she's a bit stronger than most.
Personallity: Quiet and shy. She mostly tends to talk to herself. Usually, she's happy, and always optimistic. But sometimes, she can be very serious and protective.
History: When she was little, her mother left her at an early age-along with her sister. The two decided to try and do things them-self, but it ended up getting her sister killed. She learned everything on her own. One day, though, she was caught by humans and transported into an area- to repopulate.
Mate/Offspring: NA
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Loner, but could possibly join a pride/pack later?
Your character is best at?: She's best at healing and hunting. She learned healing on her own, and hunting from her mother.
RP sample:
I slowly padded to a tree, my tongue dry from lack of thirst lately. IT's been getting harder and harder to hunt, but I knw I couldn't give up. "I'll make sure to catch it later." I laid down beside the tree, accepting the shade it gave me. I wanted to go home, and not be in this area. But I knew I couldn't go back. Not now.

Looks good, but could you make her a little less bright yellow, please?  And you are also missing the passphrase you must post with your app to show you read everything. Fix that and you're accepted. :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 23, 2011, 08:46:13 pm
Accepted Redmoon.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Bri-Lanie on October 23, 2011, 08:47:40 pm
User name: Bri-Lanie
Character name: Jiwe
Screenshot: (http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i435/Bri-Lanie/screenshot_10232011_153445801.png)
Species: Fennec Fox
Gender: Female
Age: Newborn
Description: Jiwe is a newborn fennec fox with deep brown eyes and a brown sandy pelt. Her underfur is slightly lighter in color than the fur on her back and her markings consist of subtle swirls of her underfur, in the same color. Her ears are large and pointed, like most Fennecs are.
Personallity: Jiwe is a newborn, and doesnt have much of a developed personality as of yet. Though, for the time being, she is completely carefree and has a bubbly, joyful demeanor, as though nothing could make her angry or sad. Even when she does feel sad, she can either milk it for all its worth or forget what happened and be her normal happy self in less than a few seconds.
History: Jiwe doesnt have any history, her mother is Lala and she never knew her father, he died before she was born.
Mate/Offspring: None, she is only a newborn.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Pup, loner along with her mother.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Being cute? She is only a newbron and hasnt had any sort of chance to develope skills and such.
RP sample: Jiwe lay curled in the thick, damp moss, her tail wined tightly around her tiny body. Yawning loudly, the fennec pup slowly blinked open her dark brown eyes, letting the black pupils dart around the den, looking for any other signs of life. Seeing nothing, Jiwe uncurled herself and rolled onto her belly before wobbly scrambling to her paws. She yipped, pinning her ears back. Where had her mother and siblings gone? She cocked her head curiously and slipped her slender muzzle out of the den entrance, the rest of her small, fragile body following after. The pup sat down and let her chocolate gaze slip over the horizon. (Normally, my exampled are better >.e but since shes a pup and I dont know what Lala's den looks like, I didnt have much to work with. :))
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 23, 2011, 09:07:17 pm
User name: Bri-Lanie
Character name: Jiwe
Screenshot: (http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i435/Bri-Lanie/screenshot_10232011_153445801.png)
Species: Fennec Fox
Gender: Female
Age: Newborn
Description: Jiwe is a newborn fennec fox with deep brown eyes and a brown sandy pelt. Her underfur is slightly lighter in color than the fur on her back and her markings consist of subtle swirls of her underfur, in the same color. Her ears are large and pointed, like most Fennecs are.
Personallity: Jiwe is a newborn, and doesnt have much of a developed personality as of yet. Though, for the time being, she is completely carefree and has a bubbly, joyful demeanor, as though nothing could make her angry or sad. Even when she does feel sad, she can either milk it for all its worth or forget what happened and be her normal happy self in less than a few seconds.
History: Jiwe doesnt have any history, her mother is Lala and she never knew her father, he died before she was born.
Mate/Offspring: None, she is only a newborn.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Pup, loner along with her mother.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Being cute? She is only a newbron and hasnt had any sort of chance to develope skills and such.
RP sample: Jiwe lay curled in the thick, damp moss, her tail wined tightly around her tiny body. Yawning loudly, the fennec pup slowly blinked open her dark brown eyes, letting the black pupils dart around the den, looking for any other signs of life. Seeing nothing, Jiwe uncurled herself and rolled onto her belly before wobbly scrambling to her paws. She yipped, pinning her ears back. Where had her mother and siblings gone? She cocked her head curiously and slipped her slender muzzle out of the den entrance, the rest of her small, fragile body following after. The pup sat down and let her chocolate gaze slip over the horizon. (Normally, my exampled are better >.e but since shes a pup and I dont know what Lala's den looks like, I didnt have much to work with. :))

very good, but you are missing the passphrase you must post with your app to show you read everything. Fix that and you're accepted. :3

Don't worry your RP sample is fine. :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: DeathHowl on October 23, 2011, 09:13:23 pm
o3o ok. is it the one called 'Sirah hates trucks'. o3o i dont think i saw it though .-. but ill put it in anyway :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 23, 2011, 09:19:10 pm
Kool we have another jackel now. :3

Accepted kierra.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: DeathHowl on October 23, 2011, 09:29:11 pm
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: DeathHowl on October 23, 2011, 09:39:19 pm
So do i go get the map now? :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Bri-Lanie on October 23, 2011, 09:43:57 pm
"Sirah hates trucks." Which, to me, is totaly insane, everyone loves trucks ;D I want a Ford F250 in burnt orange for my 16th birthday. -Is a truck lover-
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: DeathHowl on October 23, 2011, 09:51:06 pm
I got the map anyway. Is it alright if i go into it o3o
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: GhostAdventure on October 23, 2011, 10:15:28 pm
I would like to claim treeroot den please!

~ Silent-Assassin
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Lizzy on October 24, 2011, 12:20:16 am
Just want to remind everyone of Art's preset :)

http://xxpunkkittyxx.deviantart.com/#/d4dck6e (http://xxpunkkittyxx.deviantart.com/#/d4dck6e)

It's awesome! And looks much better than the default patterns. Get it! hehe and the other presets people have as well <3
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 24, 2011, 05:51:34 am
"Sirah hates trucks." Which, to me, is totaly insane, everyone loves trucks ;D I want a Ford F250 in burnt orange for my 16th birthday. -Is a truck lover-

lol x3 Accepted.

I got the map anyway. Is it alright if i go into it o3o
Of course it's alright to go into the map, it's public anyway. x3

I would like to claim treeroot den please!

~ Silent-Assassin

You need to read the den claiming rules first, please. That den needs group to claim it and you have to use an application.

Just want to remind everyone of Art's preset :)

http://xxpunkkittyxx.deviantart.com/#/d4dck6e (http://xxpunkkittyxx.deviantart.com/#/d4dck6e)

It's awesome! And looks much better than the default patterns. Get it! hehe and the other presets people have as well <3

You guys should really get this^^ Art's preset is aussome! :O
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Goon on October 24, 2011, 12:43:12 pm
Sirah fell in a truck. That's how he got here. :U -best history ever-

I may not be as active as I used to be, having lots of people problems as well as Team Fortress 2 being used as my general distraction, but I have been signing in quite a lot to check in on the map and all but no one was ever on. </3
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: GhostAdventure on October 25, 2011, 01:04:24 am
Character Name/s or Group Name: Flusky(Username on feralheart) Dralco(Silent-Assassin) Marzishadow(Username on FH)

2nd Choice: Paramount Den
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 25, 2011, 09:02:46 pm
This is a reminder!!!
RP meetings at 6pm and 9pm tonight, TRY TO BE THERE please!

http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/blog/44788254/ (http://apvalleyrp.deviantart.com/blog/44788254/)
^^ Full info!
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on October 25, 2011, 09:16:54 pm
I will try my best!
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: darkforce on October 26, 2011, 01:07:12 am
User name:DarkForce
Character name:Khaz APV
Species:African Wild Dog
Age:Adult (4yr?)
Description: She is quite a young African Wild Dog in search of a pack to call her own. Lightly colored brownish-tan with a bit of black markings to suit a African Wild Dog perfectly.
Personallity:Caring,loving willing to protect her loved ones.Smart and fierce fighter.
History: Born in a some pack she learned to live with other's and learned many important rules of leadership, due to her parents being Alpha's. While she got older she chose to leave her pack, and search of a pack of her own, and even love....
Mate/Offspring:None at the moment.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: looking to join a pack.
Your character is best at?(Optional):  Leading (Alpha maybe ;] ) Fighting, and Watching.
RP sample: Khaz, meandering about the savanna she rose her black snout. Her wet black nose twittched as she searched for familar sents. Not suprised to not 'pick up' any familar sents to a African wild dog she lowered he muzzle. Her white tail lowered, mournfuly. The fae looked around the horizon, not finding anything to get distracked on she just padded way, dissapearing into the under brush.' Sonya loves the rain'

Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 26, 2011, 01:19:30 am
Your application looks good, but I will need a screenshot please.

Also you missed one thing, a phrase you must post with your app to show you read everything.

If you read carefully, it's not hard to find. :3

Fix that and you are accepted.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: darkforce on October 26, 2011, 01:37:05 am
Found it!
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 26, 2011, 01:41:32 am
Found it!

That's not it, sorry. It changes from time to time to keep people from copying off other apps. The one you posted is over a month old.

NVM the screenshot, you fixed it.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: fraskal on October 29, 2011, 05:50:47 am
User name: GiftedArtist0906
Character name: Jayla APV
Species: African Wild Dog
Gender: Female
Age: 2-3 years
Screenshot: attached
Description: Attractive, few scars (faded)
Personality: Wise, strong, can be gentle, noble, a bit sneaky, can be very friendly
History: Jayla grew up in a strong and wise pack. Her mother was the matriarch of the pack. Jayla was always adventurous, curious, and independent, so she tried to do things by herself all the time. She has never experienced friendship until she made friends with rival pups one day when she was 1 year old. She was soon caught by her pack and was immediately evicted from the pack. Jayla soon had many bad experiences from after she got evicted, such as lion chases, vulture attacks, and wounds from hunting. Luckily, these experiences made her become stronger, and even though she still had a few scars, she is still quite attractive. She soon forgot what love and friendship really were and became quite sensitive. She now spends her days hunting, traveling, and looking for any other African Wild Dogs (sadly, she never saw anymore). And she spends her nights in hollow, leaky logs or in another abandoned or neglected den.
Mate/Offspring: None/None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Jayla is currently a loner and is looking for a pack to join, or better yet, a mate to start a new pack.
Your character is best at?: Hunting, fighting (though can be quite gentle and friendly every once in a while)
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: fraskal on October 29, 2011, 05:51:51 am
screenshot is only 52 kb and it says the upload folder is full :(
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: LionHeart56 on October 29, 2011, 03:50:22 pm
User name: LionHeart56 (Forum: Simba)

Character name: Kahawa APV


Species: Cheetah

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Description: As a cheetah raised on the Savannah, this slick and smooth-talking cheetah in this area, the Plains Valley. Raised to be an efficient hunter, he loves the thrill of the chase.

Personality: This sneaky little feline is friendly, kind, courteous and loves being a goof.
He loves to hunt, sleep, play, hunt, run for no reason, play with other cubs his age, messing with prides, etc.

History: As a cheetah, he was born to his parents, Shani and Chaka. When he left his parent's territory, he became cynical, bitter and generally a blowhard.

Mate/Offspring: None as of yet(.

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Nope. Not looking for one yet, either.

Your character is best at: Hunting and teasing prides.

RP sample: Stalking through the African daisies, the golden cat tensed its muscles, preparing to flush out a sick wildebeest. He spots a sick calf struggling to keep up with it's mother. His vibrant yellow eyes glimmer in the bright morning sun, as he prepares to lunge for the sickened calf. He bursts from the golden grass to the herd, leaving them a scattered mess. The wind that his speed generates keeps him cool while running, the calf starts limping as fast as it can, but is seized by the jugular before it can get to it's mother. The cheetah holds his prey down, and as the calf stops struggling, the tawny feline digs into his fresh meal, licking his black chops after he eats his fill. He then leaves the corpse for the hyenas and vultures. He disappears into the dry savannah.

Note: Claws are by Tigg.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: darkforce on October 31, 2011, 10:13:45 pm
Nope I can't find the hidden word, like I read it over and over......
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Emberflame on November 05, 2011, 07:26:49 pm
User name: Emberflame
Character name( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3): Falcon APV
Screenshot (Required): (I cant post screenies for some reason, and dont have a DA account. I could try giving it to u on MediaFire?)
Species: cheetah
Gender: male
Age: 1 yr
Description: is somewhat faster than the other cheetahs, and has dark-ish yellow fur with the slightest tint of gray
Personallity: very clever and cunning, rarely backs down from a fight but hes wise enough to know when hes beaten.
History: lived miles away in a dry savvana, it was turning into a desert so he migrated until he found the AP valley
Mate/Offspring: none
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional):(Groups may be made up of different or  normally solitary species also  ) loner
Your character is best at?: (Hunting, fighting,healing, watching cubs/pups etc.) fighting and healing
RP sample:(Required;Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.) Falcon crept along the grass, his belly brushing the savvana floor. The herd of gazzel grazed unaware that the cat was near. he leape forward, headed for a young gazzel. the herd bleated in panick and raced away, Falcon giving chase.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on November 06, 2011, 03:02:49 am
lol if ya get me mixed up Im copper4me I just edited my name :P I was bored to death so I did XD
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Emberflame on November 08, 2011, 01:48:43 am
:o copper4me!?! hey, I have u as friend, i'm Emberflame :)
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on November 08, 2011, 03:33:32 am
oh really? Wow XD
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Emberflame on November 09, 2011, 03:24:35 am
really XD oh, btw, I have a map request on my hands + homework and all that stuff so I wont be online for a while
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: copper4me on November 09, 2011, 03:48:23 am
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Emberflame on November 15, 2011, 06:44:40 pm
>.> now I DEFINITY wont be on for a long time. I accidently crashd the computer, witch unluckily is the only computer with a working FH
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: zeitgeist on November 16, 2011, 06:47:42 am
Hey just checking in to apologize for being so inactive becuz I'm on lock down in the bed for awhile with strep throat. :( Plus the tons of stuff going on atm whenever I feel well enough to move I'm usually working on My FH Map, or at the doctors.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Lizzy on November 18, 2011, 01:18:27 am
is this still going? or do i just get on at horrible times :(
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: FoxfangPitbull on November 18, 2011, 01:48:34 am
Everytime I log on, no-one is around XD
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: ccrow974 on November 19, 2011, 05:50:37 pm
I want to apply :D

User name:ccrow974
Character name:Nyah APV
Description:Nyah is a lion that would like to stay a loner
Personallity:Nyah has a bright and playful personality, but can become angry easily sometimes
History:Nyah was born into a pride who had a horrible ruler. After she was born, her father got into a fight with the ruler and was killed. Her mother tried to run away from the pride but was killed trying to protect Nyah. Nyah has been on her own since then.
Mate/Offspring: none
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner
Your character is best at?: Hunting
RP sample:Nyah padded over to the watering hole, thirsty ever since the day before. As she leaned over to drink, she heard a noise behind her.She turned around only to find it was her imagination. She decided to go take a nap under a tree.

I hope the link works to my character, i didn't test it
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: puppyluv on November 21, 2011, 04:38:35 pm
I will Edit this post with my chracter's information :DD

Okay so, here goes.
Username: puppyluv
Character Name: Shaska APV
Screenshot: http://angelgoldenfox.deviantart.com/art/Shaska-APV-270184765 (http://angelgoldenfox.deviantart.com/art/Shaska-APV-270184765)
Species: Lion
Gender: Female
Age: 1 and a half years
Description: A tan brown female lion, with a tanny cream tail and underfur. Bright blue eyes, small ears, average sized.
Personality: Playful, Understanding, Kind, Friendly, Good Sense Of Humour.
History: From a small cub, she has always been... different.. But once she had grown over a year old.. she started to change. People expected more from her, but she just wanted to be herself. One day she ran away, because her parents were forcing her to be someone else, she didn't want to, she ran for miles and miles. After a couple of weeks she learnt how to hunt from a rogue lioness. When the lioness caught a rare desease and died, she was lost, didn't know what to do, or feel anymore. Using her new hunting skills she went hunting for herself, soon to be discovered by humans, who took her to the wildelife reserve, where she met other species.. (I think I may have written too much xD)
Mate/Offspring: None (Can have cubs though, may be looking for a mate soon)
Loner/Looking to join a pride/pack?(Optional): Looking to join a pride.
Your character is best at?: Hunting
RP Sample: Shaska  lay flat in the tanned grass, being her colour, she blended in, camoflage. To her advantage she moved closer, her belly just brushing the sandy floor. "Come out, come out where ever you are.." she whispered to herself in amusement. Suddenly the herd of antelope stuck their heads out of the grass, twitching they're ears in frustration. They bleaped at each other and started running for the trees, Did Shaska make a noise? Shaska looked behind her, A shadow, 'What could it be?' she thought to herself. The figure moved forward at an even pace now, Shaska got out of her crouch, seeing the figure had a gun. "A human?! With a gun?!" The human stopped in it's tracks and squinted at the shocked lioness. "Please don't spot me, Please ston't spot me..!" she repeated in her head. The man lifted his gun and aimed at Shaska. A blasting noise shot through the air. "He shot me! He shot me!" Shaska said in panic as she looked at her side. She saw a dart looking think pierced into her skin, she started seeing visions that looked like flies. "I feel dizzy.." she said lying down. The next thing she knew.... BLACK OUT.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: GamerGirl on November 22, 2011, 03:17:32 am
'Reflection Cave is an APV den

User name: GamerGirl
Character name: Gogori APV
Screenshot: (http://i.imgur.com/X5oj7.png)
Species: Leopard
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Description: Light yellow leopard with moss green eyes and darker orange spots
Personality: Gogori is a fun, happy guy, always trying to make friends with people and wandering the savannah. He particularly likes hanging around lions and his own kind, but he'll interact with pretty much anybody.
History: He's never known his parents, but he grew up on a savannah far away before moving into the Valley. He's a loner just looking for a place to call his own and others to call his family.
Mate/Offspring: None, looking for mate
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner, but open to joining a group
Your character is best at?: Fighting
RP sample: Gogori flicked his tail as he watched some lionesses splash in the watering hole, cleaning themselves and drinking from the clear pond. He chuckled, watching some of them play with their cubs on the bank. Lions facinated him, but he'd not dare to go closer, knowing there had to be a male somewhere close by. He turned and left the reeds by the water hole and trotted to look for a suitable tree to lounge in, purring the whole way. He saw some tiny meerkats call to each other and climb back into their holes and he passed, scared of him. He chuckled, then continued on his way.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Shakko on November 24, 2011, 10:15:01 am
'Reflection Cave is an APV den'

User name: Shakko
Character name:  Tabia APV (Name means "Polite Behaviour")
Screenshot: (http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll136/Shakko1993/screenshot_11242011_094420333.png)
Species: Barbary Lioness
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Years Old
Description: Tabia is a dark tawny coloured lioness with a light underfur as her father was a carrier of the white gene which passed on to her, giving her underfur a lighter tone than other barbary lioness'.  She also has a hazel nut coloured eyes, a small trait from her mother.
Personallity: Tabia is just as her name suggests, she is a lioness of polite behaviour, she helps out when she can, always being kind to those in the pride and letting every eat before her, including the cubs. She will often be found staring up at the sky as if in sadness but often snaps out of it when spoken to. Being a barbary lion also means she has quite a bit of muscle on her side to aid in fighting or hunting but because of her peaceful nature she doesn't fight very often for fear of hurting someone.
History:  Tabia has always lived in prides, moving often from one pride to the other, her parents never owned a true pride as they had both been rogues that met in the lands one day and decided to make a pride of their own with just their cubs. Tabia was the youngest, being the runt of the litter, but quickly out grew her litter mates and came quite close to her mother's size as being a tall lioness, her mother then began to teach her the ways of hunting and how to put her strength to good use, as well as training her on how to always be polite and not bully those younger than her.

One day, while Tabia was out hunting, two brothers entered the small prides territory and attacked her father, looking to take over his pride. When Tabia returned with her kill she found the two males standing over her cowering siblings while her parents were lying dead behind them, in a state of shock and horror she raced towards the male and knocked them clean off their feet to save her siblings. By the time the vast redness, that had appeared before her eyes at seeing her parents killed, had disappeared it was too late, she had blood on her muzzle and paws. Tabia ran off, away from her siblings, and became a loner for a year until she started looking for a pride to join, in hopes that she could now controll her rage inside when fighting began.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join a pride, Tabia is tired of being a loner and is just looking for somewhere to stay long term.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Hunting
RP sample:
A large lioness padded silently through the plains, her golden pelt shimmering in the sun as her hazel eyes scanned the area for any threats, she slowly lowered her head to lap at the cool liquid from the stream, the sound of a waterfall was heard crashing in the background as her ears gave a small twitch to it as it roared.  When she stood up there was still liquid dripping from her maw as she gave it a quick lick with her raspy tongue before heading off in search of a kill.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: ShadowwWolf on November 26, 2011, 10:18:26 pm
I hope i'm doing this right. ;;

User name: ShadowwWolf
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3) Naomi APV
Screenshot:(Required) (http://i42BannedImageSite/20k6nt2.png)
Species: Black leopard
Gender: Female
Age: Young adult, 2 years
Description: Dark sleek fur that's almost a bluish color, she's thin, long-legged, sleek, smaller than normal leopards her size.
Personallity: Naomi is sly, she favors stealth, smooth talker, keeps quiet
History: Naomi was abandoned at a young age, just being wheened off of her mother's milk, she was taken in by a pride that was later destroyed by a mysterious pack of large felines, she survived by herself, learning to live alone.
Mate/Offspring: N/A
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.) Hunting, stealth, fighting
RP sample: (Required;Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.) Naomi crept silently along, her tail lifted off of the ground as she pushed her way throught he tall grass, stopping to listen for her target, making sure it wouldn't move, she continued, nearly inaudible until finally she reached the edge of the tall grass. Spotting her prey she flung herself forward, juking to the side at the last minute, expecting the horror-striken antelope veer off accidently in her direction, and she was waiting when it did. (Got carried away ;;)
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Emberflame on November 27, 2011, 02:02:02 am
GREAT NEWS!!! dad's computer is fixed! if he lets me, I can get on FH again! note: IF HE LETS ME
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: evelynn on December 14, 2011, 07:55:05 pm
I've been having lots of trouble with winRAR. So it's been hard to download the map. I had to reinstall Fh,due to a server error, and I installed FH+. Both FH, and FH+ have been fighting me.  But I will be more active after I get this fixed. 
This is the best RP I've been in so far.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Emberflame on December 14, 2011, 08:14:24 pm
ow... thats tough. I wont be very active, u know... school and stuff (AND my bro keeps hogging the computer, he is like a ZOMBIE when hes on the thing)
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: will156 on December 14, 2011, 11:12:22 pm
User name:will156
Character name:Natavi APV
Screenshot: http://i41BannedImageSite/ezeqmo.png (http://i41BannedImageSite/ezeqmo.png)
Species: Lioness
Gender: female
Age: 6.5 months aprox.
Description: Natavi is a cub who breaked away of an abusibe mother. She has scars all over her caffe-colored body. She has beautiful light blue eyes and screamy colored innerbelly.
Personallity: Natavi is a tomboyish, rebel, but anyways shy cubbie. She always thinks it's  is going to be all bad, but usually it cames out well. When she gets to meet someone well she opens up her heart to that person.
History: Natavi is daughter of Razi and a rougue father. Anyways, her mother was too young and  started  to abuse Natavi. As soon she learned a few hunting tricks, she started hunting little mieces to eat. The abuses continued, and when her mother was spleeping once, she took the chance and snaked out.
Mate/Offspring: None.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Looking for one.
Your character is best at?: For now she loves singing, when she's an adult she wants to be a hunter.
RP sample: Natavi watched out her sleepy mom with a "cool smile" expression in her face.  She  knew it was the moments she waited for since the abuse started. Her tail flicked in the air as she started to run feeling the mud in her paws and the rain drops in her weat nose. "You did it, Natavi, you did."-She said for herself and ran, ran to the nowhere, but enjoying the moment and smiling like she never did before.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Bruton on December 17, 2011, 12:37:16 am
Im sorry I haven't been active for a while, I've just been so busy.  I'll try to get on FH more during break.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: River-White-Wolf on December 17, 2011, 01:55:49 am
I'm sorry about kind of... disappearing. Is there any chance I could re-join the group?
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Emberflame on December 17, 2011, 04:27:16 am
I'm FINNALLY online... but every time I'm on the map is deserted... and I sent group request, i'm Falcon APV
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: zeitgeist on December 20, 2011, 11:08:15 pm
Putting this in bright green so you may see it :)
My Computer has unfourtunetly died and we wont have another for months *Sob*
So that mean no FeralHeart for a Loooooong while and ill have to type from my IPod till further notice. :(
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Emberflame on December 20, 2011, 11:25:39 pm
aww, that so sad! D:
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: zeitgeist on December 27, 2011, 05:19:49 am
Hey guys sadly my computer is still broken and I will be stuck playing the sims for a couple months but I may be active sooner then months like maybe a week too because my step-father has a big paycheck for Christmas. :) Hope the RP is gaining members and activity and happy holidays! :D
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: LionHeart56 on December 31, 2011, 12:45:21 am
Just letting you guys know I had a hell of a time trying to get the game back as I had it after installing both FH+ and the newest patch! But I'm back! Now I'll just download the new map and I'll be ready to RP again!
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Jessie Dagger on January 02, 2012, 09:57:45 pm
User name:Jessie Dagger
Character name:Tasha APV
Screenshot:(If someone could tell me how I would gladly put one)
Age:2 1/2 (human years)
Description:Tasha is a female Aardwolf,she wants to find,or make a pack of her own,and be leader of the pack.But if she only joins one,thats ok too in her mind.
Personallity:She is loyal,kind,cheerful,Mean (she has temper snaps..)and she trys her best to be helpful
History:She was brought by humans to the reserve,and doesn't like the humans anymore,they took her from her family,tranquilized her,shoved her in a crate,and flew her to the reserve.She will not tolerate anyone mean,or snapy.When they humans landed in the reserve,they left her in a thick patch of grass.She was then found by some other canines (can't say yet because it will happen when I enter the map :3)To be continued...........
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:Looking to join a pack
Your character is best at?(Optional):She is best at hunting,and 50/50 at fighting.Everything else she is ok at,but not her best.
RP sample:Tasha awoke slowly from the effects of the tranquilizer wearing off,everything was blurry.Out of the blur she could see aproching canines,she couldn't make out their species.They grabed her and pulled her to their pack,by then she was able to see a little better.she heard voices whispering around her,and she was afraid.Then a vioce asked her,Why were you in our territory?.She answered slowly."Y-your territory?I didn't know...Or intend to cross...I am new to this strange place.....Please do not harm me...I do not wish to be harmed,after all I am new to this...Uh where am I?"she asked cautious of her words.The voice answered,You are in A african reserve.(To be continued....)

EDIT!: Please ignore this post, I am going to join this role-play with a different character so tell me if I should like delete all the words..
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: zeitgeist on January 02, 2012, 10:32:22 pm
*Explosion of joy*
Our computer will be back online sooner then I expected! <3
Our good friend  has brought one to test the poor hard drive on to see if the tax stuff is okay.
Lemme hear a, few hallelujahs! :D
       Hope the RP is doing Fantastic! ;) Let there be many people online, sincerly
                Saylee :D
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Emberflame on January 06, 2012, 12:17:51 am
wow, I keep forgetting to get on XD I have not checked in a while, but I dont really bother becuase knowones ever on... GET ON FOR ONCE PLEASE!
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Nenet on January 11, 2012, 09:53:15 pm
User name: Nenet
Character name: NenetAVP
Species: African Cheetah
Gender: Female
Age: 9 years old
Description: Her coat is pale gold with tawny brown spots. She's rather small, and although she adores running, she's not very strong.
Personallity: She's quite reclusive, and prefers to observe others from afar. If approached, she'll most likely run, especially if there is more than one animal. Although, don't let her shyness fool you, she is far from sweet. She can be very cruel and a big pest if she feels that you cannot catch her. Her favorite passtime is annoying the local lion pride; they can never catch her.
History: Sold to a village man as a small cub, Nenet never knew her mother. She escaped when she was two, by chewing through her rope leash. She's now content to simply run through the savanna. She has no desire for a mate, or even to find her mother, if she's still alive.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Absolute loner. She might hang around a select few on occasion, but she'll never consider herself part of a pack. When war breaks out, she takes no sides, except to perhaps help an animal that she is fond of.
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.) Due to her speed, she'd make an excellent hunter. Not so much for fighting, as stated before, she's rather weak. Gazelle are no problem. Lion/bigger cheetah: problem.
RP sample: Sadly I don't have an RP sample :( I've not been RPing on this site for long.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: zeitgeist on January 12, 2012, 01:06:08 am
Id like to ask that my character, Haruka APV Be removed from the RP please, and that this one take his place, I just got my comp back up, sorry for inactivity ^^

Screen Shot:x:(http://i39BannedImageSite/14m5czo.png)
Character Name:x: Shojo APV
Gender:x: Male
Age:x:3 Years old
Description:x: He is a dark grey/black color with blotches of black splattered over his pelt.
Personality:x: More of a lone type, he grew up rather solitary being the only survivor of his litter.  He does have a hard time breaking the ice with other people and is distant, keeping to himself mostly, though on rare occasion he will approach other leopards in curiosity.
History:x: Originally born not to far from the African Plain Valley he grew up quickly having been the biggest in his litter.  When his mother had left to find a missing sister a human had found they're home and stolen away with them.  The human took them to a small safari village and raised them to be pets for the village with discipline and whips.  His smaller more helpless brothers and sisters died during the harsh training leaving him alone to make his way home.  He later attacked his so called "master" leaving only his throat-missing body behind.  He was capable of defending himself at this point being he was already 2-years old.  He traveled around for a year arriving at the African Plains Valley in the end.
Mate/Offspring:x: N/A
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:x: He may if its necessary for survival join a small group/medium group of his own kind.  Otherwise a complete loner.
Your character is best at?(Optional):x:  Being raised as a pet/slave in a safari village had great training, he is almost a master hunter excelling in speed and precision but lacking greatly in herbs and care, making him vulnerable to sustained injury such as, broken bones, sprains, etc.
RP Sample:x:  Shojo yawned, his dark pelt slithering across the crumbling leaves hearing the refreshing sound of crunching and popping leaves.  He sighed padding toward the plains he was hungry most in the morning and less in the afternoon.  He stopped, hearing sustained crunching nearby.  He crouched low his stomach flattened on the ground his back straight as he brushed over the leaves searching for the nearby presence.  His nostrils flared a large leopard like himself was padding nearby.  He hissed quietly moving towards it ready to pounce it was a male, he could smell the aggression coming from him already, he heard Shojo and was searching for him.  He growled, warning the tawny leopard of his presence.  The leopard hissed and snarled like a wild pig flexing long needle like claws.  Shojo stopped readying for his lunge and, springing.  He landed directly on top of it, his fang and claw embedding themselves into its flesh the warm bittersweet taste of blood gushing into his mouth.  There they went, in a clash of teeth and claw.  Shojo whirled the leopard slashing at his thigh he lunged at it, clawing into its face his fangs sinking in its muzzle he could feel bone and taste his own blood at the sides of his mouth.  He froze for half a second before smashing his lower jaw into his hold on the muzzle almost cracking the bones in its jaw. he released jumping back his body leaking dark messy blood his glossy pelt now covered with his opponents blood.   He growled limping towards his roost in the tree yowling lowly.
That's it for my new characters app, hope its detailed better then my last. Ive been practicing :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: evelynn on January 15, 2012, 06:27:34 pm
Hey guys! I know I'm not the mod but can we all try to meet *this up coming Saturday at 3:00 Eastern time??
* on January 21st?
Hope to RP with you guys!
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Kula on January 17, 2012, 09:50:22 am
UserName- Kula
CharreName- Bianka AVP
Screenie- Link....>>http://emmy-cakes.deviantart.com/art/Bianka-279889809 (http://emmy-cakes.deviantart.com/art/Bianka-279889809)
Species- White Lion
Gender- Female
Age- Adult
Description- Bianka is a rare white lioness. She has stunning blue eyes and has a slim figure however she is strong. Do not underestimate her.
Personality- Bianka seeks acceptance. She is a kind and caring lioness but recent events have lead her to be more..reserved and withdrawn. If you respect her she will respect you but if you dont..there WILL be a problem. Sarcastic sometimes, but over all she is a wise and down to earth lioness.
History- Bianka is a fallen queen.. Her mate, the king replaced her. Before hand she had been missing but to her he and the pride was missing.. Finally she found them, to her great dislike he was with another lioness..the new queen. She has been on her own ever since, seeking revenge and a new kingdom..where she will be Queen once again.
Mate/Offspring- N/A
Status- Loner but looking to start or join a pride.
Strengths- Bianka is a great leader. Strong, smart and understanding. Before being a queen she often scouted and watched the cubs when she had the chance.
Sample- The dry grass crunched and crackled under the weight of her blood crusted paws. She'd been walking for days now, no food and little water. It still came as a shock to her that she was no longer queen. Nevering being on her own before this all was new to her and she was doing her best to survive. A loud chuff escaped her lips, calling out for anyone else out there..her efforts failed.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: LionHeart56 on January 20, 2012, 11:24:36 pm
Hey guys! I know I'm not the mod but can we all try to meet *this up coming Saturday at 3:00 Eastern time??
* on January 21st?
Hope to RP with you guys!
Sure, I am up for it! I just need to get the map back running and Kahawa will be back up and running!
EDIT: Nevermind, I need to get FH itself back! *facepalm*
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: zeitgeist on January 23, 2012, 07:23:04 pm
Guys literally, WHY U NO BE ONLINE?
I miss having RP in the lovely map with a whole Eco-system of animals <3
 So please try to get on more this isn't scolding, I am encouraging <3
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Kula on January 23, 2012, 10:17:22 pm
Just wondering if you are in fact. Taking appies for your rp and if so will it be long before you get back to us?
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: evelynn on January 24, 2012, 05:12:15 am
I think there is 1) confusion over the time zone differences, and 2) people having issues with their computers.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: ponyHORSE61 on February 02, 2012, 02:28:21 am
Where is the map download lol????
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: zeitgeist on February 02, 2012, 02:53:43 am
Where is the map download lol????
Look under her first post and with the little sig theres a link to "My Maps" its in there. :)
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Yinga1 on February 16, 2012, 01:43:38 am
I have question: can I create Serval in there? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serval (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serval)

Because I love servals very much and i love that map <'D And IF I can make Preset for that?
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Grosskatze on February 18, 2012, 01:19:30 pm
User name: Grosskatze
Character name: Tendu'a APV (means Leopard in Hindi)  
Screenshot: (http://i42.servimg.com/u/f42/17/02/07/98/screen14.jpg)
Species: Leopard Gender: Female Age: 1 Y, 4 M, 2 D  
Description: Tendu'a is a young Leopard female who likes to play with her prey.  
Personallity: She's friendly, but a bit hectic, and she likes to explore new places.  
History: She don't knows what happens before she wokes up in a big yellow land. Later she experiences that the yellow land is a desert.  
Mate/Offspring: /  Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: I make my own leopard group.  

Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.) Hunting.  
RP sample: Tendua feels a pain in her left shoulder when her wokes up. ,,Hello? Is anyone else here!?'' She feels tired and thirsty. She goes out to search a puddle with water and a den to sleep in it.  
"Reflection Cave is an APV Den."
 I want this: ??? next to my name, ok? X3  
And can my group Panterri Pride (AP Valley) claim the leopard den? Please! *mega kitteh eyes* XDD  

User name: Grosskatze
Character name: Tamba APV Screenshot: (http://i42.servimg.com/u/f42/17/02/07/98/tambaw10.jpg) (http://i42.servimg.com/u/f42/17/02/07/98/tambaw11.jpg)  
Species: African Wilddog (actually ive got hyena markings for her because i realy need a good preset maker who makes a free Wilddog preset for me!? . )  
Gender: Female Age: 1 Year(s), 2 Month, and, 4 Days  
Description: Tamba is a young Wilddog female with a very beautiful brown, white, orange and black pelt.  
Personallity: She's friendly, and she likes to explore new places. She can be very aggressive.  
History: She was born in endless plains. (fh+). There she has got a mate. but she must go away 'cause a BIG sandstorm has destroyed her family's home.  
Mate/Offspring: /
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: I am a loner.  
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.) hunting, and, watching pups.  
RP sample: Tamba walks about 7 days. Then she sees an other desert! ,,Whats that!?'' There are odd black and white things running over the sand. She lays down in the sand. she sleeps a little bit. when she wokes up, the odd coloured cheetah-things are away. She goes out to explore her new home.  
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Skull Kid on February 19, 2012, 10:00:59 pm
User name: Skull Kid
Character name: Aldus AVP
Screenshot: (http://i40BannedImageSite/nede2r.png)Species:
White Barbary Lion
Gender: Male
Age: 4
Description: Aldus has an almost immaculate white pelt. He has very pale blue, almost white, orbs and a pink nose.
Personality: He's quite spiritual, calm and knowledgeable. Shaman-like. He can be very energetic. Has a very likeable personality and is generally very friendly and helpful. He's pretty much a good-do-er.
History: Aldus has a pretty boring history. He was raised in a pride full of barbary lions, his mother was a carrier in the white gene, producing him, a lone child. He grew up and eventually it came time for him to leave home and start his own pride or join a new.
Mate/Offspring: N/A
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to start/join a lion Pride.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Aldus is very wise. He's good at dictating and helping others. He does however also have brute strength which comes handy in combat.
RP sample: Aldus kept low to ground, as low as possible. His pelt was always a hindrance when it came to  hunting. He stuck out like a sore thumb, but zebra grazing in thick, dried out brush was a perfect, impassible opportunity. He craned his neck slightly and sharply, thrusting his white mane away from his eyes. He was down wind, so he could get as close as possible to the zebra without being detected. He made not a sound as he travelled closer and closer. If he could just get close enough to grab one of the equines with his large claws he would have it in the bag. His large muscular stature made him not the quickest of beasts.
He was now merely meters away from an unsuspecting grazing zebra. The only problem was he was directly behind it's rear quarters. It's deadly, powerful hind legs. He picked up his pace, swerving side ways as to avoid its hinds. Feeling he was close enough the large white male leapt from the brush and wrapped his strong forelimbs around the neck of the prey. His claws pierced through it's skin with ease as he proceeded to grasp it with his jaws, around the gullet of the frantic zebra. The weight of his body on its vertabrae limited its struggle severely, making it an easy win for him. With a great sidewards thrust of his dome, he twisted it's neck. SNAP ... The zebra fell to the floor with an almighty thud. The large white male stood proud as the dust cleared from around him and the corpse of the equine. Aldus would most certainly be eating tonight.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: meowool on February 25, 2012, 05:18:52 pm
User name: meowool
Character name: Samaki AVP
Screenshot: (http://i1169.photobucket.com/albums/r515/meowool/screenshot_02252012_164616282-1.png)
Species: Cheetah
Gender: Female
Age: Around 8 months
Description: Pale, sandy coloured king cheetah with dark amber eyes
History: Samaki was born in the reserve, just before the Humans finally killed off all the fish in the river so her family left the reserve. Now she has left her mother and her two brothers, she is eager to see how her birth place has changed.
Mate/Offspring: none. (has two fictional brothers)
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Maybe, I'll see how it turns out in RP.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Fishing, (she is named after the fish.) Has a knowledge of the healing basics.
RP sample: (Required;Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.) She placed a paw down on the grass. Her first into the reserve. It looked about the same as the step before. There was a sign saying 'No entry beyond this point' but as she didn't understand it, she ignored it. Following her nose, she started loping towards a source of water, as she had not drunken for a couple of days.

"Reflection Cave is an APV Den."
Other: I'm in the GMT time zone, I may not be really active as I have GCSEs coming up, but I will try and RP a least once a week. XD
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Jessie Dagger on April 04, 2012, 11:42:15 pm
I have a question, is this RP accepting members still? I have a African Wild Dog preset, I hope that is alright (please forgive me if I posted this question or an application on here, just ignore it this would be my real character)
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: ashsong on April 14, 2012, 04:33:04 am
User name: MoonWolf3
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3) Raini APV
Screenshot:(Required) COMING SOON(im on my ipad)
Species: Caracal
Gender: Female
Age: 2(14)
Description: Raini is your everyday caracal, tan fur, bobbed tail, tassled ears. But her eyes are a strange icey blue, and she somehow got ahold of a bat necklace, possibly put on her when she was shipped?
Personallity: kind, sweet, but territorial, CAN be rude and edgey, but rarely happens
History: Raini was a sweet little caracal cub back at the Idiali Plains, but when she was transfered tothe Yatamio Vally, she was a bitter cub. She had hatred for everyone and everything there, she scowled 24/7, and always had a rude tone of voice, but she was tranfered once again, and this time it was AP Valley. Now she's once again that sweet hearted Caracal, but this time an adult.
Mate/Offspring: none :(
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: yup!
Your character is best at?(Optional): Fighting, sometimes shes a skillful hunter, depends how awake and alert sheis
RP sample: (Required;Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.)
As Raini crept through the perfectly dense long savvanah grass, she almost hit her head on a rock when she noticed how close she was to the zebra. She almost pounced when something 'hit' her, "Maybe i should go at a better angle.." so she moved to the left, closer to it's neck, she crept closer, lept at it. WHAM! She hit her head on something, another feline? A canine? Right the first time, it was a lion. "You made me lose my kill!" Raini yelled at the lion as the zebra hopped away. "YOUR kill?!" the lion roared back.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: luham on April 19, 2012, 10:07:40 pm
Character Name: Avala AVP
Species: Leopard
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Description: Regular colored leopard with sapphire eyes and a lean muscular body
Personality: Gentle, calm, at times tempermental, helpful, and agile
History: Deposited at just a few weeks old in the Ficho Tunnel and was teased and tormented by the crocodiles that lived in the water. One day beaten to harshly by them a fox carried me away and to the South Pole where I adjusted to the cold and learned how to live on my own.
Mate/Offspring: N/A
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack: Looking to join pride
Best at: Healing/Fighting
RP: Avala drew a long breath and padded down to the shore where bits of tussock grass poked out. She twitched her ears as she heard something noisily trampling around the area and turned abruptly to see a reddish-brown fox with icy-blue eyes and curving teeth. She growled and pounced at him, unsheathing her claws while doing so, pinning the stranger down beneath her much heavier weight.
Den Name: Leopard Den (Medium)
2nd Choice: Oceanridge Den
Comments: Sorry I couldn't post a picture of myself, my computer keeps acting up whenever I do so. :3
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Era.. on April 22, 2012, 02:01:46 pm
User name: Era..
Character name: Uhai AVP
Species: African Lion
Gender: Female
Description: Typical tawny pelt with a creamish underbelly and neck. Well built for speed and strength.
Personality: Shy at times, but when around family and friends she had be abit annoyingly hyper. Arrogant at moments and even with the seemingly happy go lucky side Uhai has an aggressive side when put in a situation where needing to defend herself or another.
History: Grew up in a pride along side cousins, two brothers and a sister, but once having reached adulthood she struck out on her own to find a new pride to join(This is considered rare for a lioness to do, but it does happen in the wild).
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join a pride
Your character is best at?(Optional): Hunting
RP sample: Stalking through the night eyeing the zebra as they stood around not even aware of the predator that watched them. Each was a potential meal, but she would take her time in picking out the right one. There was no point in rushing into the herd and picking a strong one wasting her own energy and time. After afew minutes of watching the herd Uhai crouched lower and began her advance on the herd once a foal had been spotted straying away from the group. As soon as she was close enough without giving herself away hind legs shot her forward and paws hit the dirt using claws to grip the ground as she headed straight for her target. Within moments it was over the the foals throat was buried in her jaws. (Sorry its short don't have time to write out a longer one right now.                                           Didn't you hear? "Sonya loves the rain"
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: ffdani on May 13, 2012, 04:38:48 pm
User name: ffdani
Character name: Leaf APV
Species:Etheopian Wolf
Age: 3yrs old
Description: Redish sandish color, with a lighter underfur, and black tail-tip and paws
Personallity: Cheerful and content, she rarely looses her temper. She can be a bit sarcastic when irratated. She is kind and caring, and always helps someone in need. She dislikes fighting, but will do it feircly if necesary.
History: As a pup she lived with mother and father, in a brocken treethrunk. She was a good hunter, and her father often took her on hunting expeditions. they were loners, not belonging to a pack. One day, however, she was hunting with her father when they were attcked by a pack of African Wilddogs. They bairly escaped. Her mother taught her how to use herbs for wounds that day, and she was great at it ever since. WHen she was old enough, she disliked the idea of leaving her parents to fend for themselves. She found a friendly pack of Ethiopian Wolves that took them in. Leaf journed on.
     She lived her life on the road, never staying in one place for long. She heard myths of a place, a place were there was plentiful food and water. Curious, and suspitious if it was true, she traveled with a Leapord to the place. Sadly, the leapord refused to stay, saying that there might still be humans around, for her parents were killed by humans. Leaf understood, and, for once in her life since she left her parents, she dicided to stay in this mysterious place.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Loner for now :)
Your character is best at?: Healing and hunting. She is also a very fast runner :)
RP sample: Leaf stalked foward, slowly, folowing what seemed to be a hare. she sighed deeply, focusing her mind on the prey. Leaping out, she soared through the air, landing a tail-lenght from it. She leaped foward, hot on it's paws. Leaf sped up, gaining on the hare, feeling the air through her fur, feeling as if she could fly. The hare made a steep turn, and Leaf could bairly avoid hitting a tree. She gave a meer gruntin frustration, but her eyes showed amusment. Kicking off from the tree, Leaf picked up spped, and with a final bound, caught the naughty rabbit. Holding the prey in her jaws, she walked off, holding her head up in pride.  
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Huntsman on July 05, 2012, 07:02:48 am
http://breyerdog1.deviantart.com/art/Syrenity-312678115 (http://breyerdog1.deviantart.com/art/Syrenity-312678115)
User name:Huntsman
Character name:Syrinity APV or Syri APV
Species:Maned Wolf
Age:2 1/2 - 17 in human years I think
Description:Syri has a dark redish orange coat with black markings. she's tall and long, kinda thin from starvation, but over all natural. Bright light blue eyes in both and a white tipped tail.
Personallity:Syri can be... A mean girl when angered or threatened. nothing mean will go un punished if it's major to her. but if you treat her kindly or ingore her, she'll do the same to you. If you want to meet her, you'd have to go talk to her first. She usually won't go up to anyone.
History:Syri was a normal healthy pup at a sanctuary. She had two brothers and a mother. Their father had been 'transfered' or so they were told. Nothing important or fun. anyways, Syri was left with her family, until they were all sent away to the same place. Syri had woken up and come out from the den, only to find a baren landscape. She'd run away from home, found many places to live and a new family but they had run off as well. Syri was two when she officially left for good.
Mate/OfAspring:Wishing for both
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:Loner, looking to start a small pack of maned wolves but rethinking it.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Following/running scouting all int he same catagory XD. She loves to do them but since she's alone, she must do most of the jobs.
RP sample:

Huffing, Syrinity walked into a place, where the smell of felines and canines filled her nose. Hope rose in her, as she looked around her for someone. But her shyness kept her frozen. 'Maybe someone will find me...' she thought, but gave up as she spotted water. running to the source, Syri bent down to take a sip of the coll water.

Reflecting Cave is an APV Cave? In white?
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: LionHeart56 on August 13, 2012, 04:44:45 pm

I can't believe I forgot about you guys! I'm sorry~ D:

I'll try to get back to you guys! I promise, when I can I'll DL the map and get back to the RP, I will. 
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: funnylioness4536 on August 22, 2012, 12:28:56 am
Name:Zaina APV
Screenshot:(dont no how to take one)
Personality:Shes kind and sweet bit is hard headed and will fight when provoked.
History:She has been on her own since she was a teen.She was kicked out of her old pride when i new male took over killing her old leader.
Loner/want to join pride:wants to join pride
My character is best at hunting and fighting.
Rp Sample:She watched the orange sun go down,she was tired from her fight with the hyenas for food. She wondered if she would ever catch a break with them.Zaina remembered hen she was a cub and food was brought to her she from her mothers belly."ah thoughs where the easy days"she said out loud.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Malix on August 22, 2012, 10:28:36 pm
User Name: Malix
Character Name: Malix APV


Species: Tiglon (same as a Tigon/Ligon/Liger, but the mother is a lion and the father is a tiger, making the child relatively SMALLER than a Tigon)

Gender: Female
Age: 4

Description: A short, awny pelt; she had the faded markings of her tiger heritage and a mutated tail. Large ears are folded back from the hybridization as well. White underbelly was often dulled as she was fond of laying in sand and dirt to keep cool.

Personality.: Bipolar. Social at times, reclusive at others because of her dual nature. She uses her weight to advantage to push those weaker than her around, but had a motherly aspect to her, almsot grandparent where she had lived long enough to understand her experiences and make use of them or share them with others. Voracious, would eat anything given the chance seeing as she lived alone in the desert for a long time. She was mysterious, but did joke on occasion, albiet rather morbid musings.

History: Lived with her mother for as long as she could remember, abandoned by the pride when Malix reached a year. She lived in the desert until her mothers death and survived on her own since. She has tried joining other prides but they would immediately chase her away when other members would accept her, leaving her confused and untrusting of others. Fearless around hyena, seeing as her jaw force could match their own with her strength. Has grown to be al oner, but not out of choice. She learned many things in her travels and uses them today.

Mate: None
Offspring: None

Loner/Looking to Join pride: Both are fine. I would like a group, but as long as I can RP!

Best Attribute: Healing (Witchdoctor)

RP Sample:

A warm day in the desert was too monotonous for the lass so she made her way toward the deadlands to have a bit of fun. When heavy paws pushed into the dried, flaking clay surface of the deadlands her nose would pick up a familiar scent, ears soon catching the rolls of laughter from hyena. The large beast of a hybrid pushed her weight forward and took off running. Time to chase someone off a kill for an easy meal! Being big was always good for avoiding a direct fight...most of the time.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: krazydelaney on August 28, 2012, 06:16:18 pm
*sigh* I remember this roleplay. I barely ever got to RP in it. No one was ever on.
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Poppyheart on November 14, 2012, 03:06:50 am
User name: Poppyheart
Character name: Gur APV
Screenshot: (http://i47BannedImageSite/epr8zt.png)
Species: Lion
Gender: Lioness
Age: Three Years
Description: A pretty, sandy colored lioness. She has a slim form unlike many others, and is small-ish for her age.
Personality: She has a calm, caring side, which she usually shows to unknown cats, unless she is feeling hungry [starved, that is] and/or extremely parched. Even though she is nice to most cats, she is very energetic when fighting, but usually strays from a fight.
History: Born in a far away zoo, Gur lived there for her whole life. She hated it there, and always wanted to get away. Her father had told her that the humans wanted to mate her with a young male she did not know the name of. When the day came, her one instinct was escape. So she tried to. She had scrabbled over the fence with a defiant roar, and was shot in her left hind leg by an unexperienced two-foot. She was then tranquilized and taken to a mysterious land in a huge metal bird.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner, may join a pride. She does however, want a mate, so she can experience something other than a "Planned marriage."
Your character is best at?(Optional): Fighting with teeth, Stealth & Stamina.
RP sample: Gur shuddered, watching the two-foot group come in closer with long sticks with ropes at the tip. Her father had told her of the horrible day he and her mother had to get cubs together, but in the end it was alright so she should,
  "Go with it and just breathe," she quoted her father, cautiously watching the group of strange two-foots with the ropes came closer. Letting out a low growl, the lioness stalked closer to one of the two-foots. It stood its ground, so she growled louder. Then with an enormous blow, she struck it aside with her head. There were cries of fear as the rampaging lion scrambled over a high glass fence, using the male lion--that happened to be cornered as well--as a launchpad. She landed on the twig thin top, teetered a bit, and landed with a thump on a hard, grey-blue stone ground. Roaring in frustration, she felt a huge pain in her hind leg. Twisting to try and lick the wound, she felt a rather happy sensation as another prick, smaller this time, got her belly. Some more little pricks and all of the pain seemed to fade out as the world became black and she fell into a long sleep...

Character Name/s or Group Name: Gur
Den Name: Leopard den & Funky tree next to it
Screenshot of Object: Is this the leopard den or am I wrong?:
2nd Choice: She'll be a traveler then, and may stop by in random dens she finds. Remember to protect your dens, guys!
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: silverdawn on November 23, 2012, 05:54:29 pm
Is thig rp still open?(I ask because of the date of the last post) This rp seems really interesting, if it's still open I'd love to join! :D
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: Jessie Dagger on November 23, 2012, 10:20:36 pm
I am pretty sure it died, seeing as no one has posted..
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: silverdawn on November 24, 2012, 01:33:01 am
Yeah... it seemed really good though :/
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: rihanna789 on December 16, 2012, 01:28:33 pm
User name:rihanna789
Character name:Rih APV
Screenshot: file:///C:/FeralHeart/screenshots/screenshot_12162012_152707773.png
Description:She has a dark brown fur, and a marking on her back, eyes are very light blue, is smal-ish for her age.
Personallity:kind, nice, hates rude people, loves to practise on running she might be too fast.
History:once there was a clan and the queen gave birth to a lioness the lioness grow up and, she would become the queen but she exiled herself because she would die, she growed in savanah woods.
Mate/Offspring:friend zoned by asad
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional):shes looking for a frendly pride, ultra dream pride 1lion and 4 lionesses.
Your character is best at?:Hunting, fighting,
RP sample:as she was grown in savanah woods, she also met a lion, she said *hello there* the lion was dark black fur, and runed as fast as it can and... he attacked me and i have to fight so, the fight was won by me, now i never ever say hello to mysterious people
Title: Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
Post by: rihanna789 on December 16, 2012, 01:32:11 pm
P.S SERVAL island 10 okay ?