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Tutorial for the Object Maker

What is the Object Maker?

The Object Maker is for arranging meshes. It gives you the possibility to add your own meshes, scale them and add CollBoxes/CollSpheres or WaterBoxes/Waterspheres.

Getting started!

So, to add your own Mesh into the Game, you have to paste your Mesh-File, your Material-File and your Texture-File into the worldObjects-Folder, or into the Mapfolder of your already existing map. (requires that you have saved a new map in mapmaker first)

Release > Media > objects

You can also putu the Mesh into your Map-Folder. That is highly recommendet when doing a Mesh for custom Maps.

Please note, that the Game should be closed bevore adding the Files.

Use the Object Maker.

To use the Object Maker, start the Game, click on Settings, then on Object Maker.

At first a new Screen will show up.

The first Tab is "Object"

To add your own Mesh, you won't need that really, except if you want to test your arranged Meshes and see how they would look in the Game. Then click on "Test" and you will be at the scene with a Lion to Test the Meshes.

Now to add your own/new Mesh.

Click on "Mesh".

Then you will have a new tab.

In the Line "Mesh" you write the exact name of your Mesh. Dont forget to write everytime the .mesh behind it.

Under that you will insert the Material. It has to be exact named too. If you wrote anything wrong, your Mesh won't be found, or it will be show up pure white. The easiest thing is just to insert the meshname.mesh and then click "add new", it will automaticly set the material to the mesh.

Have you wrote everything right, then click on "Add New". Ur Mesh will show up.

Do you want to edit the look of your mesh, like adding a new texture, then simply open the material file of the mesh, add a new material, save it, go to object maker, load the mesh, deletee the original material name, replace it with your new material name and click on "update.


stone.mesh -> stone.mesh

stoneMat -> stone2Mat

It can be named every way, Stone, Stone2, StoneMat2 etc. pp.

Next things is to adjust ur Mesh, if that is desired or needet.

With "Scale" u can change the Mesh. First and third will make ur Mesh be grow in width. The middle one will let it grow up high.

With "Position" u can change the position of ur Mesh. That is usefull if u add more Meshes.

U can add more than just one Mesh into the scene. If u already have a Mesh in ur scene, then click "Add New" to get a second Mesh (it even can be a new Mesh out of ur File, u could add a Tree) or if u want ur current Mesh twice then just click "Clone". Ur Mesh will appear at the very same place and in the very same scale as ur current Mesh (except if u add diffrent Mesh). U can arrange the Meshes now with the "Position". They will move ur Mesh to the left, right or get it into the Ground or up in the Sky.

If u press SHIFT or CTRL u can make ur Scale- or Position-Number exalt/smite faster/slower, ALT makes it even faster.. With the Tab u can switch between the Meshes, u can also just click on them.

With "Delete" u can delete the choosen Mesh.

With "Hide" u can hide an choosen Mesh. It is possible to use that on more tan one Mesh at the same time.

With "Show All" u can get all ur Meshes show up again.

Watch out to not click Reset in accident. It will reset all ur settings on the choosen Mesh.

If u want to add a collsion on ur Mesh, then click on the tab "Collision".

There u can see the Collision Type.

First 2 ones are standable, the last 2 ones are swimmable.

Boxes are.. well.. Boxes and Spheres are Balls.

The Option in here work the same as in the "Mesh"-tab.

If u want to test ur Collisions, then u can choose in "Object" if u want to see the Collisions in the Test mode or not. Just make a click in the box for "Show Collisions".

You can also use the "Mesh-Collison" in the Mesh tab, it will add a collision to the whole mesh, aka make it solid. Better test it then bevore placing it ingame, some meshes arent good to use the mesh-coll.

Have u setted all ur desired Meshes and Collisions? Good. Now u want to save them to get them In game! Click on "Object".

Now u can give ur arrangement a own Name. I gave a stone, as example, the name "Brownstone".

The Group is where it will be saved. For own Meshes, which wount be official ingame, u should make an own one. Just write in the Group line the name u want for, i saved my official objects in "worldObjectsExtra". If u name ur Group another way, the Object Maker will create a new File automaticly in the Objects Folder. You can use every name for it, just be sure that name dont already exists. Its the easiest way to name the object group like the map you are planning on, cause you can move that object list later into your map-folder.

Have filled out the Name and Group? Okay. Now click on Save. DONE!

If u want to continue with a new Mesh, then click clear and u will start with a new scene. If u want to work on an existing Mesh then choose the Group, a List will appear (Object) and shows up the Meshes which are in the Group. Click the Mesh u want to work on and then click "Load". Ur choosen Meshes will appear and u can start/continue to work on them.

Adding Particles and Billboards work the same. Except that you cant scale Particles.

Just click on "Effect Maker" and you will come to the Effect Maker Screen.

To add a Billborad, write in the Billboard.material-Name, to insert a Particle, write the Particles NAME in it :) (U can see in the Particle File how your Particle is named).

To save a Particlle or Billboard, go back to the Object Maker (Button is on Billboard Screen) and save it like a normal Object, or add other Meshes.

Music in the Object Maker?

Yes, that works. Just add a mesh to the scene, arrange it how you like it and go back to the Object-tab. BEVORE you save, there is a line with "Sound" at the bottom. Writre the EXACT name of you soundfile in it. FeralHeart is supporting WAV and MP3. Example: Music.mp3 or Music.wav

That is all to use the Object Maker and Effect Maker. :)


Game Controls
Basic Controls
In-Game Menus
Chat Box Toggle
Map Toggle
Info and Bio
Actions and Emotes
Character Creation
IV + V
Preset Making
Preset Tutorial
Getting A Preset In-Game
Map Making
Height Maps
Terrain Masks
Getting Maps In-Game
Adding Objects
Sky Maker
Object Making
Making Objects